
出版時(shí)間:2005-6  出版社:第1版 (2005年6月1日)  作者:王向?qū)?nbsp; 頁(yè)數(shù):297  字?jǐn)?shù):148000  


本書(shū)采用原汁原味的英語(yǔ),系統(tǒng)地介紹了會(huì)議和展覽會(huì)的組織和管理,并提出了具體的建議和指導(dǎo)。讀者在豐富會(huì)展知識(shí)的同時(shí)可以切實(shí)地提高英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言的交際和表達(dá)能力。同時(shí),本書(shū)在每一單元后還大量收錄了會(huì)展活動(dòng)中常用的英語(yǔ)術(shù)語(yǔ)和表達(dá)方式(英漢對(duì)照),注重實(shí)用性和典型性。    本書(shū)適合于具有一定英語(yǔ)水平的會(huì)議和展覽會(huì)從業(yè)人員、旅游和會(huì)展專業(yè)的學(xué)生及英語(yǔ)愛(ài)好者。




Contents(目錄)前言Part IMeeting and Conference Management會(huì)議管理 Unit 1  The Definition and Format 會(huì)議的定義和類型	 Unit 2  Players in the Meeting Industry  會(huì)議業(yè)的參與者	 Unit 3  Convention Centers and Conference Centers 會(huì)展中心和會(huì)議中心	 Unit 4  Site Selection 會(huì)議地址的選擇 Unit 5  Meeting Room Setup and Sitting Arrangement 會(huì)議室布置和座位安排	 Unit 6  Registration 會(huì)議注冊(cè)	 Unit 7  Transportation 會(huì)議交通	 Unit 8  Food and Beverage Arrangement 會(huì)議餐飲	 Unit 9  Meeting Technology 會(huì)議技術(shù)	 Unit 10  Meeting Equipment 會(huì)議設(shè)備	 Unit 11  Facility Accessibility and Program Accessibility 設(shè)施便利和服務(wù)便利	 Unit 12  Contracted Services 合約服務(wù)	 Unit 13  Emergencies and Risk Management 突發(fā)事件和風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理	133 Unit 14  Meeting Evaluation 會(huì)議績(jī)效評(píng)估Part IIExhibition and Trade Show Management 展覽會(huì)管理 Unit 15  The Definition of Exhibition and Trade Show 展覽會(huì)的定義	 Unit 16  Building the Booth 構(gòu)建展位	 Unit 17  Booth Staff 展位工作人員	 Unit 18  Key Personnel of the Trade Show and Exhibition 展覽會(huì)的關(guān)鍵人物	  Unit 19  Exhibition and Trade Show Visitors Types 展覽會(huì)的觀眾類型	 Unit 20  Giveaways and Sponsoring Opportunities 贈(zèng)品和贊助機(jī)會(huì)	 Unit 21  Exhibitor’s Manual, Tool Kit and Exhibit Shipping Tips 參展商指南,工具箱和展品運(yùn)輸注意事項(xiàng)	 Unit 22  Exhibitor’s Safety and Security Issues 展覽會(huì)的安全問(wèn)題	 Unit 23  How Show Management Keep Exhibitors Coming Back 展會(huì)主辦機(jī)構(gòu)如何使參展商成為“回頭客”P(pán)art IIIMarketing and Sponsorship營(yíng)銷和贊助 Unit 24  Property Marketing Plan 酒店設(shè)施的營(yíng)銷計(jì)劃	 Unit 25  Conducting Market Research 進(jìn)行市場(chǎng)調(diào)研	 Unit 26  Research and Analysis Techniques 研究和分析方法	 Unit 27  Promotion and Advertising 促銷和廣告	 Unit 28  The Media and Material 媒體和材料	 Unit 29  Electronic Marketing 電子營(yíng)銷 Unit 30  Events Sponsorship 會(huì)展活動(dòng)的贊助	致謝





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  •   怎么那么久都沒(méi)收到貨?。。?!怎么那么久都沒(méi)收到貨?。。?!怎么那么久都沒(méi)收到貨?。。?!
  •   一本很好的書(shū)!
  •   感覺(jué)還不錯(cuò),因?yàn)闆](méi)有其他教科書(shū)了
  •   書(shū)是第一版的太舊紙張有褶皺

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