
出版時間:2007-4  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:胡陽  頁數(shù):214  


  《奧運英語報道選讀》是為英語愛好者及體育愛好者編寫的有關(guān)英語體育新聞及體育評論的英語閱讀教材,所選文章均為國內(nèi)外主要媒體對2004年雅典奧運會的專題報道。全書共12個單元,每個單元3篇文章,從內(nèi)容上分為兩大部分:第一部分3個單元,主要是奧運會組織情況報道,如2008年北京奧運會準備情況及2004年奧運會開幕閉幕式報道等。第二部分為9個單元,主要是項目方面的報道,包括了2004年奧運會主要項目比賽情況的報道?!  秺W運英語報道選讀》可供奧運會愿者培訓之用,同時可供大學本科學生及研究生英語乏讀課程使用,亦可供具備一定語基礎(chǔ)的體育愛好者自學使用。


UNTT One PREPARATION OF 2008 OLYMPIADText l Keep Your Eye on the Ball.Rogge Tells BeijingText 2 Education the Heart of Olympics Says RoggeText 3 Wang Wei Updates on Olympic PreparationsUNIT Two MEDIA IN OLYMPIC GAMESText 1 Prime Time in U.S.Translates to Morning Callin BeijingText 2 7he Curling Factor:Widening the Field to Win Cable GoldText 3 No Gold Medals,but Competition Is IntenseUNIT Three CEREMONIESText l Glittering Opening for OlympicsText 2 Triumphant Olympics End with Pride and ReliefText 3 Zhang Yimou to Direct Opening Ceremony of Beijinl OlympicsUNIT Four ATHLETICSText l Sorry to Have Disappointed:AnjuText 2 Bizarre Marathon Closes Athens CompetitionText 3 Italian Strides to 20 km Walk ColdUNIT Five BALL SPORTSText l Golden Brazil Win Volleyball TitleText 2 Federer Through After Rare WarningText 3 Germany Claim Shock Hockey VictoryUNIT Six CYCLING,EQUESTRIAN,F(xiàn)ENCINGText l A Race of Attrition,and Then There Were TwoText 2 Rogge Refuses Duplicate Medal RequestsText 3 Who’S Behind the Gold Medalist’S Mask? Gosh,an American!UNIT Seven AQUATICSText l Thompson Loses Lead As Australia Upsets U.S.Text 2 China Takes Gold,Bronze in Platform DivingText 3 Roundup:Hungary Wins Men’S Water Polo GoldUNIT Eight GYMNASTICSText1 FIG Considers Gymnastics Rule ChangesText 2 German Mother Somersaults to Trampoline GoldText 3 Paul Hamm,“I competed my heart out.”UNIT Nine BOAT SPORTSText l Hungary’S Janics Goes Double GoldText 2 Pinsent Captures Fourth Gold in Coxless Four Photo FinishText 3 Windsurfer Wins First—ever Gold for IsraelUNIT Ten WEIGHT AND CONTACT SPORTSText 1 Teenager Khan Is Through to FinalText 2 Moroccan Lifter Fails Test for DrugsText 3 Gardner Ends Career with BronzeUnit Eleven PENTAHLON TRIATHLON AND TAEKWONDOUnit Twelve PAST PRESENT AND PUTUREAppendix1 閱讀理解參考答案Appendix2 奧運會運動項目名稱Appendix3 殘疾人奧運會運動項目名稱Appendix4 2008年北京奧運比賽場館名稱Appendix5 中國體育組織名稱Appendix6 奧運常用詞匯




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