
出版時(shí)間:2006-9  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:蔡尉  頁數(shù):240  




1 work, rest and playlanguage summary 1 p215; cd-rom 1a-dlistening and speakinga life storiesb super commutersc time to relaxdspeed datingreadingwriting2 beginningslanguage summary 2 p217; cd-rom 2a-da starting smallb first meetingsc the 1001 nightsdsmall talkreadingwriting3 the world of worklanguage summary 3 p219; cd-rom 3a-da getting qualifiedb job-huntingc strange jobsd i"m really sorry!readingwriting4 that"s entertainment!language summary 4 p222; cd-rom 4a-dlistening and speakinga the silver screenb the rhythm of lifec tv or not tv?d what do you think?readingwriting5 into the futurelanguage summary 5 p224; cd-rom 5a-dlistening and speakinga man or machine?b never too oldc out of this worldd it"s fo charityreadingwriting6 family and friendslanguage summary 6 p226; cd-rom 6a-dlistening and speakinga life with teenagersb roles people playc family businessd call me backreadingwriting..7 you need a holiday!language summary 7 p228; cd-rom 7a-dlistening and speakinga 50 places to gob what are you taking?c wish you were heredi e got a problemreadingwriting8 different cultureslanguage summary 8 p230; cd-rom 8a-dlistening and speakinga home sweet homeb meet the parentsc cultural differencesd what"s edinburgh like?readingwriting9 life isn"t perfectlanguage summary 9 p233; cd-rom 9a-dlistening and speakinga problems, problemsb sleepless nightsc in the neighbourhoodd invitationsreadingwriting10 shop till you droplanguage summary 10 p235; cd-rom 10a-dlistening and speakinga going, going, gone!b changing trendsc fashion victimsd can i help you?readingwriting11 gossip and newslanguage summary 11 p237; cd-rom 11a-dlistening and speakinga guess what?b murder mysteryc here is today"s newsd did you?readingwriting12 achieving your goalslanguage summary 12 p239; cd-rom 12a-dlistening and speakinga a year offb taking chancesc men of magicreadingwriting



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