
出版時間:2008-5  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:弗朗西絲·霍奇森·伯內(nèi)特  頁數(shù):281  字?jǐn)?shù):285000  


  弗朗西絲·霍奇森·伯內(nèi)特(1849—1924),英裔美國人,是19世紀(jì)和20世紀(jì)美國最著名的小說家、童話作家和劇作家。1849年11月24日生于英國曼徹斯特市,1865年隨全家移民美國田納西州。她從18歲開始在雜志上發(fā)表故事。1877年,編著出版了《勞瑞家的那閨女》,該書取材于幼年她在英國煤礦的生活,一經(jīng)出版便獲得讀者認(rèn)可并成為當(dāng)時最暢銷的小說之一。然而,讓弗朗西絲·霍奇森·伯內(nèi)特聞名于世的,是她的兒童文學(xué)作品。1886年,她發(fā)表了小說《小爵爺》,描寫一個美國小男孩成為英國伯爵繼承人的故事,該本書讓伯內(nèi)特成為當(dāng)時最暢銷、最富有的流行作家之一。1905年,伯內(nèi)特發(fā)表了《小公主》,該書通過一位遭遇家庭變故,善良、美麗的印度富家千金的成長和生活經(jīng)歷,講述一個關(guān)于財富、地位以及人生態(tài)度的故事。1909年,當(dāng)她在紐約長島布置自己家花園的時候,突發(fā)靈感,構(gòu)思出《秘密花園》,該書于1911年出版,成為當(dāng)時英國和美國最暢銷童話圖書。她的許多作品被改編為話劇和電影,這其中包括《小少爺方特羅伊》、《小公主》和《秘密花園》。  作為伯內(nèi)特最成功的童話作品,《秘密花園》于1919年、1949年、1993年三度在美國被拍成電影,1994年制作成電視卡通片。除此之外,根據(jù)《秘密花園》制作的各種產(chǎn)品,從磁帶有聲書籍、幼兒圖書、簡寫本、縮寫本,到玩具書、文具、手工藝品,不計其數(shù)。該書出版近100年來,被譯成世界上50多種文字,銷售冊數(shù)以千萬記。目前,僅在美國的圖書市場上,全文的《秘密花園》超過30個版本,其中包括由著名的藍(lán)登書屋(RandomHouse)、企鵝出版集團(tuán)(PenguinGroup)、牛津大學(xué)出版社(OxfordUniversity’Press)等出版公司出版的相關(guān)圖書。由于《秘密花園》語言平易,故事卻極富傳神,同時思想豐富、情節(jié)精彩曲折,容易吸引青少年學(xué)生,因而在世界各地常被選作英文教材教學(xué)或英語課外閱讀用書。  在中國,《秘密花園》同樣是最受廣大青少年讀者歡迎的經(jīng)典童話作品之一。自20世紀(jì)20年代引進(jìn)中國以來,各種版本總計不下百種。作為世界童話文學(xué)寶庫中的傳世經(jīng)典之作,它影響了一代又一代中國人的美麗童年、少年直至成年。目前,在國內(nèi)數(shù)量眾多的《秘密花園》書籍中,主要的出版形式有兩種,一種是中文翻譯版,另一種是中英文對照版。而其中的中英文對照讀本比較受讀者的歡迎,這主要得益于中國人熱衷于學(xué)習(xí)英文的大環(huán)境。而從英文學(xué)習(xí)的角度上來看,直接使用純英文的學(xué)習(xí)資料更有利于英語學(xué)習(xí)??紤]到對英文內(nèi)容背景的了解有助于英文閱讀,使用中文導(dǎo)讀應(yīng)該是一種比較好的方式,也可以說是該類型書的第三種版本形式。采用中文導(dǎo)讀而非中英文對照的方式進(jìn)行編排,這樣有利于國內(nèi)讀者擺脫對英文閱讀依賴中文注釋的習(xí)慣?;谝陨显?,我們決定編譯《秘密花園》,并采用中文導(dǎo)讀英文版的形式出版。在中文導(dǎo)讀中,我們盡力使其貼近原作的精髓,也盡可能保留原作簡潔、精練、明快的風(fēng)格。我們希望能夠編出為當(dāng)代中國讀者所喜愛的經(jīng)典讀本。讀者在閱讀英文故事之前,可以先閱讀中文導(dǎo)讀內(nèi)容,這樣有利于了解故事背景,從而加快閱讀速度。我們相信,該經(jīng)典著作的引進(jìn)對加強(qiáng)當(dāng)代中國讀者,特別是青少年讀者的人文修養(yǎng)是非常有幫助的?! ”緯饕獌?nèi)容由劉乃亞、紀(jì)飛編譯。參加本書故事素材搜集整理及編譯工作的還有鄭佳、王勛、趙雪、左新杲、黃福成、馮潔、徐鑫、馬啟龍、王業(yè)偉、王旭敏、陳楠、王多多、邵舒麗、周麗萍、王曉旭、李永振、孟憲行、熊紅華、胡國平、熊建國、徐平國和王小紅等。限于我們的文學(xué)素養(yǎng)和英語水平,書中難免會有一些不當(dāng)之處,我們衷心希望讀者朋友批評指正。


《秘密花園》是20世紀(jì)最偉大的童話巨著之一,它是由美國著名作家弗朗西絲·霍奇森·伯內(nèi)特(1849-1924)編著而成。這是一部講述一個關(guān)于美好心靈和大自然的魔法的故事,是關(guān)于“內(nèi)心秘密成長。的童話。書中主人公瑪麗雖然與父母生活在一起,但并未享受過來自父母的親情,土著仆人對她的百依百順,使她變得任性又乖戾,但是當(dāng)她遇到一個秘密的廢棄花園后,她和她的伙伴們都去掉了所有討人厭的壞毛病,成為富有愛心的漂亮姑娘和健壯小伙子。他們把這一切,都?xì)w功干大自然的寬法。    本書一經(jīng)出版,很快就成為當(dāng)時最受關(guān)注和最暢銷的兒童文學(xué)作品,至今被譯成世界上60多種文字,曾經(jīng)先后十幾次被改編成電影、電視劇、卡通片、話劇、舞臺劇。無論作為語言學(xué)習(xí)的課本,還是作為通俗的文學(xué)讀本,對當(dāng)代中國的青少年都將產(chǎn)生積極的影響。為了使讀者能夠了解英文故事概況,進(jìn)而提高閱讀速度和閱讀水平,在每章的開始部分增加了中文導(dǎo)讀。




1.一個也不剩/There is No One Left	12.瑪麗小姐相當(dāng)倔強(qiáng)/Mistress Mary Quite Contrary	83.穿越荒野/Across the Moor	174.瑪莎/Martha	235.走廊里的哭聲/The Cry In the Corridor	416.“那兒有人在哭……真的!”/“There Was Some One Crying—There Was!”	487.花園的鑰匙/The Key To the Garden	568.引路的知更鳥/The Robin Who Showed the Way	649.有人曾住過的古怪房子/The Strangest House Any One Ever Lived In	7310.迪肯/Dickon	8511.米塞爾畫眉的窩/The Nest of the Missel Thrush	9912.“可以給我一點泥土嗎?”/“Might I Have ABit of Earth?”	10913.“我是柯林”/“I Am Colin”	11814.小王爺/A Young Rajah	13215.筑巢/Nest Building	14516.瑪麗說:“我不會”/“I Won’t!”Said Mary	15717.發(fā)脾氣/A Tantrum	16518.“你不許浪費(fèi)時間”/“You Must Not Waste No Time”	17319.“它來了”/“It Has Come”	18220.“我將活到永遠(yuǎn)……永遠(yuǎn)……永遠(yuǎn)!”/“I Shall LiveForever—and Ever —and Ever!”	19421.本·威瑟思特夫/Bean Weatherstaff	20322.當(dāng)太陽下山時/When the Sun Went Down	21423.魔法/Magic	22124.“讓他們笑吧”/“Let Them Laugh”	23325.簾幕/The Curtain	24526.“是媽媽!”/“It’s Mother!”	25327.在花園里/In the Garden	264


  1.一個也不?! here is No One Left    人們都說沒見過長得像瑪麗這么難看的小孩。她看上去是那么的令人不愉快,又瘦又黃的臉,又薄又黃的頭發(fā),身材單薄,而臉上整天都是一副氣呼呼的樣子。自從她在印度出生后,她就只熟悉印度奶媽和仆人的黑臉,因為她的媽媽心里只有宴會和玩樂。那些仆人們對這個病懨懨又難看的小女孩百依百順?,旣惥瓦@樣隨心所欲地生活著,長成了一個自私、暴躁又孤單的孩子。  然而,她的生活發(fā)生了巨大的變化。那是在她差不多九歲的一天早上,霍亂爆發(fā)了,奶媽死了,她在混亂中藏到嬰兒室里,時哭時睡,沒有人想起來找她?! 〔恢朗裁磿r候她醒來了,聽不到說話聲,也沒有腳步聲,房子里從未如此寂靜過。過了一段時間,一個軍官和一個年輕男人打開門走了進(jìn)來,從他們的對話中,瑪麗得知自己已經(jīng)沒有父親母親了?!     ?hen Mary Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle, everybody said she was the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen. It was true, too. She had a little thin face and a little thin body, thin light hair and a sour expression. Her hair was yellow, and her face was yellow because she had been born in India and                      可憐的瑪麗    had always been ill in one way or another. Her father had held a position under the English Government and had always been busy and ill himself, and her mother had been a great beauty who cared only to go to parties and amuse herself with gay people. She had not wanted a little girl at all, and when Mary was born she handed her over to the care of an Ayah, who was made to understand that if she wished to please the Mem Sahib, she must keep the child out of sight as much as possible. So when she was a sickly, fretful, ugly little baby, she was kept out of the way, and when she became a sickly, fretful, toddling thing, she was kept out of the way also. She never remembered seeing familiarly anything but the dark faces of her Ayah and the other native servants, and as they always obeyed her and gave her her own way in everything, because the Mem Sahib would be angry if she was disturbed by her crying, by the time she was six years old she was as tyrannical and selfish a little pig as ever lived. The young English governess who came to teach her to read and write disliked her so much that she gave up her place in three months, and when other governesses came to try to fill it they always went away in a shorter time than the first one. So if Mary had not chosen to really want to know how to read books, she would never have learned her letters at all.  One frightfully hot morning, when she was about nine years old, she awakened feeling very cross, and she became crosser still when she saw that the servant who stood by her bedside was not her Ayah.  “Why did you come?” she said to the strange woman. “I will not let you stay. Send my Ayah to me.”  The woman looked frightened, but she only stammered that the Ayah could not come and when Mary threw herself into a passion and beat and kicked her, she looked only more frightened and repeated that it was not possible for the Ayah to come to Missie Sahib.  There was something mysterious in the air that morning. Nothing was done in its regular order and several of the native servants seemed missing, while those whom Mary saw slunk or hurried about with ashy and scared faces. But no one would tell her anything and her Ayah did not come. She was actually left alone as the morning went on, and at last she wandered out into the garden and began to play by herself under a tree near the veranda. She pretended that she was making a flower-bed, and she stuck big scarlet hibiscus blossoms into little heaps of earth, all the time growing more and more angry and muttering to herself the things she would say and the names she would call Saidie when she returned.  “Pig! Pig! Daughter of Pigs!” she said, because to call a native a pig is the worst insult of all.  She was grinding her teeth and saying this over and over again when she heard her mother come out on the veranda with some one. She was with a fair young man and they stood talking together in low strange voices. Mary knew the fair young man who looked like a boy. She had heard that he was a very young officer who had just come from England.  The child stared at him, but she stared most at her mother. She always did this when she had a chance to see her, because the Mem Sahib-Mary used to call her that oftener than anything else-was such a tall, slim, pretty person and wore such lovely clothes. Her hair was like curly silk and she had a delicate little nose which seemed to be disdaining things, and she had large laughing eyes. All her clothes were thin and floating, and Mary said they were “full of lace”. They looked fuller of lace than ever this morning, but her eyes were not laughing at all. They were large and scared and lifted imploringly to the fair boy officer’s face.  “Is it so very bad? Oh, is it?” Mary heard her say.  “Awfully,” the young man answered in a trembling voice. “Awfully, Mrs. Lennox. You ought to have gone to the hills two weeks ago.”  The Mem Sahib wrung her hands.  “Oh, I know I ought!” she cried. “I only stayed to go to that silly dinner party. What a fool I was!”  At that very moment such a loud sound of wailing broke out from the servants’ quarters that she clutched the young man’s arm, and Mary stood shivering from head to foot. The wailing grew wilder and wilder.  “What is it? What is it?” Mrs. Lennox gasped.  “Some one has died,” answered the boy officer. “You did not say it had broken out among your servants.”  “I did not know!” the Mem Sahib cried. “Come with me! Come with me!” and she turned and ran into the house.  After that, appalling things happened, and the mysteriousness of the morning was explained to Mary. The cholera had broken out in its most fatal form and people were dying like flies. The Ayah had been taken ill in the night, and it was because she had just died that the servants had wailed in the huts. Before the next day three other servants were dead and others had run away in terror. There was panic on every side, and dying people in all the bungalows.  During the confusion and bewilderment of the second day Mary hid herself in the nursery and was forgotten by everyone. Nobody thought of her, nobody wanted her, and strange things happened of which she knew nothing. Mary alternately cried and slept through the hours. She only knew that people were ill and that she heard mysterious and tightening sounds. Once she crept into the dining-room and found it empty, though a partly finished meal was on the table and chairs and plates looked as if they had been hastily pushed back when the diners rose suddenly for some reason. The child ate some fruit and biscuits, and being thirsty she drank a glass of wine which stood nearly filled. It was sweet, and she did not know how strong it was. Very soon it made her intensely drowsy, and she went back to her nursery and shut herself in again, frightened by cries she heard in the huts and by the hurrying sound of feet. The wine made her so sleepy that she could scarcely keep her eyes open and she lay down on her bed and knew nothing more for a long time.  Many things happened during the hours in which she slept so heavily, but she was not disturbed by the wails and the sound of things being carried in and out of the bungalow.  When she awakened she lay and stared at the wall. The house was perfectly still. She had never known it to be so silent before. She heard neither voices nor footsteps, and wondered if everybody had got well of the cholera and all the trouble was over. She wondered also who would take care of her now her Ayah was dead. There would be a new Ayah, and perhaps she would know some new stories. Mary had been rather tired of the old ones. She did not cry because her nurse had died. She was not an affectionate child and had never cared much for any one. The noise and hurrying about and wailing over the cholera had frightened her, and she had been angry because no one seemed to remember that she was alive. Everyone was too panic-stricken to think of a little girl no one was fond of. When people had the cholera it seemed that they remembered nothing but themselves. But if everyone had got well again, surely some one would remember and come to look for her.  But no one came, and as she lay waiting the house seemed to grow more and more silent. She heard something rustling on the matting and when she looked down she saw a little snake gliding along and watching her with eyes like jewels. She was not frightened, because he was a harmless little thing who would not hurt her and he seemed in a hurry to get out of the room. He slipped under the door as she watched him.  “How queer and quiet it is,” she said. “It sounds as if there were no one in the bungalow but me and the snake.”  Almost the next minute she heard footsteps in the compound, and then on the veranda. They were men’s footsteps, and the men entered the bungalow and talked in low voices. No one went to meet or speak to them and they seemed to open doors and look into rooms.  “What desolation!” she heard one voice say. “That pretty, pretty woman! I suppose the child, too. I heard there was a child, though no one ever saw her.”  Mary was standing in the middle of the nursery when they opened the door a few minutes later. She looked an ugly, cross little thing and was frowning because she was beginning to be hungry and feel disgracefully neglected. The first man who came in was a large officer she had once seen talking to her father. He looked tired and troubled, but when he saw her he was so startled that he almost jumped back.  “Barney!” he cried out. “There is a child here! A child alone! In a place like this! Mercy on us, who is she!”  “I am Mary Lennox,” the little girl said, drawing herself up stiffly. She thought the man was very rude to call her father’s bungalow “A place like this!”  “I fell asleep when everyone had the cholera and I have only just wakened up. Why does nobody come?”  “It is the child no one ever saw!” exclaimed the man, turning to his companions. “She has actually been forgotten!”  “Why was I forgotten?” Mary said, stamping her foot. “Why does nobody come?”  The young man whose name was Barney looked at her very sadly. Mary even thought she saw him wink his eyes as if to wink tears away.  “Poor little kid!” he said. “There is nobody left to come.”  It was in that strange and sudden way that Mary found out that she had neither father nor mother left; that they had died and been carried away in the night, and that the few native servants who had not died also had left the house as quickly as they could get out of it, none of them even remembering that there was a Missie Sahib. That was why the place was so quiet. It was true that there was no one in the bungalow but herself and the little rustling snake.      The Secret      Garden    ?There is      No One Left


  《秘密花園》是一部展現(xiàn)孩子心靈的魔法書。記述的是在一個大莊園里,有一個廢棄的花園。一位名叫瑪麗的小女孩無意中獲得園園的鑰匙,在知更鳥的指導(dǎo)下找到隱藏的小門。她和佃戶的兒子迪肯在花園里栽花種共??系下斆髂芨?,會和很多動物說話。后來,莊園主的這兒子柯林也參加進(jìn)來,他是個多病、瘦弱、脾氣暴躁的小男孩。在這個美麗的花園里,瑪麗和柯林改掉了所有討人厭的壞毛病,長成了漂亮的姑娘和健壯的小伙子。這個美麗的秘密花園,是展示愛和大自然力量的舞臺,它使人相信:依靠愛與大自然的力量,人類才可以告別凄慘的愛情和不幸的命運(yùn)?! ≡诿绹鴼v史上,很少有一本書能像《秘密花園》這樣成功,近百年來,先后被譯成世界上60多種文字,還十幾次被改編成電影、電視、卡通片、話劇、舞臺劇。這說明,美好的心靈是人類永遠(yuǎn)舍不得丟棄的,《秘密花園》正好講的是關(guān)于美好心靈和大自然的魔法的故事。




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用戶評論 (總計22條)


  •   初中娃娃的課外閱讀書。有句話叫開卷有益,相信應(yīng)該聽說過。
  •   是中文導(dǎo)讀的書 真挺不錯的
  •   導(dǎo)讀版是很好的書籍,設(shè)計很漂亮。
  •   每個章節(jié)都有中文的導(dǎo)讀。但是我還是沒有堅持下去的餓??床幌氯?。
  •   中英文激發(fā)孩子的閱讀興趣!尤其對學(xué)習(xí)英文閱讀有用!
  •   好書,值得一讀。買書時就很好,店家的服務(wù)到位,讀書時更是覺得這是一本好書。
  •   女兒讀過中文版的,這次看到這本是中英結(jié)合馬上買了,想讓孩子學(xué)習(xí)讀英文著作,認(rèn)為這樣更有助于孩子學(xué)習(xí)英語。
  •   書是因為清華小學(xué)老師要求五年級必讀的課外書,書比一般的書高,中英文對照,紙張很好。女兒說好看,我也欣賞一下,恩,不錯很吸引人。希望女兒長大能讀原版的,估計會更有滋味。
  •   那時候誰給我買了這本書,我已然忘記。留給我的確是無盡的想象。。。
  •   書本比較大,攜帶有點不方便,其他都還不錯
  •   很早以前看過卡通片才想買的,感覺不錯,前面有導(dǎo)讀部分,兒童故事,不難
  •   這本書總體很好,是英文版本的。中文只有每章前的導(dǎo)讀部分。紙質(zhì)非常好!
  •   這本書是中英混合的
  •   書的紙張質(zhì)量和印刷挺不錯的,封面如果能設(shè)計得更美觀一點傳遞書中的美感更好!
  •   很喜歡 書的質(zhì)量很好 睡前讀一讀 哈哈
  •   給朋友孩子買的,難度比較高
  •   挺不錯的 價格很實惠
  •   送貨挺好
  •   不過感覺沒必要紙張這么大,字與字的空隙太大。內(nèi)容不錯。
  •   不可否認(rèn)的是,翻譯也很傳神。
  •   小時候看過“秘密花園”的動畫片,非常喜歡,覺得那個莊園,那座宅院有無數(shù)秘密等待主人公和我一起去探索。(只是后來大了讀到簡愛等類似的故事后,新奇感減弱了)
  •   我個人覺得翻譯的不好

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
