
出版時間:2008-4  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:王艷 編  頁數(shù):191  


  物流無國界。隨著世界各國之間貿(mào)易交往的日益密切,我國物流業(yè)已開始挺進國際物流市場。加強我國物流從業(yè)人員的英語培訓(xùn)已成為目前迫切需要解決的問題?! ”緯鴥?nèi)容包括:物流簡介、客戶服務(wù)、物流倉儲、運輸與配送、包裝與采購、國際物流、第三方物流、供應(yīng)鏈管理、物流信息管理。本書選材新穎、難度適宜、通俗易懂,注重突出職業(yè)教育特點與實際應(yīng)用。  本書不僅可作為各學(xué)歷層次職業(yè)教育現(xiàn)代物流管理專業(yè)教材,還可作為物流企業(yè)從業(yè)人員的培訓(xùn)教材,對廣大社會自學(xué)者也是非常有益的參考書。


Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics.  Text 1 What Is Logistics  Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics ComPany  Text 2 Activities in Logistics System  Dialogue 2 Visiting a Logistics Company Unit 2 Customer Service  Text 1 What Is Customer Service  Dialogue 1 Delay of Delivering  Text 2 How to Improve Customer Service Level  Dialogue 2 Making a Complaint Unit 3 Warehousing  Text 1 Warehouse Operation  Dialogue 1 Visiting a Warehouse  Text 2 Inventory Management  Dialogue 2 How Much Should I Order Unit 4 Transportation and Distribution  Text 1 Transportation Mode  Dialogue 1 Negotiating About the Transportation Conditions  Text 2 Distribution Management  Dialogue 2 Partial Shipment and TransshipmentUnit 5 Packaging Text 1 Introduction of Packaging  Dialogue 1 Packing of Silk Stockings Text 2 Functions of Packaging Dialogue 2 The Packaging of BeerUnit 6 International Logistics Text 1  Containerization Dialogue 1 Talking About the Unloading Port Text 2 Main Logistics Documents Dialogue 2 Change the Port of DestinationUnit 7 Purchasing Text 1 Purchasing Dialogue 1 What Is Purchasing Text 2 Purchasing Process Dialogue 2 Ordering EquipmentUnit 8 The Third Party Logistics Text 1 The Nature of the Third Party Logistics Dialogue 1 Searching the 3PL Companies Text 2 3PL in China Dialogue 2 Evaluating 3PL CompaniesUnit 9 Supply Chain Management Text i Supply Chain Management  Dialogue 1 Developing a Supply Chain  Text 2 Developing Trends in Supply Chain Management Dialogue 2 The Possibility of Creating a Supply Chain Unit 10 Logistics Information Management Text 1 The Role of Information Management Dialogue 1 Difference between Legacy System and Present SystemAppendix I Logisticas TermsAppendix II Reference KeysAppendix III Logistics Documents參考文獻





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用戶評論 (總計4條)


  •   挺好的,物流速度很快
  •   我覺得后面的專業(yè)詞匯,對照表蠻好的
  •   一般,對于本科生可能比較簡單。
  •   書本有缺漏,起始頁居然是第五頁

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
