
出版時(shí)間:2005-7  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:(美)斯托林斯(Stallings,W.) 著  頁數(shù):572  


本書是著名作者William Stalling關(guān)于計(jì)算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)化技術(shù)的最新力作。本書采用案例教學(xué)方法,詳細(xì)介紹了應(yīng)用于事務(wù)領(lǐng)域的數(shù)據(jù)通信和計(jì)算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)的基本知識、規(guī)律、應(yīng)用的技術(shù)和發(fā)展的方向。    本書的特點(diǎn)是系統(tǒng)性和實(shí)用性。本書除了闡述事務(wù)數(shù)據(jù)通俗的基本規(guī)律相關(guān)的基本概念之外,還介紹了因特網(wǎng)和萬維網(wǎng)全面的知識,以及組織內(nèi)部數(shù)據(jù)通信最新和最重要的技術(shù)——內(nèi)聯(lián)網(wǎng)技術(shù)和外聯(lián)網(wǎng)技術(shù)的詳細(xì)實(shí)例,并給出了事和環(huán)境和事務(wù)管理中關(guān)鍵的技術(shù):局域網(wǎng)、廣域網(wǎng)、高速網(wǎng)、ATM和TCP/IP協(xié)議簇。    本書可作為大學(xué)本科生和研究生的教材,也可用作專業(yè)人員的參考用書。


Preface xi  Chapter 1 Introduction     1.1 Information and Communication     1.2 Data Communications and Networking for Today's Enterprise     1.3 The Nature of Business Information Requirements     1.4 Distributed Data Processing     1.5 The Internet and Distributed Applications     1.6 Networks     1.7 The Transmission of Information     1.8 Management Issues     1.9 Standards     1.10 lnternet Resources     1.11 Useful Publications     1.12 Review Questions     Appendix 1A Prefixes for Numerical Units PART ONE REQUIREMENTS   Chapter 2 Business Information     2.1 Audio     2.2 Data     2.3 Image     2.4 Video     2.5 Performance Measures     2.6 Summary     2.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites     2.8 Key Terms, P,.eview Questions, and Problems   Chapter 3 Distributed Data Processing     3.1 Centralized versus Distributed Processing     3.2 Forms of Distributed Data Processing     3.3 Distributed Data     3.4 Networking Implications of DDP     3.5 Summary     3.6 Recommended Reading     3.7 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems PART TWO THE INTERNET AND DISTRIBUTED APPLICATIONS   Chapter 4 Internet History and Architecture     4.1 Internet History     4.2 Internet Architecture     4.3 Internet Domains     4.4 Summary     4.5 Recommended Reading and Web Sites     4.6 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems   Chapter 5 TCP/IP and O$I     5.1 A Simple Protocol Architecture     5.2 The TCP/IP Protocol Architecture     5.3 Internetworking     5.4 TCP and IP Details     5.5 The OSI Protocol Architecture     5.6 Summary     5.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites     5.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems   Chapter 6 Internet-Based Applications ……  Chapter 7 Client-Server and Intranet Computing PART THREE LOCAL AREA NETWORKS   Chapter 8 Internet Operation   Chapter 9 LAN Architecture and Protocols   Chapter 10 Ethernet and Fibre Channel   Chapter 11 Wireless LANs PART FOUR WIDE AREA NETWORKS   Chapter 12 Circuit Switching and Packet Switching   Chapter 13 Frame Relay and ATM   Chapter 14 Wireless WANs PART FIVE DATA COMMUNICATIONS   Chapter 15 Data Transmission   Chapter 16 Data Communication Fundamentals   Chapter 17 Data Link Control and Multiplexing PART SIX AGEMENT ISSUES   Chapter 18 Network Security   Chapter 19 Network Management Glossary References



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