出版時間:2009-5 出版社:清華大學出版社 作者:(美)埃爾溫 著 頁數:705
PREfaCEAssembly Language for intel-Based Computers, Fifth Edition, teaches assembly language programs suage for intel-Based Computers, Fifth Edition, teaches assembly language program.,,.ining and architecture for intel lA-32 processors. It is an aDproDriate text for the following tvDes ofs and architecture for intel lA-32 processors. It is an appropriate text for the following types ofcollege courses:. AssemblV Language Programmingy Language Programming. Fundamentals of Computer Systems. Fundamentals of Computer ArchitectureStudents use intel or AMD processors and program with Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM)8.0, running on any of the following MS-Windows platforms: Windows 95, 98, Millenium, NT, 2000,and XP.Although this book was originally designed as a programming textbook for college students, it has.if this book was originally designed as a programming textbook for college students, it hasevolved over the last 15 years into much more. Many uniVersities use the book for their introductoryJ J ycomputer architecture courses. As a testament to its popularity, the foufth edition was tfanslated into..KOrean, Chinese, French, Russian, and Polish.Emphasl'S of TOPiCS This edition includes topics that lead naturally into subsequent courses incomputer architecture, operating systems, and compiler writing:4,. Virtual machine concept. Elementary boolean operations; Doolean operations. Instruction execution cVcley de. Memory access and handshakingJ 5. Interrupts and polling. Pipelining and superscalar concepts. Hardware-based I/O. Floating-point binary representationOther topics relate specifically to intel lA-32 architecture:'. lA-32 protected memory and paging.. MemorV segmentation in real-address modeJ segmentation in real-address mode. 16-bit intemipt handling. MS-DOS and BIOS sVstem calls (interrupts)y item calls (interrupts). lA-32 Floating-Point Unit architecture and programming. lA-32 Instruction encodingCeftain examDles Dresented in the book lend themselves to courses that occur later in a comDUterpies presented in the book lend themselves to courses that occur later in a computer..,science curriculum:. Searching and sorting algorithms. High-level language structures.h-level language structures. Finite-state machines. Code optimization examples'.XIXU PREfACEimprOVementS in the Rfth Edition A number of improvements and new information have beenadded in this edition, listed in the following table by chapter number fStill a Programming Book This book is still focused on its original mission: to teach students howto write and debug programs at the machine level. It will never replace a complete book on computerarchitecture, but it does give students the first-hand experience of writing software in an environmentthat teaches them how a computCr works. Our premise is that students retain knowledge better whentheory is combined with experience. In an engineering course, students constrict prototypes; in acomputer architecture course, students should write machine-level programs. In both cases, they have amemorable experience that giVes them the confidence to work in any OS/machine-oriented environment.Real MOds and Protsctsd MOds This edition emphasizes 32-bit protected mode, but it still hasthree chapters devoted to real-mode programming. For example, there is an entire chapter on BIOSprogramming for the keyboard, video display (including graphics), and mouse. Another chapter covers MS-DOS programming using interrupts (system calls). Students can benefit from programmingdirectly to hardware and the BIOS.The examples in the first half of the book are nearly all presented as 32-bit text-oriented aPPlicationsruwhng in protected mode using the flat memory model. This approach is wonderfully simple because itavoids the complications of segment-offset addressing. Specially marked paragraphs and popup boxespoint out occasional differences between protCcted mode and real mode programming. Most differencesare abstracted by the book's parallel link libraries for real mode and protected mode programming.Link LibrarieS We supply two versions of the link library that students use for basic input-output,simulations, timing, and other useful stuff. The 32-bit version (lrvine32.lib) runs in protected mode,sending its output to the Win32 console. The 16-bit version (lrvine16.lib) runs in real-address mode.Full source code for the libraries is supplied on the book's Web site. The link libraries are availableonly for convenience, not to prevent stlldeflts from learning how to program input-output themselves.Stlldents are encouraged to create their own libraries.PREfACE fbiIncludsd Software and EX8mPI8s All the example programs were tested with Microsoft MacroAssembler Version 8.0. The 32-bit C++ applications in Chapter 12 were tested with Microsoft VisualC++ .NET. The real-address mode programs in Chapter 12 (linking to C++) were assembled withprograms in Chapter 12 (linking to C++) were assembled withBorland Turbo Assembler (TASM).W8b Sits informatl'On Updates and corrections to this book may be found at the book's Web site,http: //www. asmi rvi ne. corn, including additional programming projects for instructors to assignat the ends of chapters. If for some reason you cannot access this site, information about the book andpiers. If for some reason you cannot access this site, information about the book anda link to its current Web site can be found at www. prenhall. corn by searching for the book title or forthe author name "Kip lrvine."Overall GoalsThe following goals of this book are designed to broaden the student's interest and knowledge in top. 1ics related to assembly language:; language:. Intel lA-32 processor architecture and programming. Real-address mode and protected mode programming. AssemblV language directiVes, macros, operators, and program structurey language directiVes, macros, operators, and program structure. Programming methodology, showing how to use assembly language to create system-level soft.ramming methodology, showing how to use assembly language to create system-level software tools and application programs. Computer hardware manipulation. Interaction between assembly language programs, the operating system, and other aPPlication programsJ a o programs, the operating systCm, and other aPPlication programsOne of our goals is to help students approach programming problems with a machine-level mindset. It is impoftant to think of the CPU as an interactiVe tool, and to learn to monitor its operation asdirectly as Dossible. A debugger is a programmer's best friend, not only for catching errors, but as anJ as possible. A debugger is a programmer's best friend, not only for catching errors, but as aneducational tool that teaches about the CPU and operating system. We encourage students to lookbeneath the surface of high-level languages and to realize that most programming languages aredesigned to be portable and, therefore, independent of their host machines.In addition to the short examples, this book contains hundreds of ready-to-run programs that demonstrate instructions or ideas as they are Dresented in the text. Reference materials, such as guides toJ presented in the text. Reference materials, such as guides toMS-DOS interrupts and instruction mnemonics, are available at the end of the book.RequiTed BaCkground The reader should already be able to program confidently in at least oneother programming language, preferably Java, C, or C++. One chapter covers C++ interfacing, so it isvery helpful to have a compiler on hand. I have used this book in the classroom with majors in both.'computer science and management information systems, and it has been used elsewhere in engineer.lug courses.FeaturesCOmPI8ts Program LiStingS A companion CD-ROM contains all the source code from the examples in this book. Additional listings are available on the book's Web page. An extensive link library issupplied with the book, containing more than 30 procedures that simplify user input-output, numeric.,.', n 1, 11.'.processing, disk and file handling, and string handling. In the beginning stages of the course, studentscan use this library to enhance their programs. Latef, they can create their own procedures and addthem to the librarV'y.Programming LOgiC TWo chapters emphasize boolean logic and bit-level manipulation. A con. scions attempt is made to relate high-level programming logic to the low-level details of the machine.This approach helps students to create more efficient implementations and to better understand howcompilers generate object code...all PREfACEHardWare and OOeratl'na SyStsm ConceotS The first two chanters introduce basic hardwareperatl'ng Spetsm ConceptS The first two chapters introduce basic hardwareand data representation concepts, including binary numbers, CPU architecture, status flags, and memory.mapping. A survey of the computer's hardware and a historical perspectiVe of the intel processor familyhelps students to better understand their target computer system.StFUctUred Proaramml'na Approach BeZinning with Chapter 5, procedures and functional decomsramming APProach Beginning with Chapter 5, procedures and functional decomposition are emphasized. Students are giVen more complex programming exercises, requiring them tofocus on design before starting to write code.DI'Sk Storaae ConceDtS Students learn the fundamental principles behind the disk storage systemHe ConceptS Students learn the fundamental principles behind the disk storage systemon MS-Windows--based sVstems from hardware and software Doints of view.y items from hardware and software points of view.Creatl'na LI'nk LI'braries Students are free to add their own Drocedures to the book's link libraryd Link LI'brarieS Students are free to add their own procedures to the book's link libraryand create new libraries. TheV learn to use a toolbox approach to programming and to write code thatJ learn to use a toolbox approach to programming and to write code that.is useful in more than one program.MaCros and StFUctUres A chapter is devoted to creating structures, unions, and macros, which areesential in assemblV language and systems programming. Conditional macros with advanced operas language and systems programming. Conditional macros with advanced operators serve to make the macros more professional.professional.IRtsrfscina tO High-Level Lanauaaes A chanter is devoted to interfacinZ assembly lanZuaZe to Cs ic High-Level Languages A chapter is devoted to interfacing assembly language to Cand C++. This is an important job skill for students who are lacely to find jobs programming in high-levelJlanguages. They can ie~ to optimize their code and see examples of how C++ compilers optimize code.InstFUctional Al'dS All the program listings are available on disk and on the Web. Instructors are provided a test baal, answers to review questions, solutions to programming exercises, and a Microsoft.Powerpoint slide presentation for each chapter.. Summary of ChaDtersy of ChaptersChapters I to & contain a basic foundation of assembly language and should be covered in sequence.. After that, you have a fair amount of freedom. The following chapter dependency graph shows howlater chapters depend on knowledge gained from other chapters. Chapter 10 was split into two partsJfor this graph because no other chapter depends on one's knowing how to create macros:.laph because no other chapter depends on one's knowing how to create macros:@ UMughs 491. Basic Concepts: Applications of assembly language, basic concepts, machine language, and datarepresentation.2. lA-32 Processor Architecture: Basic microcomputer design, instruction execution cycle, lA-32.t.processor architecture, lA-32 memory management, components of a microcomputef, and the.input-output system.3. Assembly LanZuage Fundamentals: Introduction to assembly language, liaring and debugging,J Language Fundamentals: Introduction to assembly language, liaring and debugging,and defininZ constants and variables.5PREfACE XXiii4. Data Transfers, Addressing, and Arithmetic: Simple data transfer and arithmetic instructions,assemble-link-execute cVcle, operators, directiVes, expressions, JMP and LOOP instructions, andJ, operators, directiVes, expressions, JMP and LOOP instructions, andindirect addressing.5.5. Procedures: Linking to an external library, description of the book's link library, stack opera..nons, defining and using procedures, flowchins, and top-down structured design.6. Conditional Processing: Boolean and comparison instructions, conditional jumps and loops,high-level logic structures, and finite state machines.7. Integer Arithmetic: Shift and rotate instructions with useful applications, multiplication anddiVision, extended addition and subtraction, and ASCll and packed decimal arithmetic.8. Advanced Procedures: Stack parameters, local variables, advanced PROC and INVOKE direc..tives, and recursion.9. Strings and Arrays: String primitiVes, manipulating arrays of characters and integers, twodimensional arraVs, sorting, and searching.y o, hcf ting, and searching.10. Structllres and Macros: Stmctures, macros, conditional assembly directiVes, and defining repeat blocks.11. MS-Windows Programming: Protected mode memory management concepts, using the MicrosoftWindows API to display text and colors, and dynamic memory allocation.12. High-Level Language interface: Parameter passing conventions, inline assembly code, and linkingassemb1V language modules to C and C++ programs.y language modules to C and C++ programs.13. 16-Bit MS-DOS Programming: Calling MS-DOS interrupts for console and file input-output.14. Disk Fundamentals: Disk storage systems, sectors, clusters, directories, file allocation tables, handlingMS-DOS error codes, and driVe and directory m~ulation.15. BIOS-Level Programming: Keyboard input, video text, graphics, and mouse programming.16. ExDert MS-DOS Programming: Custom-designed segments, runtime program structure, andpert MS-DOS Programming: Custom-designed segments, runtime program structure, andInterrupt handling. Hardware control using I/O ports.17. Floating-Point Processing and instruction Encoding: Floating-point binary representation andfloatinZ-DOint arithmetic. Learning to program the lA-32 Floating-Point Unit. Understanding theo point arithmetic. Learning to program the lA-32 Floating-Point Unit. Understanding theencoding of lA-32 machine instructions.5Appendix A: MASM ReferenceAppendix B: The lA-32 Instruction SetAppendix C: BIOS and MS-DOS InterruptsAppendix D: Answers to Review QuestionsReference MaterialsW8b Site The author maintains an actiVe Web site at www.asmirvine.com.H8lP the Help file (in Windows Help Format) by Gerald Cahill of Antelope Valley College. Documents the book's link libraries, as well as Win32 data structures.Assembly Language Workbook An interactive workbook is included on the book's Web site, cover'. 1. Ilug such important topics as number conversions, addressing modes, register usage, Debug program.'minZ and floating-point binary numbers. The content pages are HTML documents, making it easyb, and floating-point binary numbers. The content pages are HTML documents, making it easyfor students and instructors to add their own customized content. This workbook is also available onthe book's Web site.Debugging Tools Tutorials on using Microsoft CodeView, Microsoft Visual Studio, and MicrosoftWindows Debugger (WinDbg).BIOS and MS-DOS Im6rruntS Appendix C contains a brief listing of the most-often-used INT 10hptS Appendix C contains a brief listing of the most-often-used INT 10h(video), INT 16h (keyboard), and INT Zlh (MS-DOS) functions.Instfucaon Set Appendix B lists most nonprivileged instructions for the lA-32 processor family.. D rXXIV PREfACEFor each instruction, we describe its effect, show its syntax, and show which flags are affected.Powerpoint Presentoaons A complete set of Microsoft Powerpoint presentations written by the author.AcknowledgmentsSpecial thanks are due to Tracy Dunkleberger, Executive Editor for Computer Science at PrenticeHall, who provided friendly, helpful guidance during the writing of the fifth edition. Karen Ettingerdid a terrific job as production editof, constantly keeping track of numerous minute details. Camille,oh as production editof, constantly keeping track of numerous minute details. CamilleTrentacoste was the book's managing editor.Fifth EditionI offer mV special thanks and gratitude to the following professors who boosted my morale, gave meJ peelal thanks and gratitude to the following professors who boosted my morale, gave megreat pedagogical tips, and tirelessly examined the entire book. They have been a huge influence onthe development of this book, in some cases across multiple editions:. Gerald Cahill, Antelope Valley College. James Brink, Pacific Lutheran University. William Barrett, San Jose State UniVersityMany thanks to Scott Blackledse and John Tavior, both professional programmers, who proofreadJ s Jlor, both professional programmers, who proofreadmost of the manuscript and flagged numerous errors. Several people reviewed individual chapters:. Jerry JoVce, Keene State CollegeJ J, Keene State College. Tianzheng Wu, Mount Mercy College. Ron Davis, Kennedy-King College. David Topham, Ohlone College. Harvev Nice. Depaul UniVersitVJ, Depaul UniVersityFOurth EditionThe following people were tremendously helpful in creating the fourth edition.o people were tremendously helpful in creating the fourth edition.. Gerald Cahill, Antelope Valley College. James Brink, Pacific Lutheran University. Maria Kolatis, County College of Moms. Tom JoVce, Chief Engineer at Premier Heart, LLC.. Jeff WOthke, Purdue Calumet University. Tim DowneV, Florida international Universityy, florida international UniversityThe followinZ individuals Drovided valuable Droofreading help in the fourth edition fo individuals provided valuable proofreading help in the fourth edition f. Andres Altamirano, Miami. Courtnev Amor, Los Angelesy Amor, Los Angeles. Scott Blackledge, Platform Solutions, Inc.. Ronald Davis, Kennedy-King College. Ata Elahi, Southern Connecticut State UniversitV. Jose Gonzalez, Miami. LeroV Highsmith, Southern Connecticut State UniVersity.. Sand lqbal, Faran institute of Technology,id lqbal, Faran institute of Technology. Charles Jones, Maryville College. Vincent KaVes, Mount St. Mary CollegeJ.. Eric Kobrin, Miami. Pablo Maurin, Miami. BarrV Meaker, Design Engineer, Boeing Corporationy bleaker, Design Engineer, Boeing Corporation. Ian Merkel, Miami. Sylvia Miner, MiamiPREfACE XXV. M. Nawaz, OPSTEC College of Computer Science. Kam Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hien Nguyen, Miami. Ernie Philipp, Northern Virginia Community College.. BoVd SteDhens, UGMO Research, LLCJ phens, UGMO Research, LLC. John Taylor, EnglandJ 5 england. ZacharV TaVlor, Columbia ColleZe, laylor, Columbia College. Virginia Welsh, Community College of Baltimore County.inia Welsh, Community College of Baltimore County. Robert WOrkman, Southern Connecticut State UniversityJ. Tianzheng Wu, Mount Mercy College& flu, Mount Mercy College. Matthew Zukoski, Lehigh University
本書全面細致地講述了匯編語言程序設計的各個方面。從微處理器體系結構、工作機制到指令集;從最基本的編譯器鏈接器的使用到高級過程、結構和宏的使用;從用純匯編編寫程序到用VC++、BC++等最新編譯器與匯編的混合接口編程;從16位實模式下BIOS、DOS實模式文本及圖形程序設計到32位保護模式的Windows程序設計;從磁盤基礎知識到Intel指令編碼、浮點運算等相關知識都做了深入而細致的講解?! ”緯鴥热輳V博,但又講解得非常深入,是匯編語言課程的很好教材。
作者:吉普 (美國)埃爾溫
Preface 1 sasic Concepts 1.1 Welcome to Assembly Lanauaae 1.2 Virtual Machine Concept 1.3 Data Representation 1.4 soolean Operations 1.5 Chapter Summary 2 IA-32 Processor Architecture 2.1 General Concepts 2.2 IA-32 Processor Architecture 2.3 IA-32 Memory Management 2.4 Components of an lA-32 MicrocomDuter 2.5 Input-Output System 2.6 Chapter Summary 3 Assembly Language Fundamentals 3.1 Basic Elements of Assembly Language 3.2 Example: AddingThree Integers 3.3 Assemblina, Linkina, and Runnina Proarams 3.4 Defining Data 3.5 Symbolic Constants 3.6 Real-Address Mode Proarammina (Optional) 3.7 Chapter Summary 3.8 Proqrammina Exercises 4 Data Transfers, Addressing,and Arithmetic 5 Procedures 6 Conditional Processing 7 Integer Arithmetic 8 Advanced Procedures 9 Strings and Arrays 10 Structures and Macros 11 MS-Windows Proarammina 12 High-Level Language interface 13 16-Bit MS-DOS Programming 14 Disk Fundamentals 15 BIOS-Level Programming 16 Expert MS-DOS Programming 17 Floating-Point Processing and instructionAppendix A MASM Reference Appendix B The lA-32 Instruction Set Appendix C BIOS and MS-DOS Interrupts Appendix D Answers to Review Questions
1. 《Intel匯編語言程序設計》組織結構靈活,教師可根據需要按不同的順序、不同的深度進行授課。2. 以32位保護模式編程為默認模型,使讀者更容易理解和接受。3. 為32位和16位程序設計給出了擴展的鏈接庫,包括用于簡化輸入/輸出、數字處理、磁盤與文件處理,以及字符串處理等的40多個函數。4. 作者為每章提供了測試題庫,方便教師準備考試。 5. 以自上而下的方式探究和解析程序的設計思想和過程。6. 作者提供了內容豐富的教學課件。 7. 每小節(jié)后面都給出了復習題,有助于學生掌握所學知識。8. 為教師提供了復習題和編程練習題答案。