
出版時間:2004-6  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:布徹  頁數:471  


  《編校、著作指南:編者、作者、出版者必讀(第3版)(影印)》是一本經典的編校和著作手冊。她在英國已有三十多年的歷史,自1975年第一版問世以來就好評如潮,兩次再版,多次重印,已成為廣大作者、編者、出版工作者人手必備的經典工具書,時至今日,她仍具有其他同類書無法比擬和不可替代的權威性。此版本在前一版的基礎上,經過大量修改和重新編排,致力于為廣大的作者、編者以及出版者提供最新最實用的參考信息,以適應國際出版界的最新發(fā)展需求。該書內容全面而詳盡:從稿子的準備到加工到排版,從書稿的文前頁到各級標題、圖表、附錄、索引、引用文字及參考文獻,從書的整體編排體例到編輯加工的標記規(guī)范,從文史類的書籍到理工類、經典類、法律類及文藝類的書籍,從多個作者合作或多卷的書籍到書的重印和再版……一應俱全,面面俱到,堪稱編輯出版界的“百科全書”。通過本書可以看到:  (1)國外名出版社是如何在每一個環(huán)節(jié)嚴格要求作者和每位編校出版工作者的;  (2)每一種出版物的出版全過程是有怎樣具體而嚴格的規(guī)定的。


List of illustrationPreface to the first editionPreface to the second editionPreface to the third edition1 Introduction1.1 what copy-editing is1.2 Typescripts:hard,electronic and camera-ready2 Estimeates and specimen pages2.1 briefing the designer2.2 Marking the typescipt for an estimate2.3 Specimen pages3 Preparing the typescipt for typesetting3.1 Various legal aspects3.2 How much copy-editing to do3.3 Writing to the author3.4 Marking up the typescript3.5 complete,self-explanatory copy3.6 A well-organized and consistent book3.7 copyright permissions and acknowledgements3.8 Before passing the typescript on3.9 Jacket and cover copy4 Illustrations4.1 What needs to be done4.2 Line illustrations4.3 Maps4.4 Graphs4.5 Halftones5 Proofs5.1 How to read proofs5.2 How to mark corrections5.3 Minimizing the correction cost5.4 Allocating the cost of corrections5.5 The author's corrected proof5.6 Second proof5.7 Camera-ready copy5.8 Jacket or cover proof5.9 After passing proofs for press6 House style7 Preliminary pages8 Indexes9 Other parts of a book10 Biliographical references11 Literary material12 Multi-author and multi-volume works13 Science and mathematics books14 Other special subjects15 Reprints and new editionsAppendixes




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