
出版時間:2009-5  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:卡瑪爾  頁數(shù):667  


  Embedded system design needs hardware and software professionals as a team. Explaining both hardware and software concepts while keeping multidisciplinary undergraduates in mind in a single book is a difficult task. It appears that the earlier edition met this task successfully, considering the positive response it has received in india as well as internationally.  A rough estimate is that 80000 engineering and professional tfaining students became the first——time readers of this book in India alone. The book originally published in india has now McGraw——Hill translations published in China and South Korea, an international Students Edition and McGraw——Hill USA editions published from Singapore and New YORK. After the publication of the earlier edition, there have been two developments: (l) numerous technology advancements  occurred at a fast pace, and (2) many universities introduced syllabi on an Embedded Systems course at the Bachelors of Technology level in multiple engineering disciplines, for example, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics and Communication, and instrumentation and control engineering.


  《嵌入式系統(tǒng):體系結(jié)構(gòu)、編程與設(shè)計(第2版)》是關(guān)于嵌入式系統(tǒng)開發(fā)與設(shè)計的一部最新力作,介紹了嵌入式系統(tǒng)的硬件、操作系統(tǒng)、開發(fā)過程以及編程。全書系統(tǒng)地闡述了嵌入式系統(tǒng)的基本概念、處理器和存儲器、設(shè)備與總線、設(shè)備驅(qū)動與中斷服務(wù)、基本的C與C++、編程模型、軟件工程的思想、進程間通信與同步、實時操作系統(tǒng)以及軟硬件協(xié)同設(shè)計。附錄中包含了CISC與RISC指令集特征,并詳細(xì)闡述了幾種高性能的嵌入式處理器、微控制器、數(shù)字信號處理器以及總線和設(shè)備?!肚度胧较到y(tǒng):體系結(jié)構(gòu)、編程與設(shè)計(第2版)》提供了大量案例,這對讀者的實踐開發(fā)具有非常好的指導(dǎo)意義?!  肚度胧较到y(tǒng):體系結(jié)構(gòu)、編程與設(shè)計(第2版)》適合于嵌入式系統(tǒng)的軟硬件開發(fā)人員,以及接受嵌入式系統(tǒng)課程教育的本科生和研究生。


  About the AuthorRaj Kamal did his M.Sc. at the age of 17, published his first research paper in a UK journal at the age of 18, wrote his firstprogram in FORTRAN that ran at ICT 1904, also at the age of 18 and completed his Ph.D. from the indian institute ofTechnology, Delhi, at 22. He has 40 years of experience in research and teaching. He has so far successfully guided nineresearch students and has published about 90 research papers in journals and conferences of both international and nationalrepute. Due to his constant drive for understanding emerging technologies and passion for acquiring the latest knowledgeand its dissemination, he is lovingly referred by a few colleagues as the learning machine and by a few others as ahuman dynamo ! He has authored ten textbooks (refer www.rajkamal.org) for students of Computers, Electronics, andCommunication and information Technology, which includes books on Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture (aSchaum Series adaptation) and internet and Web technologies, published from McGraw——Hill india, McGraw——Hill China,McGraw——Hill South Korea, McGraw——Hill Singapore, and McGraw——Hill USA. He has been associated for several yearswith Pun jab University, Pun jab; Kalasalingam University, Tamilnadu; and Guru Nanak Engineering College, AndhraPradesh. Currently, he is a Senior Professor in School of Computer Sciences and Electronics, Devi Ahilya Viswavidyalaya,Indore.


Preface to the Second Edition v1. Introduction to Embedded Systems 11.1 Embedded Systems 31.2 Processor Embedded into a System 51.3 Embedded Hardware Units and Devices in a System 101.4 Embedded Software in a System ig1.5 Examples of Embedded Systems 271.6 Embedded System——on——chip (Soc) and Use of VLSI Circuit Design Technology 291.7 Complex Systems Design and Processors 321.8 Design Process in Embedded System 371.9 Formalization of System Design 421.10 Design Process and Design Examples 431.11 Classification of Embedded Systems 521.12 Skills Required for an Embedded System Designer 532. 8051 and Advanced Processor Architectures, Memory Organization alld Real-world lllterfacing 612.1 8051 Architecture 622.2 Real WOrld interfacing 722.3 Introduction to Advanced Architectures 842.4 Processor and Memory Organization 962.5 Instttiction——Level Parallelism i042.6 Performance Metrics i062.7 Memory——Types, Memory——Maps and Addresses 1062.8 Processor Selection 1132.9 Memory Selection 1183. Devices and Commullicatioll Buses for Devices Network 1283.1 TO Types and Examples 1303.2 Serial Communication Devices 1343.3 Parallel Device Ports 1433.4 Sophisticated interfacing Features in Device Ports 1503.5 Wireless Devices 1513.6 Timer and Counting Devices i523.7 Watchdog Timer i573.8 Real Time Clock i583.9 Networked Embedded Systems 1593.10 Serial Bus Communication Protocols 1603.11 Parallel Bus Device Protocols——Parallel CommunicationNetwork Using ISA, PCI, PCI——X and Advanced Buses 1663.12 Internet Enabled Systems——NetWork Protocols 1703.13 Wireless and Mobile System Protocols 1754. Device Drivers and interrupts Service Mechanism 1874.1 Programmed——I/O Busy——wait APproach without interrupt Service Mechanism 1894.2 ISR Concept i924.3 Interrupt Sources 2004.4 Interrupt Servicing (Handling) Mechanism 2034.5 Multiple interrupts 2094.6 Context and the Periods for Context Switching, Intemipt Latency and Deadline 2114.7 Classification of Processors interrupt Service Mechanism fromContext——Saving Angle 2i74.8 Direct Memory Access 2184.9 Device Driver Programming 2205. Programming Concepts alld Embedded Programming in C, C++ and Java 2345.1 Software Programming in Assembly Language (ALP) and in High——Level Language C 2355.2 C Program Elements: Header and Source Files and Preprocessor Directives 2375.3 Program Elements Macros and Functions 2395.4 Program Elements: Data Types, Data Stfuctures, Modifiers, Statements,Loops and Pointers 24)5.5 Object——Oriented Programming 2625.6 Embedded Programming in C++ 2635.7 Embedded Programming in Java 2646. Program Modeling Concepts 2736.1 Program Models 2746.2 DFG Models 2776.3 State Machine Programming Models for Event——controlled Program Flow 2826.4 Modeling of Multiprocessor Systems 2886.5 UML Modelling 2957. Interprocess Communication and Synchronization of Processes, Threads alld Tasks 3037.1 Multiple Processes in an Application 3057.2 Multiple Threads in an APplication 3067.3 Tasks 3087.4 Task States 3087.5 Task and Data 3107.6 Clear——cut Distinction between Functions, ISRS and Tasks by their Characteristics 3117.7 Concept of Semaphores 3i47.8 Shared Data 3267.9 Interprocess Communication 3307.10 Signal Function 3327.11 Semaphore Functions 3347.12 Message Queue Functions 3357.13 Mailbox Functions 3377.14 Pipe Functions 3397.15 Socket Functions 3417.16 RPC Functions 3458. Real-Time Operating Systems 3508.1 OS Services 3518.2 Process Management 3558.3 Timer Functions 3568.4 Event Functions 3588.5 Memory Management 3598.6 Device, File and tO Subsystems Management 36)8.7 Interrupt Routines in RTOS Environment and Handling of intemipt Source Calls 3668.8 Real——time Operating Systems 3708.9 Basic Design Using an RTOS 3728.10 Rtos Task Scheduling Models, Interrupt Latency and Response of the Tasks asPerformance Metrics 3858.11 OS Security Issues 40)9. Real-time Operating System Programming-I: Microc/OS-II and VxWOrks 4069.1 Basic Functions and Types of RTOSES 4089.2 RTOS mCOS——II 4i09.3 RTOS VxWorks 45310. Real-time Operating System Programmillg-n: Willdows CE, OSEK alld Real-time Linux Functions 47710.1 Windows CE 47810.2 OSEK 49410.3 Linux 2.6.x and RTLinux 49611. Design Examples and Case Studies of Program Modeling and Programming with RTOS-1 51111.1 Case Study of Embedded System Design and Coding for an Automatic 512Chocolate Vending Machine (ACVM) Using Mucos RTOS11.2 Case Study of Digital Camera Hardware and SofWare Architecture 53111.3 Case Study of Coding for Sending Application Layer Byte Streams on a TCP/IP Network Using RTOS Vxworks 53712. Design Examples and Case Studies of Program Modelillg and Programming with RTOS-2 56612.1 Case Study of Communication Between Orchestfa Robots 56712.2 Embedded Systems in Automobile 57412.3 Case Study of an Embedded System for an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)System in a Car 57712.4 Case Study of an Embedded System for a Smart Card 59312.5 Case Study of a Mobile Phone Software for Key inputs 60413. Embedded Software Development Process and TOols 61813.1 Introduction to Embedded Software Development Process and TOols 62013.2 Host and Target Machines 62313.3 Linking and Locating Software 62613.4 Getting Embedded Software into the Target System 63013.5 Issues in Hardware——Software Design and Co——design 63414. Testing, Simulatioll alld Debugging Techniques and TOols 64814.1 Testing on Host Machine 64914.2 Simulators 65014.3 Laboratory TOols 653APPendix 1: Roadmapfor Various Course Studies 662APPendix 2: Select Bibliography 663


  1. The Microcontroller used can be MC68HCI 1D0 or PIC16C84 or a smart card processor Philips Smart XA or a similar ASIP Processor. MC68HCllD0 has 8 kB internal RAM and 32 kB EPROM and 2/3 wire protected memory. Most cards use 8-bit CPUs. The recent introduction in the cards is of a 32-bit RISC CPU. A smart card CPU should have special features, for example, a security lock. The lock is for a certain sections of the memory. A protection bit at the microcontroller may protect 1 kB or more data from modification and access by any external source or instructions outside that memory. Once the protection bit is placed at the maskable ROM in the microcontroller, the instructions or data within that part of the memory are accessible from instructions in that part only (intemally) and not accessible from the external instructions or instructions outside that part. The CPU may disable access by blocking the write cycle placement of the data bits on the buses for instructions and data protection at the physical memory after certain phases of card initialization and before issuing the card to the user. Another way of protecting is as follows: The CPU may access by using the physical addresses, which are different from the logical address used in the program.



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