
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:李燕,徐靜 主編,孫蓉,伍光琴 副主編  頁數(shù):387  




本書為高職高專系列教材之一,共十七個單元,主要包括:旅游咨詢,預(yù)訂客房,客房服務(wù),餐飲服務(wù),通信服務(wù),會議服務(wù),宴會服務(wù),消遣服務(wù),地陪服務(wù),參觀游覽,景點介紹,旅游購物,解決投訴,應(yīng)對難題,退房服務(wù),傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日,旅游廣告等內(nèi)容。每個單元由“單元目標(biāo)、背景知識、實訓(xùn)材料、詞匯擴展和導(dǎo)游須知”五個模塊組成。每個單元一個主題,同時涵蓋聽、說、讀、寫基本訓(xùn)練?! ”窘滩臉?gòu)思獨特,內(nèi)容新穎,實用性強,使用面廣。突出了“以典型工作任務(wù)為邏輯主線落實教學(xué)內(nèi)容”的特點??晒└呗毟邔<耙陨纤降穆糜斡⒄Z專業(yè)及旅游管理專業(yè)教學(xué)使用,也可作為旅游企業(yè)服務(wù)與管理從業(yè)人員的培訓(xùn)教材。


Unit One  旅游咨詢 單元目標(biāo) 背景知識 實訓(xùn)材料 詞匯擴展 導(dǎo)游須知Unit Two  預(yù)訂客房 單元目標(biāo) 背景知識 實訓(xùn)材料 詞匯擴展 導(dǎo)游須知Unit Three  客房服務(wù) 單元目標(biāo) 背景知識 實訓(xùn)材料 詞匯擴展 導(dǎo)游須知Unit Four  餐飲服務(wù) 單元目標(biāo) 背景知識 實訓(xùn)材料 導(dǎo)游須知Unit Five  通信服務(wù) 單元目標(biāo) 背景知識 實訓(xùn)材料 詞匯擴展 導(dǎo)游須知Unit Six  會議服務(wù) 單元目標(biāo) 背景知識 實訓(xùn)材料 詞匯擴展 導(dǎo)游須知Unit Seven  宴會服務(wù) 單元目標(biāo) 背景知識 實訓(xùn)材料 詞匯擴展 導(dǎo)游須知Unit Eight  消遣服務(wù) 單元目標(biāo) 背景知識 實訓(xùn)材料 詞匯擴展 導(dǎo)游須知Unit Nine  地陪服務(wù) 單元目標(biāo) 背景知識 實訓(xùn)材料 詞匯擴展 導(dǎo)游須知Unit Ten  參觀游覽 單元目標(biāo) 背景知識 實訓(xùn)材料 詞匯擴展 導(dǎo)游須知Unit Eleven  景點介紹 ……Unit Twelve  旅游購物Unit Thirteen  解決投訴Unit Fourteen  應(yīng)對難題Unit Fifteen  退房服務(wù)Unit Sixteen  傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日Unit Seventeen  旅游廣告VocabularyPhrases List參考文獻(xiàn)


插圖: Extraordinary Tibetan Adventures Tibet, used to be the mysterious, legendary and unknown Roof of the World, hidden and almost unreachable behind the highest mountains in the world, can be easily reached today from Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province to Lhasa. This is the safest way for visitors to travel to Tibet. The Himalayas are the youngest folded mountains in the world. Before the south Indian land mass began to shift northwards about 40 million years ago, the Tethys Ocean, one of the largest oceans in the history of the earth occupied the area. Today, the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau is at an average altitude of 4,000 meters, the most elevated plateau on earth, covering 25 percent of the entire Chinese territory. The Tibetans have been nomads for centuries, crossing the highland pastures in the south with their herbs of sheep, goats and yak. In contrast, the north is an uninhabited desert. Today, 2.2 million people live in the autonomous region of Tibet, of whom about 1.7 millions are Tibetans. Tibetans also live in Qinghai, Sichuan and Yuunan provinces. Tibet Adventures allow you to experience the way of life, culture, history, and spectacular scenery unique to this part of China. It is said that visiting Tibet, the "Roof of the World", is as much a state of mind as a destination. Tours include visiting cities such as Lhasa known as the "City of the Sun" and Xigaze (Shigatse) where you will see beautiful palaces and cliff top monasteries, and attending colorful bazaars and relaxing in the beautiful Himalayan Mountains. Tibet tours can be combined with other China travel or booked as an excursion out of Hong Kong or other cities of the Orient to add a little pleasure with your business travel. Travel the Ancient Silk Road of China This ancient trade route starts in the old capitals of Luoyang and Xi'an, and reaches the Yellow River at Lanzhou, follows along the "Gansu Corridor" and stretches along the edge of deserts and mountains. Before the discovery of the sea route to India, the Silk Road was the most important connection between the Orient and the West. The Silk Road experienced its last great era during the time of Mongols, when the entire route from China to the Mediterranean was part of one empire. At that time, Nicolo and Marco Polo traveled from Kashgar to the Far East along the southern route. The overland link quickly lost its importance as trade across the seas developed. Today it has been replaced in China with the railway line Lanzhou-Hami-Urumqi. The trade route was never known as the Silk Road historically. It was given the name by a German geographer Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen. Silk Road tours allow you to step back into the 13th century as you visit the cities of the legendary silk traders and monks. Travel through deserts where silk traders have travelled for thousands of years. You can discover the ancient mysteries of the Silk Road including bazaars where merchants haggle over camels and carpets, where you can meet the nomadic minorities of China, and attend music, dance and artistic performances.





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