
出版時(shí)間:2004-2  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:J.N.Goodier,S.P.Timoshenko  頁數(shù):567  




本書是彈性理論世界名著和經(jīng)典教材。全書14章,包括緒論、平面應(yīng)力和平面應(yīng)變、直角坐標(biāo)中的二維問題、極坐標(biāo)中的二維問題、一般定理、簡(jiǎn)單的三維彈性問題、扭轉(zhuǎn)、桿的彎曲、回轉(zhuǎn)體中的軸對(duì)稱應(yīng)力和變形、熱應(yīng)力、彈性固體介質(zhì)中波的傳播。最后有一附錄,講述差分方程在彈性理論中的應(yīng)用。書中附有習(xí)題供讀者練習(xí),還附有大量注釋文獻(xiàn)引導(dǎo)讀者對(duì)相關(guān)問題作更為深入的研究?! ”緯勺鳛楦叩仍盒椥粤W(xué)課程的英文教科書或教學(xué)參考書,也是科研與工程技術(shù)人員值得珍藏的世界名著。


Preface to the Third EditionPreface to the Second EditionPreface to the First EditionNotationChapter 1 Introduction  1. Elasticity  2. Stress  3. Notation for Forces and Stresses  4. Componts of Stress  5. Components of Strain  6. Hooke's Law  7. Index 's Law problemsChapter 2 Plane Stress and Plane Strain   8. Plane Stree  9. Plane Stain  10. Stress at a Point  11. Strain at  a Point  12. Measurement of Surface Strains  13.Construction of Mohr Strain Circle for Strain Rosette  14.Differential Epuations of Equilibrium  15. Boundary Conditions  16. Compatibility Equations  17 Stress Function  18 Stree Function ProblemsChapter 3 Two dimensional Problems in Rectangular Coordinates ……Chapter 4 Two-dimensional Problems in Polar CoordinatesChapter 5 Photoelastic and Moire Experimental MethodsChapter 6 Two-dimensional Problems in Curvilinear CoordinatesChapter 7 Analysis of Stress and Strain in Three DimensionsChapter 8 General TheoremsChapter 9 Elementary Problems of Elasticity in Three DimensionsChapter 10 TorsionChapter 11 Bending of BarsChapter 12 Axisymmetric Stress and Deformation in a Solid of RevolutionChapter 13 Thermal StressChapter 14 The Propagation of Waves in Elastic Solid Media Appendix  The Application of Finite differience Equations in  ElaticityName InedxSubject Index


插圖:Almost all engineering materials possess to a certain extent the propertyof elasticity.If the external forces producing deformation do not exceeda certain limit, the deformation disappears with the removal of the forces.Throughout this book it will be assumed that the bodies undergoing theaction of external forces are perfectly elastic, i.e., that they resume theirinitial form completely after removal of the forces. Atomic structure will not be considered here.It will be assumed thatthe matter of an elastic body is homogeneous and continuously distributedover its volume so that the smallest element cut from the body possessesthe same specific physical properties as the body.To simplify the dis-cussion it will also be assumed that for the most part the body is isotropic,i.e., that the elastic properties are the same in all directions.Structural materials do not satisfy the above assumptions completely.Such an important material as steel, for instance, when studied with amicroscope, is seen to consist of crystals of various kinds and variousorientations.The material is very far from being homogeneous, butexperience shows that solutions of the theory of elasticity based on theassumptions of homogeneity and isotropy can be applied to steel struc-tures with very great accuracy.The explanation of this is that the crys-tals are very small, usually there are millions of them in one cubic inch ofsteel.While the elastic properties of a single crystal may be very differ-ent in different directions, the crystals are ordinarily distributed at ran-dom and the elastic properties of larger pieces of metal represent aver-ages of properties of the crystals.






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