出版時間:2005-1 出版社:第1版 (2005年1月1日) 作者:Herbert Schildt 頁數:1008
本書作者Herbert Schildt是程序設計語言的大師,其著作涉及C、C++、Java和C#等語言。 本書以一種清晰而易懂的方式,全面介紹了C++語言的各個方面,如關鍵字、語法、函數、類和庫,以及一些C++高級特性,如重載、繼承、虛擬函數、命名空間、模板、RTTI(運行時類型信息),以及STL(標準模板庫)等。讀者不僅可以從本書中學習到程序設計所需的語言知識,而且還可以了解如何進行程序設計。 本書適合作為C++語言的教學用書。本書介紹的內容適用于所有現代編程環(huán)境,適合于各種水平的C++程序設計人員。本書既可以作為幫助初學者解答特定問題的參考指南,也可以讓C++編程高手從中發(fā)現許多有用功能的深入介紹。
Part I The Foundation of C++: The C Subset 1 An Overview of C The Origins and History of C C Is a Middle-Level Language C Is a Structured Language C Is a Programmer's Language The Form of a C Program The Library and Linking Separate Compilation Understanding the .C and .CPP File Extensions. 2 Expressions The Five Basic Data Types Modifying the Basic Types Identifier Names Variables Where Variables Are Declared Local Variables Formal Parameters Global Variables The const and volatile Qualifiers const volatile Storage Class Specifiers extern static Variables register Variables Variable Initializations Constants Hexadecimal and Octal Constants String Constants Backslash Character Constants Operators The Assignment Operator Type Conversion in Assignments Multiple Assignments Arithmetic Operators Increment and Decrement Relational and Logical Operators Bitwise Operators The ? Operator The & and * Pointer Operators The Compile-Time Operator sizeof The Comma Operator The Dot (.) and Arrow (->) Operators The [ ] and ( ) Operators Precedence Summary Expressions Order of Evaluation Type Conversion in Expressions Casts Spacing and Parentheses Compound Assignments 3 Statements True and False in C and C++ Selection Statements if Nested ifs The if-else-if Ladder The ? Alternative The Conditional Expression switch Nested switch Statements Iteration Statements The for Loop for Loop Variations The Infinite Loop for Loops with No Bodies The while Loop The do-while Loop Declaring Variables Within Selection and Iteration Statements Jump Statements The return Statement The goto Statement The break Statement The exit( ) Function The continue Statement Expression Statements Block Statements 4 Arrays and Null-Terminated Strings …… 5 Pointers 6 Functions 7 Structures, Unions, Enumerations,and User-Defined Types 8 C-Style Console I/O 9 File I/O 10 The Preprocessor and CommentsPart II C++ 11 An Overview of C++ 12 Classes and Objects 13 Arrays,PointersmReferences,and the Dynamic Allocation Operators 14 Function Overloading, Copy Constructors,and Default Arguments 15 Operator Overloading 16 Inheritance 17 Virtual Functions and Polymorphism 18 Templates 19 Exception Handling 20 The C++ I/O System Basics 21 C++ File I/O 22 Run-Time Type ID and the Casting Operators 23 Namespaces, Conversion Functions, 24 Introducing the Standard Template LibraryPart III The Standard Function Library 25 The C-Based I/O Functions 26 The String and Character Functions 27 The Mathematical Functions 28 Time, Date, and Localization Functions 29 The Dynamic Allocation Functions 30 Utility Functions 31 The Wide-Character FunctionsPart IV The Standard C++ Class Library 32 The Standard C++I/O Classes 33 The STL Container Classes 34 The STL Algorithms 35 STL Iterators, Allocators, and Function Objects 36 The String Class 37 The Numeric Classes 38 Exception Handling and Miscellaneous ClassesPart V Applying C++ 39 Integrating New Classes: A Custom String Class 40 Parsing ExpressionsA The .NET Managed Extensions to C++B C++ and the Robotics Age