
出版時間:2005-7  出版社:第1版 (2005年7月1日)  作者:胡克  頁數(shù):198  


本書具有很高的實用價值。學生通過對本書的學習,可以在有限的時間內理解并掌握400多個最常用的英語動詞短語,達到事半功倍的效果。    書中圍繞著一個美國家庭的日常生活編寫了15個短小精悍的故事,為每個新詞的出場營造了良好的語境。    本書的主要特色:  其中的動詞短語涉及學校、家庭、旅游、運動、商務等生活中喜聞樂見的話題;每個故事后面都附有生詞表,其英文釋義簡潔明了,通俗易懂;練習形式豐富多彩;為了考察學生的學習效果,本書還配有量身定制的復習單元。


PrefaceIntroduction  What Two-Word Verbs Are  Kinds of Two-Word Verbs  How to Use This Book to Learn Two-Word Verbs  Pronunciation of People's Names1 School Life  "Getting AQlong in One's Schoolwork"  Glossary  Exercises    1. Reading    2. Using Past Tenses and Past Participles    3. Substituting    4. Substituting  Psronuncition of Two-and Three-Word Verbs    5. Practicing Pronunciation    6. Using Separable Verbs    7. Making Up Original Sentences2 Home Lief(Ⅰ)  "Getting Up with the Jacksons"  Glossary  Exercisex    1. Reading    2. Substituting    3. Substituting    4. Using Past Tense Forms    5. Using Past Participles    6. Making Up Pantomimes    7. Answering Questions    8. Making Up Original Sentences3 Home Life(Ⅱ)  "What Is Going On in Mrs.jackson's Busy Day"  Glossary  Exercises    1. Reading    2. Answering Questions      Verbs with "Up"    3. Using Verbs with "Up"      Verbs with "Off"and "OUt"    4. Using Verbs with "off" and "out"……4 Home Life(Ⅲ)5 Personal Relationships(Ⅰ)6 Personal Relationships(Ⅱ)7 Transportation and Travel8 Physical Activity9 Business(Ⅰ)10 Business(Ⅱ)11 Business(Ⅲ)12 Competition13 Reading and Writing14 Speaking15 Thinking and RememberingCumulative ReviewAnswer KeyVerb Index




    400個最常用的英語動詞短語 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計3條)


  •   比較適合自學能力好的同學。
  •   物美價廉,是一次愉快的購物之旅,
  •   本來買這個書的目的是背一點常用動詞短語,結果是全英文版本,全部英文解釋,一個中文解釋都沒有,還是等我過了6級再來復習吧,還好用贈卷買的。當當就不能注釋一下是全英文版的么?

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
