
出版時(shí)間:2005-3  出版社:清華大學(xué)  作者:RANDALL HYDE  頁數(shù):888  


本書是由著名作者Randall Hyde在其十多年的匯編語言教學(xué)經(jīng)驗(yàn)基礎(chǔ)上編寫而成的,以X86系列微機(jī)為背景,從簡單的Hello程序開始,系統(tǒng)而詳細(xì)地闡述了X86微機(jī)匯編語言的各種基礎(chǔ)知識和編程技巧,內(nèi)容包括數(shù)據(jù)表示、存儲器管理、各種數(shù)據(jù)類型、過程、與匯編語言相關(guān)的體系結(jié)構(gòu)、控制結(jié)構(gòu)、文件、宏指令、位處理指令、字符串指令、MMX指令、類和對象,以及與其他語言的混合編程等,尤其是在高級匯編語言(HLA)方面,本書進(jìn)行了細(xì)致深入的闡述。本書可作為高等院校計(jì)算機(jī)及相關(guān)專業(yè)的教材和參考用書。    本書力求從藝術(shù)的角度來闡述匯編語言的魅力,減輕甚至消除讀者對匯編語言學(xué)習(xí)的恐懼和苦惱,從而輕松快速地掌握匯編語言。本書可作為高等院校計(jì)算機(jī)專業(yè)學(xué)生的教材和參考用書。


作者:(美國)海德(Hyde R.)


1 HELLO,WORLD OF ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE  1.1 Chapter Overview  1.2 The Anatomy of an HLA Program  1.3 Running Your First HLA Program  1.4 Some Basic HLA Data Declarations  1.5 Boolean Values  1.6 Character Values  1.7 An Introduction to Ifle Intel 80x86 CPU Family  1.7.1 The Memory Subsystem  1.8 Some Basic Machine Instructions  1.9 Some Basic HLA Control Structures    1.9.1 Boolean Expressions in HLA Statements    1.9.2 The HLA IF..THEN..ELSEIF..ELSE..ENDIF Statement    1.9.3 Conjunction, Disjunction, and Negation in Boolean Expressions    1.9.4 The WHILE..ENDWHILE Statement    1.9.5 The FOR..ENDFOR Statement    1.9.6 The REPEAT..UNTIL Statement    1.9.7 The BREAK and BREAKIF Statements    1.9.8 The FOREVER..ENDFOR Statement    1.9.9 The TRY..EXCEPTION..ENDTRY Statement  1.10 Introduction fo tfle HLA Sfandard Library    1.1O.1 Predefined Constanfs in the STDIo Module    1.1O.2 Sfandard In and Sfandard OUt    1.1O.3 The sfdOUt.newln ROUtine    1.1O.4 The sfdOUt.putiX ROUtines    1.1O.5 The sfdOUt.putiXSize Routines    1.1O.6 The sfdOUt.put ROUtine    1.1O.7 The sfd.n.gefc ROUtine    1.1O.8 The sfd.n.getiX ROUtines    1.1O.9 The sfd.n.teadLn and sfd.n.fIushlnput ROUtines    1.1O.1 O The sfdin.get ROUtine  1.11 AdditionaI Defails AbOUt TRY..ENDTRY    1.11.1 Nesting TRY..ENDTRY Sfafements    1.11.2 The UNPRoTECTED CIause in a TRY..ENDTRY Sfatement    1.11.3 The ANYEXCEPTIoN CIause in a TRY..ENDTRY SIafement    1.11.4 Regisfers and t11e TRY..ENDTRY Stafement  1.12 High LeveI AssembIy Language vs.Low Level AssembIy  1.13 For More Information2 DATA REPRESENTATIoN  2.1 Chapter Overview  2.2 Numbering Systems    2.2.1 A Review of the Decimal System    2.2.2 The Binary Numbering System    2.2.3 Binary Formats  2.3 The Hexadecimal Numbering System  2.4 Data Organization    2.4.1 Bits    2.4.2 Nibbles    2.4.3 Bytes    2.4.4 Words    2.4.5 Double Words    2.4.6 Quad Words and Long Words  2.5 Arithmetic Operations on Binary and Hexadecimal Numbers  2.6 A Note About Numbers vs. Representation  2.7 Logical Operations on Bits  2.8 Logical Operations on Binary Numbers and Bit Strings  2.9 Signed and Unsigned Numbers  2.10 Sign Extension, Zero Extension, Contraction, and Saturation  2.11 Shifts and Rotates  2.12 Bit Fields and Packed Data  2.13 An Introduction to Floating Point Arithmetic    2.13.1 IEEE Floating Point Formats    2.13.2 HLA Support for Floating Point Values  2.14 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Representation  2.15 Characters    2.15.1 The ASCII Character Encoding    2.15.2 HLA Support for ASCII Characters  2.16 The Unicode Character Set  2.17 For More Information3  MEMoRY ACCESS AND oRGANIZATIoN  3.1 Chaloter OvervieW    3.2 111e 80x86 Addlessing Modes    3.2.1 80x86 Reftister Addtessinfl Modes    3.2.2 80x86 32.Bit Memory Addressing Modes.  3.3 Run.Time Memory Orflanization    3.3.1 The Code Section    3.3.2 The Stat‘ic Sections    3.3.3 The Read-OnIy Data Section    3.3.4 The Stomge Section    3.3.5 The@NoSToRAGE Attribute    3.3.6 The Var Section    3.3.7 Orflanization of DecIaration Sections Within Your Programs  3.4 HOW HLA AIIocafes Memory for VariabIes  3.5 HLA Support for Dafa AIignment  3.6 Address Expressions  3.7 Type Coercion  3.8 Regjster Type Coercion  3.9 The Sfack Segment and the PUSH and POP Instructions    3.9.1 The Basic PUSH Instruction    3.9.2 The Basic POP lnstruction    3.9.3 Preserving Reftistes with the PUSH and PoP lnstructions    3.9.4 The Sfack ls a LIFo Data Structure    3.9.5 Otller PUSH and PoP Instructions    3.9.6 Removing Dafa from the Stack WithoUt POPOing It    3.9.7 Accessjng Dafa You've Pushed on t}1e Stack WithOUt POPlOjn lt  3.10 Dynamic Memory A¨Ocatlon and the Heao Seflment  3.11 The INC and DEC Instructions  3.12 Obtaing the Address of a Memorv obiect  3.13 For More Information4 CONSTANTS,VARIAB LES,AN D DATA TYPES  4.1 Chapter Overview  4.2 Some Additional Instructions: INTMUL, BOUND, INTO  4.3 The "I'BYTE Data Types  4.4 HLA Constant and Value Declarations    4.4.1 Constant Types    4.4.2 String and Character Literal Constants    4.4.3 String and Text Constants in the CONST Section    4.4.4 Constant Expressions    4.4.5 Multiple CONST Sections and Their Order in an HLA Program    4.4.6 The HLA VAL Section    4.4.7 Modifying VAL Objects at Arbitrary Points in Your Programs   4.5 The HLA TYPE Section  4.6 ENUM and HLA Enumerated Data Types  4.7 Pointer Data Types    4.7.1 Using Pointers in Assembly Language    4.7.2 Declaring Pointers in HLA    4.7.3 Pointer Constants and Pointer Constant Expressions    4.7.4 Pointer Variables and Dynamic Memory Allocation    4.7.5 Common Pointer Problems  4.8 The HLA Standard Library CHARS.HHF Module  4.9 Composite Data Types  4.10 Character Strings  4.11 HLA Strings  4.12 Accessing the Characters Within a String  4.13 The HLA String Module and Other String-Related Routines  4.14 In-Memory Conversions  4.15 Character Sets  4.16 Character Set Implementation in HLA  4.17 HLA Character Set Constants and Character Set Expressions  4.18 The IN Operator in HLA HLL Boolean Expressions  4.19 Character Set Support in the HLA Standard Library  4.20 Using Character Sets in Your HLA Programs  4.21 Arrays  4.22 Declaring Arrays in Your HLA Programs  4.23 HLA Array Constants  4.24 Accessing Elements of a Single Dimension Array    4.24.1 Sorting an Array of Values  4.25 Multidimensional Arrays    4.25.1 Row Major Ordering    4.25.2 Column Major Ordering  4.26 Allocating Storage For Multidimensional Arrays  4.27 Accessing Multidimensional Array Elements in Assembly Language  4.28 Large Arrays and MASM (Windows Programmers Only)  4.29 Records  4.30 Record Constants  4.31 Arrays of Records  4.32 Arrays/Records as Record Fields  4.33 Controlling Field Offsets Within a Record :  4.34 Aligning Fields Within a Record  4.35 Pointers to Records ~  4.36 Unions  4.37 Anonymous Unions  4.38 Variant Types  4.39 Union Constants  4.40 Namespaces  4.41 Dynamic Arrays in Assembly Language  4.42 HLA Standard Library Array Support  4.43 For More Information5  PROCEDURES AND UNITS  ……6  ARITHMETIC7  LOW LEVEL CONTROL STRUCTURES8  FILES9  ADVANCED ARITHMETIC1O  MACRoS AN D TH E H LA CoMPI LE TIME LANGUAGE11  BIT MANIPULATION15  MIXED LANGUAGE PROGRAMMINGA  ASCII CHARACTER SETB  THE 80X86 INSTRUCTION SETINDEX




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用戶評論 (總計(jì)3條)


  •   Hyde所寫的匯編語言的入門書。語言通俗易懂,風(fēng)趣幽默,撇開技術(shù),作者敘述的方式就像是在和你交談一樣,讓人陶醉。網(wǎng)上就有整理好的電子版,我也是首先看了電子版,才下定決心去買本印刷版的。但拿到書后,發(fā)現(xiàn)這個(gè)影印版把作者十分風(fēng)趣幽默的前言給刪除了,真是敗筆!?。andall Hyde的書值得一讀。[...]
  •   我從卓越買了這本,還有另外一本,送來時(shí)連個(gè)防損包裹都沒有!只是外面一個(gè)熟料袋,而且塑料袋也被撕開了一個(gè)16開書的長度的口子,整本書可以從口子里拿出來,我問送貨員防損包裹呢,他說可能是丟了,真暈!書的封面有些折痕和幾處開膠,回來我自己用膠水粘的。真敗了!
  •   難得一見,曾經(jīng)滄海難為水。

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