
出版時間:2008-7  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:吳國新 編  頁數(shù):305  


  本書是作者根據(jù)多年的教學、實踐經(jīng)驗,為適應高等院校雙語教學需要而編寫的教材。書中對當前國際結(jié)算中采用的結(jié)算方式、結(jié)算工具、結(jié)算單據(jù)等內(nèi)容做了詳細介紹,并緊密結(jié)合近年來國際貿(mào)易和結(jié)算方面的國際慣例新變化與發(fā)展,全方位地反映國際結(jié)算業(yè)務運作的原理、慣例、條件、方式和手段。全書共9章,包括總論、國際結(jié)算工具、匯款、托收、信用證、其他國際結(jié)算方式、國際結(jié)算單據(jù)、非貿(mào)易結(jié)算、電子支付等。為方便讀者使用,書后附錄還載有國際商會第522號《托收統(tǒng)一規(guī)則》、國際商會第600號《跟單信用證統(tǒng)一慣例》、國際商會《國際備用信用證實務》(ISP98)以及國際商會第525號《國際商會有關(guān)信用證項下銀行償付的統(tǒng)一規(guī)則》等?! ”緯粌H內(nèi)容豐富,還結(jié)合課程特點,突出“應用型”,注重實際操作能力的培養(yǎng)。除第1章外,其他各章最后一節(jié)都編寫有案例分析,有助于讀者更直觀地掌握國際結(jié)算的主要業(yè)務、操作程序,熟悉業(yè)務操作中的基本步驟和方法。既可供高等院校國際經(jīng)濟與貿(mào)易學、國際金融等專業(yè)本科學生使用,也可供業(yè)務部門作培訓教材,還可供外貿(mào)、銀行等領(lǐng)域理論工作者和實際工作者閱讀使用。


CONTENTSPreface I前言 IIIChapter 1 General Introduction 11.1 Origin and Development of International Settlement 11.2 Basis and Conditions of International Settlement 81.3 International Payment Systems 16Chapter 2 Instruments of International Settlement 252.1 An Overview of Negotiable Instruments 252.2 Bill of Exchange 282.3 Promissory Note 532.4 Check 572.5 Cases 65Chapter 3 Remittance 673.1 Outline of Remittance 673.2 Procedure for Remittance 703.3 Application of Remittance 753.4 Cases 81Chapter 4 Collection 834.1 An Overview of Collection 834.2 Documentary Collection Practice 904.3 Risk Protection and Financing under Collection 994.4 Cases 102Chapter 5 Letter of Credit 1085.1 An Overview of L/C 1085.2 Procedures of L/C 1235.3 Types of L/C (including standby L/C) 1305.4 Key Issues under L/C 1425.5 Cases 157Chapter 6 Other Methods of International Settlement 1656.1 Bank’s Letter of Guarantee 1656.2 International Factoring 1716.3 Forfeiting 1756.4 Cases 179Chapter 7 Documents Used in International Settlement 1817.1 Commercial Documents 1817.2 Transport Documents 1887.3 Insurance Documents 1957.4 Official Documents 1987.5 Documents Examinations and Disposal of Discrepancies 2057.6 Cases 208Chapter 8 Non-trade Settlement 2138.1 Basic Content of Non-trade Settlement 2138.2 Non-trade Remittance 2138.3 Clean Collection and Clean L/C 2168.4 Credit Card 2198.5 Cases 222Chapter 9 Cyber Payments 2249.1 Introduction of Cyber Payments 2249.2 Payment through the Internet 2279.3 Cyber Payments—Today and Future 2349.4 Cases 236Appendix 1 Glossary 241Appendix 2 ICC Uniform Rules for Collections 262Appendix 3 ICC Uniform and Practice for Documentary Credit 271Appendix 4 International Standby Practices (ISP98) 292Appendix 5 ICC Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements underDocumentary Credits (ICC Publication No.525) 295References 304Postscript 306后記 307





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