
出版時(shí)間:2009-5  出版社:清華大學(xué)  作者:?jiǎn)讨?nbsp; 頁(yè)數(shù):458  


PREfaCEOUR APPROACHToday's business environment is dynamic, turbulent, and global. Information systems have moved from back-office t6chnologies understood by only a few to pervasive, essential support technologies that touch all aspects of business and all playersin the game. As the role of information technology in business has changed, so havethe underlying t6chnologies and the manner in which systems are developed. Longpredict6d to be the next big thing, object orientation has finally arrived. The adoptionof object orientation has not resulted in the dramatic paradigm shift that also waspredicted for so long. Instead, we are witnessing the emergence of a hybrid approachto systems and their development--an approach that encompasses some aspects oftraditional systems development and some aspects of object orientation. Althoughthis book focuses on object-oriented systems analysis and design and it adheres toUML standards, it contains elements from other approaches, such as elements ofrelational database system design, that remain a part of systems development inbusiness organizations today.Among the four of us, we have more than 80 years of combined teaching experience in systems analysis and design, including teaching database management andobject-oriented approaches. We have used that experience to create Object--OrientedSystems Analysis and Design, Second Edition. As was true in the first edition, we provide a clear presentation of the concepts, skills, and techniques students need tobecome effective systems analysts who work with others to create information systems for businesses. We continue to use a systems development cycle model as anorganizing tool throughout the book to provide students with a strong conceptualand systematic framework. Internet coverage is provided in each chapter via an nit6grated, extended illustrative case (Pine Valley WebStore) and an end-of-chapter case(Broadway Entertainment Company, Inc.).Many systems analysis and design courses involve lab work and outside reading. This means that lecture time can be limited. Based on market research and ourown teaching experience, we understand the importance of using a book that combines depth of coverage with brevity. We have created a 14-chapter book that coverskey object-oriented systems analysis and design (OOSAD) content without overwhelming students with unnecessary detail. The book is a compromise betweenbriefer approaches to OOSAD and larger, more comprehensive volumes.Object--Oriented Systems Analysis and Design, Second Edition is characterized bythe following themes:1' Systems development is finnly rooted in an organizational context. The successful systems analyst needs a broad understanding of organizations, organizational culture, and operation.2' Systems development is a practical field. Coverage of current practices aswell as accepted concepts and principles is essential in a textbook.3' Systems development is a profession. Standards of practice, a sense of continuing personal development, ethics, and a respect for and collaboration withthe work of others are general themes in the textbook. These principles are constant, regardless of the t6chnical approach to development.xI4' Systems development has changed significantly with the explosive growth inthe adoption of object-oriented approaches to systems development. In many..orb~ations, traditional tools that sllPDort svst6ms develODment such as dataaaruzations, traditional tools that support systems development, such as dataflow diagrams, have been replaced with obiect-oriented tools such as use-case diagrams, have been replaced with object-oriented tools such as use-case dia1., 1.,,. n.,grams, sequence diagrams, and analysis class diagrams. Pure relational database.',,, 1,.', 1.management approaches have been reDlaced with obiect-relational approaches.bement approaches have been replaced with object-relational approaches.Our approach in this book focuses exclusively on diagrams and tecboques associpproach in this book focuses exclusively on diagrams and tecboques associ..,.. 1~+o 1 T 'f k OOSAD.at6d with OOSAD.R R,,ccess in slrstems anallrsis and desiZrt rorr>' Success in sVstems analysis and design requires not onlV skills in methodoloystems analysis and design requires not only skills in methodolo. t' t.'gies and techniques but also in the management of time, resources, and risks.Thus, learning systems analysis and design requires a thorough understandingof the process as well as the techniques and deliverables of the profession. Our.1',..~ k aam k. +, 1 1 L 1..approach to process emphasizes a systems development cycle as an organizingi proach to process emphasizes a systems development cycle as an organizing..,,. 1principle and the focus on development iterations prevalent in object-oriented1. 1 1.~' ITTC;s and designanalysis and design.ysls and design.Given these themes, this textbook emphasizes the following:. A business rather than a technology perSDective.by perspective.~, .,. 1. . foe role, responsibilities, and mindset of the systems analyst as well as the sVs, responsibilities, and mindset of the systems analyst as well as the systems project manager, rather than those of the programmer or business managedproject manager, rather than those of the programmer or business managed~1.. foe methods and principles of sVstems development rather than the specificprinciples of systems development rather than the specifictools or tool-related skills of the field.NEW TO THE SECOND EDITION1' UML 2 compliant: The text is now UML 2 compliant throughout. Coverage ofI, T T'each UML diagram has been improved. Adequate coverage of UML diagrams isclam has been improved. Adequate coverage of UML diagrams is... r...lmDortant for prospective systems analysts. A recent studV shows that systemsportant for prospective systems analysts. A recent study shows that systemsdevelopers routinely rely on these diagrams in their work (Lang, 2006). Almost1 1~11 O7 yi r 1,CO q' L nTvi. k'all, 97 percent, use screen prototypes, with the proportions using other analysispercent, use screen prototypes, with the proportions using other analysis1 1.,.~ac 1 1. 1 i and design diagrams as follows: 95 percent use activity diagrams: 74 percenthi[ diagrams as follows: 95 percent use activity diagrams; 74 percent'.' 1.. 1.,. -- .use entitV relationshiD diagrams; 72 percent rely on use-case diagrams: 62 bern relationship diagrams; 72 percent rely on use-case diagrams; 62 per.',,. 1 qri.cent use class diagrams; and 50 percent use state diagrams. All of these diagramcrams; and 50 percent use state diagrams. All of these diagramtypes are covered in the book.y pos are covered in the book.~. ..,,... T. n .1' 1 r.2' Agile methodologies: While the first edition included limited coverage ofgile methodologies: While the first edition included limited coverage of1extreme programming, the text now contains much more extensive treadment of.. 1. 1 1 1.., 1.,'~ .l *k 1 1.. l, 1 1 iap k F yi'agile methodologies, including but not limited to extreme DroRramminR.lie methodologies, including but not limited to extreme programming.Coverage extends across several chanters, including Chapters 1, 5, and 14.ge extends across several chapters, including Chapters 1, 5, and 14.~, T1 tTse cases: ChaD+J' Use cases: Chapter 6 now featheres a more extensive treadment of use cases, r 1. raam 1 C Jittovivi 1 Is of'and of differing levels of DerSDective from which use cases can be written.a levels of perspective from which use cases can be written.4' OCL: The obiect constraint language (OCL) is introduced to express business)ect constraint language (OCL) is introduced to express business1.rules in Chapter 9.pier 9.R p.ftems: In Chaleter 12 no++ 1 1>' Patterns: In Chapter 12, patterns are used to convert sequence diagrams frompier 12, patterns are used to convert sequence diagrams fromthe analysis to the design stage.ysls to the design stage.6' BEC case: The Broadway Entertainment ComDanv case has been uDdated andy Entertainment Company case has been updated and., 1. 1. 1lmDroved, both to be more current in business terms. and to feature moreproved, both to be more current, in business terms, and to feature more1.object-oriented systems analysis and design in the case.ject-oriented systems analysis and design in the case.WU D I E NCEObiect-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design is written with the assumDtion that sin]ect-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design is written with the assumption that students have taken an introductory course on comDuter systems and have experiencej puter systems and have experience.....writing Drograms in at least one DroZramminZ language, preferably an objects programs in at least one programming language, preferably an object.. nxll Prefaceoriented language. We review basic system DrinciDles for those students who haveauage. We review basic system principles for those students who havenot been exposed to the material on which systems development methods areybtems development methods arebased. We also assume that students have a solid background in computing literacyand a general understandinZ of the core elements .fraobusi::ZudC=o g of the core elements of a business, including basicterms associated with the production, marketing, finance, and accounting functions.'O R GuN IZnTI O NThe overall organization of the book is the same as it was in the first edition. The outsanlzation of the book is the same as it was in the first edition. The outline of the book begins with basic foundational material and then follows a slrstemsdins with basic foundational material and then follows a systemsdevelopment .;f e5 =:pment cycle, which allows for a logical progression of topics. This cycle is7. Managerial focus--Throughout the book, the treadment of systems development and implementation is always within the context of management ofchange, conversion strategies, and organizational factors in systems acceptance.8. Database approach--Unique approach to data using object-relational databasemanagement systems (DBMSs) featuring Oracle10g.9. Diagrams--The diagrams used throughout the text were developed using theRational Rose CASE tool, Microsoft'S Visio, and Microsoft's Project.illustrative Fictional CasesPine Valley Furniture (PVF) This case is introduced in Chapter 4 and revisitedthroughout the book. As key systems development cycle and object-orientedconcepts are presented, they are applied and illustrated with this case. A marginicon identifies the location of the case. PVF is a furniture company, founded in 1980,and management has decided to explore electronic commerce as an avenue toincrease its market share. A case problem related to PVF is included in the end-ofchapter material for many of the chapters.Broadway Ent~inment Company. Inc. (BEC) This fictional video rentaland music company is used as an extended case at the end of each chapter,beginning with Chapter 2. Designed to bring the chapter concepts to life, this caseillustrates how a company initiates, plans, models, designs, and implements a Webbased customer relationship management system using an object-oriented systemsdevelopment approach. Discussion questions are included to promote criticalthinking and class participation. Suggested solutions to the discussion questions areprovided in the instructor's Resource Manual located in the Faculty area of theWebsite: htto:/ /www.prenhall.com/george.End-of-Chapter MaterialWe have developed an extensive selection of end-of-chapter material designed toaccommodate various learning and teaching styles.Key PointS Review This repeats the learning objectives that appear at the openingof the chapter and summarizes the key points related to the objectives.Key Terms Checkpoint This is designed as a self-test feature. StUdents match eachkey term in the chapter with its definition.Review Questions These questions test students' understanding of key concepts.Problems and Exercises These problems and exercises test students' analyticalskills and require them to apply key concepts.Discussion Questions These questions promote class participation and discussion.Case Problems These problems require stUdents to apply the concepts of the chapterto three fictional cases from various industries. The illustrative case from the book-Pine Valley Fundttireds revisit6d. Other cases are from various fields such as medicine, agriculttire, and technology. Solutions are provided in the instructor's Manuallocated in the Faculty area of the Website: hap: / / www.prenhall. corn / george.Margin Term Definitions Each of the key terms and their definitions appear in themargins. A glossary of terms appears at the back of the book.References Located at the end of the text, references organized by chapter list moreIthan 100 books and journals that can provide stUdents and faculty with additional,oumals that can provide stUdents and faculty with additionalcoverage of toDics.6 pies.qricVWnRE PACKAGING OPTIONSOOFTWnRE PACKAGING OPTIONST y. .,,',. Visible Analystyst. Microsoft Visio. Microsoft Protect). Oracle10ggTo enhance the hands-on learning Drocess Prentice Hall offers the option toa process, Prentice Hall offers the option to,package this text with a choice of Visible Analyst, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project,or Oracle10g software. Your Prentice Hall sales representative can Drovide additionalo .oftware. Your Prentice Hall sales representative can provide additional.information on pricing and ordering.pricing and ordering.I NSTRUCTOR'S RESOURCE CENTERThe instructor's Resource Center found on the catalog page is a password protectedFaculty site that contains instructor subtlements for download.y bite that contains instructor supplements for download.1' Powerpoint presentation slides feature lecture notes that highlirkt keg text termspresentation slidesfeature lecture notes that highlight key text termsand concocts.pts., m' x'2' The instrUctor's Resource Manual is secured in the password-protected Faculty area.password-protected Faculty area.It contains teaching suggestions and answers to all text review questions, problems,s suggestions and answers to all text review questions, problems,.' 1'exercises, and case problems.problems.~ al m' T.' Z TIp Test It6m File also is secured in the Facultl' aams i+ ic fD' The Test It6m File also is secured in the Faculty area. It is available in MicrosoH Word,H area. It is available in MicrosoP Word,converted WebCT, and BlackBoard files.J4' An Image Library is provided in the Faculty area. ThiS is a collection of amures andge Library is provided in the Faculty area. ThiS is a collection offigures andtables horn the text to enhance class lectures and Powerpoint slides.j rom the text to enhance class lectures and Powerpoint slides.AC KN OWLE DG M E NTSThe authors have been blessed by considerable assistance from many poODle on ally considerable assistance from many people on all. r~ +Q aam *; C.k' I 1 1 'I 1' T4'aspects of preparation of this text and its supplements. We are, of course, responsiblepoets of preparation of this text and its supplements. We are, of course, responsiblefor what eventually appears between the covers, but the insights, corrections, contriy appears between the covers, but the insights, corrections, contributions, and proddings of others have greatly improved our manuscript. The people.., 11 1we recognize here all have a strong commitment to stridents to the iS field and toanlze here all have a strong commitment to stridents, to the iS field, and to, 1 al.excellence. Their contributions have stimulated us and frequently rejuvenated usi j rejuvenated usduring Deriods of waning enerZv for this protect.g periods of waning energy for this project.We would like to recognize the efforts of the many facultV and practicing svsgnlze the efforts of the many faculty and practicing systems analysts who served as reviewers for this book. We have tried to deal with eachj his who served as reviewers for this book. We have tried to deal with each.reviewer comment, and although we did not always agree with specific points(within the approach we wanted to take with this book), all reviewers made us stop,' 1., r, 1,and think carefully about what and how we were writing The reviewers were:j a. Ihe reviewers were:orchard Alien, mchland Community Collegey 5Alien Corbett, University of South Carolina-ColumbiaJTerry Fox, Baylor UniversitVj box, Baylor UniversityMarilvn Griffin, Virginia Polytechnic instittiteyn Griffin, Virginia Polytechnic instittiteRuss Hanna, Johnson County Community Collegey y CollegeDavid James Howe, Augusta Technical CollegePreface xvRobert Josefek, University of Southern California, Marshall School ofj, idarshall School ofBusinessLeonardo Legorreta, California State University-Sacramentogorreta, California State University-SacramentoMary Beth Zak Lohse, Ohio State Umversityy Beth Zak Lohse, Ohio State UniversityTrevor Moores, University of Nevada, Las VegasJ, Las VegasAlan Graham Peace, West Virgima State UniversityVladimir V. mabov, ivier CollegeTorn Sakaguchi Northern Kentucky UniversitV8, 1 j yCarl Scott, University of Houstony of HoustonEileen Sellers, MaryVille UniversityJ yDeborah Smith, University of Nevada-Las VegasJ basRon Sones, James Madison UniversityjTei Wei Wang FlU-UniversitV Part CamDusg, FlU-University Part CampusHeinz Weistroffer, VirgAna Commonwealth UniversityConnie Wells, Roosevelt UniversityyElaine Weltz, Seattle Pacific UniversityyRobert Wrembel, Poznan University of Technologyy of TechnologyH. R. Weistroffef, Virginia Commonwealth UniversityWe have been formulate to work with a large number of creative and insightful5 .fitful,people at Prentice Hall, who have added much to the development, format, and production of this text. We have been thoroughly imDressed with their commitment to.ifly impressed with their commitment to.this text and to the iS education market. These people include Robert Horan,Executive Editor; Debbie Clare, Marketing Manager; Ana Jankowski, Assistant editor; Denise Culhane, Production editor; [designer]; and Laura Cirigliano, MarketingAssistant. We also want to thank Ann Imhof and the folks at CarlisleCommunications, Ltd., for their hard work in getting this book ready for production.Thanks also go to our faculty colleagues Fred McFadden (University of Colorados i gUes Fred McFadden (University of ColoradoColorado Springs), Mary Prescott (University of Tampa), and Dean Joyce Elam.(Florida international University).We extend a special note of thanks to Jeremy Alexander of Web-X.com. Jeremy..'was instrumental in conceptualizing and writing the Pine Valley WebStore featureptUalizing and writing the Pine Valley WebStore featurethat appears throughout the book. Jeremy also built the installation procedures on'.the Website for Oracle, and Saonee Sarker of Washington State University developed.the Oracle editorial modules.The writing of this text has involved thousands of hours of time from the authors51 r 11 r.~ac 1 f-ac 11' acand from all of the aforementioned people. Although our names will be visibly asso...,.. 1claied with this book, we know that much of the credit goes to the individuals and...,.', 1 forganizations listed here for any success this book might achieve. It is imDortant forganlzations listed here for any success this book might achieve. It is important for.the reader to recognize all the individuals and organizations that have been commitsnlze all the individuals and organizations that have been commitIted to the preparation and production of this book.'ABOUT THE AUTHORSJoey E George is professor and Thomas L. Williams JL Eminent Scholar in formationSxrst6ms in the College of Business at Florida State Universitir aam George earned hisayst6ms in the CoheRe of Business at Florida State Universing Da GeorZe earned insyst6ms in the College of Business at Florida State University. Da George earned hisbachelor's degree at Stanford Universing in 1979 and his Ph.D. in manaZement at thefree at Stanford University in 1979 and his Ph.D. in management at theUniversing of Califonda at twine in 1986. He was Dreviouslv the Edward G. Schliederj previously the Edward G. SchliederChair of information Svst6ms in the E. I. Ourso College of Business A~stration atj items in the E. J. Ourso College of Business A~stration atLouisiana State Universing He also served at Florida State University as chair of they. He also served at Florida State University as chair of theDepa~nt of information and Management Sciences from 1995 to 1998.l bement Sciences from 1995 to 1998.Dr. George has published many articles in such iournals as information Systemsa published many articles in such journals as information SystemsResearch, Communications of the ACe, us Quarterly, journal of MIS, and Communicationv the ACe us Quarterly, journal of MIS, and CommunicationResearch. His research interests focus on the use of thermation systems in the workybtems in the work,.,,..place, including computer-based monitoring, comput6nmediat6d deceptive communication, and group support systems.. yixvi PrefaceDa George, along with loseph Valacich and leffrev Hcffer is coauthor of the texts, along with Joseph Valacich and Jeffrey Hcffer, is coauthor of the textbooks Modern Systems Analysis and Design, fifth edition, published in 2007 by Prenticetotems Analysis and Design, fifth edition, published in 2007 by PrenticeHall, and Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design, third edition, copyright 2006 by.Prentice Hall. He is also the editor of Commuters and Society: Privacy, Ethics, and theputers and Society: Privacy, Ethics, and theInternet, copyright 2004 by Prentice Hall. Da George is currently the Editor-in-Chieffor the journal Communications of the AlS' In the past, he has served as a senior editor,ournal Communications of the AlS' In the past, he has served as a senior editor,..,..~yi 1 -. L h+rs- 'ri. +k. 1and an associate editor for the ioumal MIS Quarterly and an associate editor for the)oumal MIS Quarterly and an associate editor for the. 1 T rjournal information Systems Research. He has also served on various other journal editorial boards. Da George was the conference co-chair for the 2001 ICIS, held in Newa, ileld in NewOrleans, Louisiana, and he was the co-chair of the doctoral consortium for the 2003ICIS, held in Seattle, Washington.Dinesh Batra is professor at the Department of Decision Sciences andInformation Systems in the College of Business Administration at the Floridaj >terns in the College of Business Administration at the FloridaInternational UniversitV. He earned his B.Tech. from the indian institute ofy. He earned his B.Tech. from the indian institute ofTechnology at Delhi in 1979, M.B.A. from Southern illinois UniversitV at Carbondalegy at Delhi in 1979, M.B.A. from Southern illinois University at Carbondale.'in 1985, and Ph.D. from indiana University at Bloomington in 1989. After his bachey at Bloomington in 1989. After his bachelor's degree and during the Deriod 1979--1983, he worked for four years in a consultblee and during the period 1979--1983, he worked for four years in a consult.,..,,.lug comDanv conducting Drocess and design of large engineering Drojects.a pany conducting process and design of large engineering projects.Da Batra has published over 25 articles in such journals as management Science,Communication of the ACe, lournal of MIS, International lournal of Human Computer7 the ACe, journal of MIS, International lournal of Human Computercflldipc Data Base FI'rovean [ournal of 11studies, Data Base, European lournal of information SVstems, Iournal of Databasepean lournal of information Systems, Iournal of Databasebynamement Communications of the AlS, Decision Support Systems, Commuters and ORo, U the AlS, Decision Support Systems, Computers and OR,, T~yi J IMInw~.';ri,and information & Minaerment. His research interests focus on usability issues in sysY scment. His research interests focus on usability issues in sys.terns and database analysis and design. He has served as an associate editor in theybis and design. He has served as an associate editor in the. 1 ac.journal Data Base, and is on the editorial board of the lournal of Database management' T r'.~yi 1 IMlriw~rs+;riand information Systems bynamement. He has also served as the director of the MS information Systems management. He has also served as the director of the MS inMIS program at the Florida international University. He is currently the president of.the AlS Special interest Group on Systems Analysis & Design (SIGSAND).Joseph S. Valacich, The George and Carolyn Hubman Distinguished Professor. - ATal. 1.,' r. v m.in MIS and the inaugural Marian E. Smith Presidential Endowed Chair, joined the.ural Marian E. Smith Presidential Endowed Chair, joined thefacultV at Washington State UniversitV in 1996. He was Dreviouslv an associate brow aEon State University in 1996. He was previously an associate professor with tenure (early) at indiana University, Bloomington, and was named thecaniner qubhedar Facultlr Fellow. He has had visiting fqcultxr aDDointments at theaanlay Subhedar Faculty Fellow. He has had visiting faculty appointments at the)ay Subhedar Faculty Fellow. He has had visiting faculty appointments at theUniversity of Arizona, City University of Hong Kong Buskerud College (Norway),y of Arizona, City University of Hong Kong, Buskerud College (Norway),Riga Technical University (Latvia), and the Helsinki School of Economics andga Yechnical University (Latvia), and the Helsinki School of Economics andBusiness. He received the Ph.D. degree from the UniversitV of Arizona (MIS), and theflee from the University of Arizona (MIS), and theM.B.A. and B.S. (computer science) degrees from the University of Montana. His'teaching interests include systems analysis and design collaborative commutinga Interests include systems analysis and design, collaborative computing,..' 1' r.project management, and management of information systems. Professor Valacich,. 1..,. 1 rserved on the national task forces to design iS '97 and 2002: The Model Curriculum and>erved on the national task forces to design iS '97 and 2002: The Model Curriculum andgn iS '97 and 2002: The Model Curriculum andGuidelines for Undergmduate Degree Progmms in information Systems, as well as MSISjor Undergmduate Degree Progmms in information Systems, as well as MSIS, o2000 and 2006: The Mister of Science in information Systems Model Curriculum. He also7 oclence in information Systems Model Curriculum. He also1. 1 wserved on the Executive Committee funded bar the National Science Foundation to>erved on the Executive Committee, funded by the National Science Foundation, toJdefine the iS Progmm Accreditation Standards and on the Board of Directors for CSABgcm Accreditation Standards and on the Board of Directors for CSAB(formally, the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board), representing theAssociation for information Systems (AlS). He was the general conference co-chair, items (AlS). He was the general conference co-chairfor the 2003 International Conference on information Systems (ICIS) in Seattle andJ'. 1.,.was the vice-chair of ICIS 1999 in Charlotte, NC.Jeffrey A. Hcffer is the Sherman-Standard Register Professor of DataManagement in the DeDartment of MIS, Operations Management, and Decisiongement in the Department of MIS, Operations Management, and Decisionsciences in the School of Business Administration at the Universitxr of Dalrton. Hesciences in the School of Business Administration at the University of Dayton. Hej yton. He,' 1.. T 1. T T..~1 q '~,, orb' ~ + Tri 1 ialso taught at Indiana UniversitV and Case Western Reserve University. Da Hcfferght at Indiana University and Case Western Reserve University. Da Hcffer1 1.earned his A.B. from Miami University in 1969 and his Ph.D. from Corned Universityj in 1969 and his Ph.D. from Corned University.' Q-cIn 1975.Da Hcffer has published four other college textbooks: Modern Systems Analysisand Design, fifth edition, with Joey George and Joseph Valacich; Essentials of Systemsgn, fifth edition, with Joey George and Joseph Valacich; Essentials of SystemsAnalysis and Design, third edition, with loseph Valacich and Joey George; Modern.ofs and Design, third edition, with loseph Valacich and Joey George; ModernPreface xviiDatabase Design, eighth edition, with Mary Prescott and Fred McFadden; andan, eighth edition, with Mary Prescott and Fred McFadden; andInformation Technoloryfor managers: What managers Need to Know, fourth edition, with,ormation Technologyfor managers: What managers Need to Know, fourth edition, withCarol Brown, Daniel DeHayes, E. Wainright Martin, and William Perkins, all pubJ, t. Wainright Martin, and William Perkins, all published by Prentice Hall. His research articles have appeared in numerous ioumals,y Prentice Hall. His research articles have appeared in numerous journals,. 1,. 1including MIS Quarterly Executive, Iournal of Database Management, Small Groupg MIS Quarterly Executive, Iournal of Database Management, Small GroupResearch, Communications of the ACe, and Sloan management Review. He has receivedJ, and Sloan management Review. He has received, 1.research and equipment grants from IBM Corporation, U'S. Department of the Navy,, NCR Teradata division.~. I NCR Teradata division.and NCR Teradata division.Da Hcffer is cofounder of the international Conference on information Systemsy items,. 1 N...~. 1 +h & rtcri. +i '. Tab t Jand the Association for information Systems. He has served as a guest lecturer atystems. He has served as a guest lecturer atCatholic UniversitV of Chile Santiago, and the Helsinki School of Economics andy of Chile, Santiago, and the Helsinki School of Economics andBusiness in Mikkeli, Finland. Dr. Hcffer is currently an associate director of thejTeradata UniversitV Network.y Network.Joey E George,Florida State UniversitVjDinesh Batra,Florida international UniversitVyJoseph S. Valacich,Washington State UniversitVaEon State UniversityJeffrey A. Hcffer,University of Daytony of DaytonR E FE R E N CELand M. 2006. "An EmDirical Study of Processes, Methods, and Techniques for Web/HyDermedias, lA. 2006. "An Empirical Study of Processes, Methods, and Techniques for Web/HypermediaqlrQfems Design. Information Systems management.systems Design. Information Systems management.. an. Information Systems management.... n,xvill Preface


本書(shū)是本科和研究生“系統(tǒng)分析與設(shè)計(jì)”課程的教材?! ”緯?shū)為讀者展示了系統(tǒng)分析師所需掌握的概念、技能和技術(shù)等知識(shí)。本書(shū)的焦點(diǎn)是面向?qū)ο蟮南到y(tǒng)分析與設(shè)計(jì),并且遵循UML 2標(biāo)準(zhǔn),但也包含了來(lái)自其他方法的元素,比如關(guān)系數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)的元素,它們?nèi)缃袢匀皇瞧髽I(yè)組織中系統(tǒng)開(kāi)發(fā)的一部分。作者用一個(gè)系統(tǒng)開(kāi)發(fā)周期模型作為貫穿本書(shū)的組織工具,為學(xué)生提供一個(gè)強(qiáng)有力的概念上的、系統(tǒng)化的框架。通過(guò)一個(gè)集成的、擴(kuò)充的說(shuō)明性案例(松谷家具WebStore)和一個(gè)章末案例(百老匯娛樂(lè)公司)介紹了基于因特網(wǎng)的系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)與開(kāi)發(fā)的有關(guān)知識(shí)。


作者:(美國(guó)) 喬治 (George) Joey F. George,佛羅里達(dá)州立大學(xué)商業(yè)學(xué)院信息系統(tǒng)的教授和Thomas L. Williams Jr.杰出學(xué)者。George博士1979年在斯坦福大學(xué)獲得學(xué)士學(xué)位,1986年在加利福尼亞大學(xué)歐文分校獲得管理博士學(xué)位。他曾是路易斯安那州立大學(xué)E. J. Ourso工商管理學(xué)院信息系統(tǒng)的Edward G. Schlieder教授。1995年到1998年,他還任職為佛羅里達(dá)州立大學(xué)信息與管理科學(xué)系的教授。Dinesh Batra, 佛羅里達(dá)國(guó)際大學(xué)教授,他的研究方向主要是系統(tǒng)和數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)分析與設(shè)計(jì)中的可用性問(wèn)題。他是佛羅里達(dá)國(guó)際大學(xué)MIS計(jì)劃M(mǎn)S的負(fù)責(zé)人。目前,他是系統(tǒng)分析與設(shè)計(jì)AIS特別興趣組(SIGSAND)的主席,Joseph S. Valacich,George and Carolyn Hubman 杰出MIS教授,Marian E. Smith Presidential Endowed首任主席。他具有亞利桑那大學(xué)、香港城市大學(xué)、Buskerud學(xué)院(挪威)、Riga工學(xué)大學(xué)(拉脫維亞)和赫爾辛基經(jīng)濟(jì)與商業(yè)學(xué)校的客座教授職位。Jeffrey A. Hoffer 是代頓大學(xué)工商管理學(xué)院MIS、經(jīng)營(yíng)管理與決策科學(xué)系的數(shù)據(jù)管理Sherman標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的注冊(cè)教授。他還在印第安納大學(xué)和Case Western Reserve大學(xué)執(zhí)教。Hoffer博士1969年在邁阿密大學(xué)獲得了學(xué)士學(xué)位,1975年在康奈爾大學(xué)獲得了博士學(xué)位。Hoffer博士是“信息系統(tǒng)國(guó)際會(huì)議”和“信息系統(tǒng)協(xié)會(huì)(AIS)”的共同創(chuàng)辦人。他擔(dān)任智利圣地亞哥天主教大學(xué)和芬蘭Mikkeli的赫爾辛基經(jīng)濟(jì)與商業(yè)學(xué)院的客座講師。Hoffer博士目前是Teradata University Network的副董事。


PART I:   FOUNDATIONS FOR OBJECT-ORIENTED  SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1  The Object-Oriented Systems Development Environment   What Is Information Systems Analysis and Design?   Systems Analysis and Design: Core Concepts   Systems      Definitions of a System and Its Parts      Important Systems Concepts      Information Systems Analysis and Design      Step One: Project Management and Planning      Step Two: Systems Analysis      Step Three: Systems Design      Step Four: Systems Implementation and Operation      Types of Information Systems and Systems Development      Transaction Processing Systems      Management Information Systems      Decision Support Systems      The Analyst's Role in Systems Development      Systems Analysts in the Systems Development Process      The Evolution of Systems Development Methodologies      Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)      Structured Analysis and Design      Data-Oriented Methodologies      The Object-Oriented Methodology     Agile Methodologies      Why Should We Use Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design(OOSAD)?      Iterative and Incremental Development     RUP's Iterative, Incremental Approach to OOSAD   Our Approach to Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design   Key Points Review   Key Terms Checkpoint     Review Questions     Problems and Exercises     Discussion Questions     Case Problems CHAPTER2  Introduction to Object Orientation  Object Orientation    What Is an Object?     Class    Operation    Attribute    Encapsulation    Object Identity    Generalization    Polymorphism……


1.《面向?qū)ο笙到y(tǒng)分析與設(shè)計(jì)》符合UML 2標(biāo)準(zhǔn):本教材現(xiàn)在從頭到尾都符合UML 2標(biāo)準(zhǔn),改進(jìn)了各個(gè)UML圖的討論。2.敏捷方法:第1版包括對(duì)極限編程的有限討論,而本書(shū)則包含了對(duì)敏捷方法更廣泛的論述。3.用例:第6章對(duì)用例和書(shū)寫(xiě)用例的不同觀點(diǎn)層次更廣泛的論述。4.OCL:在第9章引入了對(duì)象約束語(yǔ)言(OCL)來(lái)表達(dá)業(yè)務(wù)規(guī)則。5.模式:在第12章,使用模式將順序圖從分析階段轉(zhuǎn)到設(shè)計(jì)階段。6.BEC案例:百老匯娛樂(lè)公司(Broadway Entertainment Company,BEC)案例已經(jīng)被更新和改進(jìn),不僅在業(yè)務(wù)方面更通行,而且在案例中刻畫(huà)了更多的面向?qū)ο笙到y(tǒng)分析與設(shè)計(jì)。





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用戶(hù)評(píng)論 (總計(jì)5條)


  •   書(shū)不錯(cuò),就是色彩有點(diǎn)兒?jiǎn)握{(diào)
  •   作為教材我買(mǎi)的,覺(jué)得很有價(jià)值
  •   對(duì)我在工作上還是起到一定的參考作用的。
  •   封皮上有漢字,內(nèi)容是純英文的。學(xué)習(xí)開(kāi)發(fā)前,還要過(guò)英文八級(jí)。
  •   總體一般 買(mǎi)的兩本 都不是很新了 有一本已經(jīng)舊得發(fā)黃了啊喂= =|| 要不是急著上課用...我就退了..

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