
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:羅立勝 等編著  頁(yè)數(shù):241  字?jǐn)?shù):312000  


  近幾年來(lái),隨著高等院校研究生教育的迅速發(fā)展,報(bào)考博士研究生的人數(shù)逐年有所增加;2008年我國(guó)在校博士生人數(shù)已超過(guò)美國(guó),居全球第一。博士研究生規(guī)模的擴(kuò)展,一方面是高等院校,特別是重點(diǎn)大學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)和科研發(fā)展的需要,另一方面也是我國(guó)科學(xué)研究達(dá)到更高水平的實(shí)際要求。它從一個(gè)方面反映了我國(guó)高等教育向更高層次發(fā)展的趨勢(shì)?! 〔┦垦芯可逃俏覈?guó)高等教育的最高層次,也是培養(yǎng)高質(zhì)量專門(mén)人才的重要途徑。因此,攻讀博士學(xué)位者,要求考生一方面應(yīng)具備堅(jiān)實(shí)的專業(yè)理論基礎(chǔ)和很強(qiáng)的科研能力,另一方面還應(yīng)具備較好的外語(yǔ)水平。




第1部分 考試指導(dǎo) 詞匯及單項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練 閱讀理解及單項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練 完形填空及單項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練 翻譯及單項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練 寫(xiě)作及單項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練第2部分 模擬試題 TEST ONE TEST TWO TEST THREE TEST FOUR TEST FIVE第3部分 考試真題 2008年清華大學(xué)博士生入學(xué)英語(yǔ)考試試題 北京大學(xué)博士生入學(xué)英語(yǔ)考試試題 北京師范大學(xué)博士生入學(xué)英語(yǔ)考試試題第4部分 答案及解析 專項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練答案及解析 模擬試題答案及解析 考試真題答案


  Many large businesses, however, need cash for new development or expansion far inexcess of what can be provided from their profits or from private sources of capital.A newfactory, an oil-well in the North Sea, can cost millions of pounds to construct and bring intoproduction.A new design of car or brand of medicine likewise can cost millions of pounds todesign, develop, test and market before it reaches the stage where it earns a profit.  Often these costs can be met from profits earned in other parts of the business or fromreserves built up from profits earned in past years.Sometimes, however, it is necessary, andoften it may be more advantageous, to raise new money from other sources.  There can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed by major businesses fromfriends or acquaintances, and generally the banks are reluctant to provide sufficient cash on apermanent basis for long-term projects, though they will provideshort-term finance.  Such companies can sometimes only raise the money they need to stay in the forefront ofindustry and develop new products and sources of production by turning to the public at largeand inviting it to lend them cash or take a share in the business in exchange for a share infuture profits.This they can do by offering shares in the business or loan capital through TheStock Exchange.  1.If you want to buy a new car, which of the following could you not do?  A.Borrow the money from a building society.  B.Borrow the money from a bank.  C.Take money from your savings.  D.Ask a friend to help you out.  2.The normal way for a small business to finance new operations is to  A.use profits from the business  B.borrow from friends  C.borrow from a hire-purchase company  D.arrange a bank loan  3.Large businesses need to borrow huge amount of money because  A.developing and producing a new product takes a long time  B.they can never make enough profit  C.developing and expanding production costs a lot of money  D.running something like an oil-well is very expensive  4.Large businesses get new money to pay for major developments by  A.borrowing from friends  B.involving banks  C.borrowing from building societies  D.selling shares of the company  5.The main purpose of this passage is to  A.contrast the ways different organizations lend money  B.explain how large businesses raise money  C.explain why large businesses need to raise money  D.advise about borrowing money ?。?)I was 22 years old when I was finally received into the Church, but I still suffered froman adolescents suffocating (悶得難受的) desire to find acceptance.Whatever the reasonsthat brought me in——love of poetry and rhetoric, sense of history, cosmic distress andindignation-somehow I felt that some of Mother Church s ancient glamour might rub off onme and that I might somehow be transformed by it and become part of its mystery.  Of course, thats not the way it works at all, I believe now that grace grows fromwithin, slow but very sure.  Shortly after becoming a barrister, when I was 27, in a moment of high hope andidealism and making common cause with the man I had recently married, we fought toabolish the death penalty.All but a small circle of friends, whom I shall honor for ever, fellaway.Professional doors banged shut.  We went to live on the Greek island of Mikonos.It is a strange place, treeless.Fromthe roof of our house at Vrisi we could see seven islands in summer lying like dolphins,encircling the whitewashed pigeon house where we make our home.  At the tiny church we made a group of five, Joseph the tailor, my husband and I andanother English couple.We went to enjoy each others company as much as to have thepleasure of hearing the service.If the priest didnt come-as he often couldnt when the windblew at Force Nine-it didnt particularly matter.We stayed on to have a drink under the treesand watch the sun set.  Years later, I went back to that island with my two sons.Mikonos itself had changed,not for the better: it had changed from my village into a city where I knew only one person ina hundred.  "Go on," I said to my son, "you do it." Unselfconsciously, without hesitation, hetook the bell and went up to the altar followed by his brother.It was a moment of timelesshappiness-of total reconciliation.  Outside, the blazing sun, the wind roaring through the trees of Alefantara.Inside, I felta total synthesis of all reasons, all motives, and I knew that for this moment I had come intothe world.  6.The writer felt that by becoming a member of the Church  A.she had finally been accepted by society  B.she would be changed in some way  C.she would finally understand the mystery of religion  D.she had fulfilled the purpose of her education  7.The writer had only just become a barrister when  A.she decided to give up her career to get married  B.she married someone who disagreed with the abolition of the death penalty  C.she lost a small circle of friends of whom she was very fond  D.she made herself extremely unpopular with her contemporaries  8.The writer and her husband went to live on Mikonos where  A.they had an elegant house built for them  B.they spent all summer lying in the sun on the rooftop  C.they found an unusual house to live in  D.they spent all summer visiting the surrounding islands  9.She and her husband were regular visitors to the small church on the island because  A.they treated the service as both a religious and a social occasion  B.they enjoyed talking to the priest when the service had finished  C.they enjoyed attending a service out-of-doors  D.they had a drink with the priest after the service  10.While attending a service at the same little church she experienced a feeling  of  A.unselfconsciousness  B.total nothingness  C.momentary doubt  D.self-fulfillment





    博士生入學(xué)考試英語(yǔ)備考指南 PDF格式下載

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  •   整體還不錯(cuò),就是內(nèi)容有點(diǎn)舊。
  •   精華吧
  •   書(shū)不錯(cuò),不過(guò)里邊的真題太少了,要是有去年的就好了
  •   內(nèi)容還不錯(cuò),印刷質(zhì)量不怎么好
  •   題目排列的不好,每個(gè)list有點(diǎn)多
  •   支持正版,價(jià)格和**比有差距!
  •   博士生入學(xué)是各個(gè)學(xué)校出題。盡管題型就那幾種,但是側(cè)重點(diǎn)還是不一樣的。貪大求全還是不行,得對(duì)著報(bào)考學(xué)校的真題我覺(jué)得才有效果。而且這個(gè)書(shū)里有好幾處印刷錯(cuò)誤,答案不對(duì)。
  •   偏簡(jiǎn)單,作文和翻譯比較差。和那本單詞書(shū)有不少重題。
  •   書(shū)質(zhì)量一般。最可恨的事快遞太慢,催了好多次,用了六天時(shí)間才到,而且書(shū)來(lái)了之后都破了,劃了一道大口子。

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