
出版時間:2006-10-1  出版社:清華大學(xué)  作者:(丹麥)安徒生  頁數(shù):434  譯者:紀飛  


安徒生童話是一部以童話而名揚世界的文學(xué)巨著,它是由丹麥著名詩人、童話作家安徒生歷時近40年創(chuàng)作而成?!俺笮▲啞?、“皇帝的新裝”、“ 拇指姑娘”和“賣火柴的小女孩”伴隨了一代又一代人的美麗童年、少年直至成年。安徒生童話問世一百多年來,至今仍被譯成世界上140種文字,而其中英文譯本更是不計其數(shù)。本書選用的是最著名的英文譯本之一,為了使讀者能夠了解英文童話故事概況,進而提高閱讀速度和閱讀水平,在每篇英文童話故事的開始部分增加了中文導(dǎo)讀。


漢斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(Hans Christian Ander-sen,1805-1875)是名揚世界的童話大師。安徒生1805年4月出生于丹麥中部富恩島上的奧登塞小鎮(zhèn),他編著的童話故事伴隨一代又一代人的美麗童年、少年直至成年,其中《賣火柴的小女孩》、《皇帝的新裝》、《丑小鴨》、《白雪皇


1.  大克勞斯與小克勞斯/ Great Claus and Little Claus	12.  豌豆上的公主/ The Princess on the Pea	143.  小意達的花兒/ Little Ida抯  Flowers	164.  雛菊/ The Daisy	255.  拇指姑娘/ Thumbelina	306.  永恒的友情/ The Bond of Friendship	437.  玫瑰花精/ The Rose-Elf	528.  蕎麥/ The Buckwheat	589.  頑皮的孩子/ The Naughty Boy	6110.  夜鶯/ The Nightingale	6511.  戀人/ The Lovers	7612.  冰姑娘/ The Ice Maiden	7913.  旅伴/ The Travelling Companion	12714.  蝴蝶/ The Butterfly	14815.  蝸牛?玫瑰樹/ The Snail and the Rose Tree	15216.  風車/ The Windmill	15617.  海的女兒/ The Little Sea Maid	15918.  一枚銀毫/ The Silver Shilling	18319.  金黃的寶貝/ The Golden Treasure	18820.  茶壺/ The Tea- Pot	19821.  皇帝的新裝/ The Emperor抯  New Clothes	20122.  小小的綠東西/ The Little Green Ones	20823.  藏著并不等于遺忘/ Hidden Is Not Forgotten	21124.  看門人的兒子/ The Porter抯  Son	21525.  夏日癡/ The Snowdrop, or Summer-Geck	23326.  幸運的套鞋/ The Goloshes of Fortune	23827.  姑媽/ Auntie	26528.  癩蛤蟆/ The Toad	27129.  堅定的錫兵/ The Hardy Tin Soldier	27930.  幸運可能就在一根棒上/ Good Luck Can Lie in a Pin	28531.  彗星/ The Comet	28932.  一個星期的日子/ The Days of the Week	29433.  野天鵝/ The Wild Swans	29734.  陽光的故事/ Sunshine抯  Stories	31435.  燭/ The Candles	31836.  最難令人相信的事情/ The Most Incredible Thing	32337.  天國花園/ The Garden of Paradise	32838.  全家人講的話/ What the Whole Family Said	34439.  舞吧,舞吧,我的玩偶/ Dance, Dance, Doll of Mine	348


  3.豌豆上的公主  The Princess On the Pea  從前有一位王子想要娶一個真正的公主,但他走遍了世界去尋找也沒有找到?! ≡谝粋€暴風雨的夜晚,有人在敲城門。老國王打開門之后,發(fā)現(xiàn)城門外站著一位被大雨淋得透濕的女孩兒,她說她是一位真正的公主。老皇后什么也沒有說,她在床榻上放了一粒豌豆,然后又在上面壓上了20床墊子和20床鴨絨被。晚上這位公主就睡在這些東西上面?! ≡缟洗蠹以儐柟魉萌绾?,公主抱怨說一夜都沒睡好,總感覺有一粒很硬的東西弄得她全身發(fā)疼。大家都驚嘆于公主嬌嫩的肌膚,認為她就是真正的公主。王子終于如愿以償,娶到了“真正”的公主,那粒鑒別公主真假的豌豆則被送進了博物館。  There was once a Prince who wanted to marry a princess;but she was to be a real princess.So he travelled about,all through the world,tO find a real one,but everywhere there was something in the way.There were princesses enough,but whether they were real princesses he could not quite make out:there was always something that did not seem quite right.So he came home again,and was quite sad;for he wished SO much to have a real princess.  One evening a terrible storm came on.It lightened and thundered,the rain streamed down; it was quite fearful! Then there was a knocking at the town-gate, and the old King went out to open it.  It was a Princess who stood outside the gate. But, mercy! How she looked, from the rain and the rough weather! The water ran down her hair and her clothes; it ran in at the points of her shoes, and out at the heels; and yet she declared that she was a real princess.  "Yes, we will soon find that out," thought the old Queen. But she said nothing, only went into the bedchamber, took all the bedding off, and put a pea on the bottom of the bedstead; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them upon the pea, and then twenty eider-down quilts upon the mattresses. On this the Princess had to lie all night.In the morning she was asked how she had slept.  "Oh, miserably!" said the Princess. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night long.Goodness knows what was in my bed. I lay upon something hard, so that I am black and blue all over. It is quite dreadful!"  Now they saw that she was a real princess, for through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down quilts she had felt the pea. No one but a real princess could be so tender-skinned.  So the Prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a true princess and the pea was put in the museum, and it is still to be seen there, unless somebody has carried it off.  Look you, this is a true story.  P23-24


  在童話世界里,安徒生這個名字像一座永恒的豐碑,閃耀著最輝煌的光芒。他的一生共創(chuàng)作有一百六十多篇美麗的童話,《安徒生童話全集》(上)(中文導(dǎo)讀英文版)現(xiàn)將他所有的作品收編于上中下三冊中?! ⊥挼那楣?jié)曲折動人,童話的主人公幸福無比。打開《安徒生童話全集》(上)(中文導(dǎo)讀英文版),讓我們暢游在安徒生童話的美妙世界中,把生活創(chuàng)造的更美麗。




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