
出版時間:2004-4-1  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:王世高,張濤  頁數(shù):310  字數(shù):514000  


碳納米管的研究已經(jīng)進行了13年之久。碳納米管已成為納米科學和技術(shù)研究和發(fā)展中一種獨特而且具有代表性的材料。目前有關(guān)碳納米管的合成和性能表征方面的書籍已有幾本。作為發(fā)現(xiàn)碳納米管的第一手段,高分辨透射電子顯微鏡在整個碳納米管的研究中起了關(guān)鍵的作用,但介紹如何利用電子顯微鏡來分析碳納米管方面的書籍卻沒有??紤]到大量讀者的需求,我們在2003年編輯的英文版《Electron Microscopy O{Nanotubes》一書主要是介紹透射電子顯微鏡在分析和測試管形納米結(jié)構(gòu)中的方法和應(yīng)用。本書集結(jié)了世界范圍內(nèi)在應(yīng)用透射電子顯微鏡進行納米管研究方面的專家編寫出這一獨特的科技參考書。希望本書能對從事納米管研究方面的科技工作者和學生有所幫助。
Research in carbon nanotubes has reached a horizon that is impacting a variety offields, such as nanoelectronics, flat panel display, composite materials, sensors,nanodevices, and novel instrumentation. The unique structures of the nanotubes resultin numerous superior physical and chemical properties, such as the strongest mechan-ical strength, the highest thermal conductivity, room-temperature ballistic quantumconductance, electromechanical coupling, and super surface functionality. Severalbooks are available that introduce the synthesis, physical and chemical properties, andapplications of carbon nanotubes.
Among the various analytical techniques, high-resolution transmission electronmicroscopy (HRTEM) has played a key role in the discovery and characterization ofcarbon nanotubes. It may be claimed that carbon nanotubes might not have beendiscovered without using HRTEM. There is a great need for a book that addresses thetheory, techniques, and applications of electron microscopy and associated techniquesfor nanotube research. The objective of this book is to fill this gap.
The potential of HRTEM is now well accepted in wide-ranging communities suchas materials science, physics, chemistry, and electrical engineering. TEM is a powerfultechnique that is indispensable for characterizing nanomaterials and is a tool that eachmajor research institute must have in order to advance its research in nanotechnology.This book focuses on the applications of TEM in structural, electronic, and propertycharacterization of carbon nanotubes. The book contains 12 chapters, and the authorsof the chapters are the world's most prominent scientists in this field. The contents ofthe book can be grouped into three parts. The first part (Chapters I-6) is about the dif-fraction, imaging, and spectroscopy of carbon-based nanotubes. The second part(Chapters 7-9) describes the physical property nanomeasurements of carbonnanotubes based on in-situ TEM. The last part (Chapters 10-12) is about inorganictubular structures and one-dimensional nanocrystals grown by filling nanotubes. Thetext is organized in a coherent and logical manner so that readers can easily follow theflow of concepts in a materials system.
The first chapter, by L.C. Qir~, describes in detail the geometry of individualsingle-walled nanotubes (SWNTs), their diffraction characteristics, and mathematicalanalysis. The mathematical description given in this chapter about the structure of the nanotubes and the corresponding diffraction features establishes the foundation for understanding the contents of the future chapters. Chapter 2, by J.-F. Colomer and G. Van Tendeloo, focuses on the image and diffraction of bundles of SWNTs, which occur frequently in SWNTs. They provide an in-depth and systematic description of the nanotube and bundle structures derived from diffraction information. This chapter can be directly correlated to the material introduced in Chapter 1. Chapter 3,by J. M. Cowley, is dedicated to nanodiffraction of multiwalled nanotubes by using anelectron probe of -0.5 nm in size in a scanning transmission electron microscope. Thisis a powerful tool for analysis of the helical angle as well as of local defects in the tubeand at its tip, and the chapter gives a detailed introduction and application of this tech-nique. Chapter 4, by N. Wang, is about the smallest nanotubes found up to now witha diameter of -0.4 nm. Details are given about the determination of the size of the tubeand the best imaging condition of the tubes, as well as its electrical properties. Chapter 5,by T. St6ckli, provides a comprehensive introduction to electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) studies of individual carbon nanotubes and onions. It covers theory and experiments for valence excitation and the application of core losses. Chapter 6,by S. Trasobares and P. M. Ajayan, is about some novel structures produced by irradiating carbon using an electron beam in TEM, such as the formation of onions,growth of diamond, as well as the formation of a single-gold-atom chain. The fundamentals covered in Chapters 1 to 5 are comprehensively used in this chapter for structure analysis, especially a combination of high-resolution TEM imaging and EELS for detecting local electronic structure.
Chapters 7 to 9, by Z. L. Wang, address some novel techniques developed usingin-situ TEM for quantifying the physical properties of individual carbon nanotubes,such as the Young's modulus, the field emission property, and electrical transportproperty. Due to the small size of the nanotubes, measuring their unique propertiesrelies on some new techniques for manipulation, ln-situ TEM provides a new directapproach that allows the observation of the nanotube structure while its property isbeing measured. This is an innovative method for studying nanotube and nanowire structures.
Chapter, 10, by D. Golberg and Y. Bando, gives a systematic review of the novel BN nanotubes and related structures. The difference in BN structure from that of graphite induces drastically different structures in the BN system, such as the limited choice of helical angles. Doping of BN nanotubes as well as their fillings is also described. Chapter 11, by R. Tenne and R. Popovitz-Biro, is about the inorganic nanoparticles with fullerene-like structure and inorganic nanotubes, such as MoS2 nanotubes, H2TiO307 nanotubes, and WS2 nanotubes. These last two chapters collect some of the unique noncarbon-based tubular structures. Chapter 12, by J. Sloan, A. I. Kirkland, J. L. Hutchison, and M. L. H. Green, uses single-walled carbon nanotubes as templates for growing the inner wall-confined structures of less than 1 nm across. The filling creates the smallest crystals in the world. The one-dimensional nanostructures created by this method have been systematically invested by HRTEM, image simulation, and EELS.
This book illustrates a comprehensive application of HRTEM and associated new techniques for nanotube research, and the fundamentals covered can be applied to a wide range of materials. The book is unique in its coverage. It is intended as a textbook that can be adopted by students and researchers with a wide range of backgrounds--physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering,and biology. We anticipate the book is useful for characterizing not only thenanotube-based structures but also nanowire-based materials.


第1章 電腦升級簡介 1.1 為什么要進行電腦升級     1.1.1 什么是電腦升級     1.1.2 升級的好處 1.2 如何進行升級     1.2.1 怎樣判斷是否需要升級     1.2.2 升級要經(jīng)過什么步驟     1.2.3 升級中要注意的問題 1.3 了解自己的電腦     1.3.1 電腦的不同用途     1.3.2 每種用途適合的升級方案 1.4 升級前的準備工作     1.4.1 需要準備的硬件     1.4.2 需要準備的軟件 第2章 基本子系統(tǒng)升級 2.1 CPU升級     2.1.1 主流CPU介紹     2.1.2 各種CPU適合的升級方案     2.1.3 升級實戰(zhàn)     2.1.4 升級中要注意的問題 2.2 主板升級     2.2.1 主流芯片組介紹     2.2.2 目前升級的主要選擇     2.2.3 升級實戰(zhàn) 2.3 內(nèi)存升級     2.3.1 主流內(nèi)存介紹     2.3.2 目前升級的主要選擇     2.3.3 內(nèi)存升級實戰(zhàn) 第3章 音頻系統(tǒng)升級 3.1 聲卡系統(tǒng)升級     3.1.1 主流聲卡技術(shù)介紹     3.1.2 目前升級的主要選擇     3.1.3 聲卡升級實戰(zhàn) 3.2 音箱系統(tǒng)升級     3.2.1 主流音箱介紹     3.2.2 目前升級的主要選擇     3.2.3 音箱升級實戰(zhàn) 第4章 存儲子系統(tǒng)升級 4.1 硬盤升級     4.1.1 主流硬盤介紹     4.1.2 目前升級的主要選擇     4.1.3 硬盤升級實戰(zhàn) 4.2 光存儲設(shè)備升級     4.2.1 主流光存儲設(shè)備介紹     4.2.2 目前升級的主要選擇     4.2.3 刻錄機升級實戰(zhàn) 第5章 外設(shè)升級 第6章 電腦軟件升級 第7章 升級中的問題 第8章 電腦的優(yōu)化 第9章 硬件優(yōu)化 第10章 操作系統(tǒng)完全優(yōu)化 第11章 網(wǎng)絡(luò)優(yōu)化 第12章 系統(tǒng)安全優(yōu)化 第13章 常用軟件優(yōu)化技巧 附錄 BIOS參數(shù)優(yōu)化設(shè)置



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