出版時(shí)間:2009-5 出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社 作者:杰克·倫敦 頁數(shù):319
杰克·倫敦(Jack London,1876—1916),原名約翰·格利菲斯·倫敦(John Griffith London),美國著名作家,他在現(xiàn)代美國文學(xué)和世界文學(xué)界享有崇高的地位。杰克·倫敦生于舊金山,是個(gè)私生子,后來他的母親改嫁給境況不佳的約翰·倫敦。杰克·倫敦的童年是在窮苦中度過的,他當(dāng)過牧童、報(bào)童、童工、工人、水手。他還參加過1893年大恐慌中失業(yè)大軍組成的抗議隊(duì)伍,以流浪罪被捕入獄,被罰做苦工幾個(gè)月。出獄后,他一邊拼命干活,一邊刻苦學(xué)習(xí),廣泛涉獵達(dá)爾文、斯賓塞、尼采和馬克思等人的著作。1896年,他考進(jìn)加利福尼亞大學(xué),一年后輟學(xué)。后來受到阿拉斯加淘金熱的影響,加入了淘金者的行列,卻因病空手而歸。在經(jīng)歷各種失敗和挫折之后,杰克·倫敦萌發(fā)了寫作的愿望。1899年,他發(fā)表了第一篇小說《給獵人》;1900年,在他出版短篇小說集《狼之子》后,立即飲譽(yù)文壇,并獲得了豐厚的收入。從此,他埋頭讀書寫作,成為職業(yè)作家。他是個(gè)多產(chǎn)的作家,一生共寫了19部長(zhǎng)篇小說、150多篇短篇小說以及3部劇本等。除《狼之子》之外,著名的作品還有:描寫反抗壓迫、回歸自由與自然的《野性的呼喚》(1903),描寫倫敦貧民生活的特寫集《深淵中的人們》(1903),描寫獸性般殘忍和利己主義的長(zhǎng)篇小說《海狼》(1904),描寫充滿野性的幼狼如何從荒野中進(jìn)入文明世界的《白牙》(1906),政治幻想小說《鐵蹄》(1908),自傳體長(zhǎng)篇小說《馬丁·伊登》(1909)等。1916年杰克·倫敦在精神極度苦悶、空虛中自殺身亡。在杰克·倫敦的眾多作品中,《海狼》是其中的典型代表,是公認(rèn)的世界文學(xué)名著。該書自出版以來,已被譯成世界上幾十種語言,且多次被改編成電影。
The Sea Wolf,中文譯名為《海狼》,是世界文學(xué)史上公認(rèn)的經(jīng)典文學(xué)著作,由美國著名作家杰克·倫敦編著。主人公凡·衛(wèi)登是一位美國作家,在一次回舊金山的航行途中遭遇海難。凡·衛(wèi)登被途經(jīng)的捕海豹船“魔鬼號(hào)”救起,綽號(hào)為“海狼”的船長(zhǎng)強(qiáng)迫他隨船出海捕獵,并讓他做各種苦工?!昂@恰绷Υ鬅o比,用暴力手段統(tǒng)治著“魔鬼號(hào)”。一路上,船上發(fā)生了各種令人心驚肉跳的事件。途中,“魔鬼號(hào)”救起五名遇險(xiǎn)旅客,凡·衛(wèi)登對(duì)其中聰慧、美麗又勇敢的女作家莫德一見如故。一天,凡·衛(wèi)登乘機(jī)帶莫德逃走,登上了一座小島。不久,“魔鬼號(hào)”上的全體船員背叛“海狼”?!昂@恰惫律硪蝗?,病發(fā)失明,隨破損的“魔鬼號(hào)”漂流到島上。兇狠、狡猾本性不改的“海狼”最后病逝在島上。凡·衛(wèi)登和莫德修復(fù)了“魔鬼號(hào)”,并為病逝的“海狼”舉行了海葬,最后揚(yáng)帆返航?! ≡摃猿霭嬉詠恚驯蛔g成世界上多種語言。無論作為語言學(xué)習(xí)的課本,還是作為通俗的文學(xué)讀本,本書對(duì)當(dāng)代中國的青少年都將產(chǎn)生積極的影響。為了使讀者能夠了解英文故事概況,進(jìn)而提高閱讀速度和閱讀水平,在每章的開始部分增加了中文導(dǎo)讀。
第一章/Chapter 1 第二章/Chapter 2 第三章/Chapter 3 第四章/Chapter 4 第五章/Chapter 5 第六章/Chapter 6 第七章/Chapter 7 第八章/Chapter 8 第九章/Chapter 9 第十章/Chapter 10 第十一章/Chapter 11 第十二章/Chapter 12 第十三章/Chapter 13 第十四章/Chapter 14 第十五章/Chapter 15 第十六章/Chapter 16 第十七章/Chapter 17 第十八章/Chapter 18 第十九章/Chapter 19 第二十章/Chapter 20 第二十一章/Chapter 21 第二十二章/Chapter 22 第二十三章/Chapter 23 第二十四章/Chapter 24 第二十五章/Chapter 25 第二十六章/Chapter 26 第二十七章/Chapter 27 第二十八章/Chapter 28 第二十九章/Chapter 29 第三十章/Chapter 30 第三十一章/Chapter 31 第三十二章/Chapter 32 第三十三章/Chapter 33 第三十四章/Chapter 34 第三十五章/Chapter 35 第三十六章/Chapter 36 第三十七章/Chapter 37 第三十八章/Chapter 38 第三十九章/Chapter 39
I wondered what this man could have got from such a work. Spencer Iremembered enough to know that altruism was imperative to his ideal ofhighest conduct. Wolf Larsen, evidently, had sifted the great philosopher'steachings, rejecting and selecting according to his needs and desires."What else did you run across?" I asked.His brows drew in slightly with the mental effort of suitably phrasingthoughts which he had never before put into speech. I felt an elation of spirit. Iwas groping into his soul-stulf as he made a practice of groping in thesoul-stuff of others. I was exploring virgin territory. A strange, a terriblystrange, region was unrolling itself before my eyes."In as few words as possible," he began, "Spencer puts it something likethis: First, a man must act for his own benefit to do this is to be moral andgood. Next, he must act for the benefit of his children. And third, he must actfor the benefit of his race.""And the highest, finest, right conduct," I interjected, "is that act whichbenefits at the same time the man, his children, and his race.""I wouldn't stand for that," he replied. "Couldn't see the necessity for it,nor the common sense. I cut out the race and the children. I would sacrificenothing for them. It's just so much slush and sentiment, and you must see ityourself, at least for one who does not believe in eternal life. With immortalitybefore me, altruism would be a paying business proposition. I might elevate mysoul to all kinds of altitudes. But with nothing eternal before me but death,given for a brief spell this yeasty crawling and squirming which is called life,why, it would be immoral for me to perform any act that was a sacrifice. Anysacrifice that makes me lose one crawl or squirm is foolish, and not onlyfoolish, for it is a wrong against myself and a wicked thing. I must not lose onecrawl or squirm if I am to get the most out of the ferment. Nor will the eternalmovelessness that is coming to me be made easier or harder by the sacrifices orselfishnesses of the time when I was yeasty and acrawl."