
出版時間:2004-1-1  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:William Stallings  頁數(shù):409  


本書是著名作者William Stallings的力作之一,詳細介紹了網(wǎng)絡安全的基礎知識、應用及標準。全書共分為三部分:(1)密碼算法和協(xié)議,包括網(wǎng)絡應用中的密碼算法和協(xié)議;(2)網(wǎng)絡安全應用,介紹了一些主要的網(wǎng)絡安全工具和應用,如Kerberos、x.509v3證書、PGP、S/MIME、IP安全、SSL/TLS、SET以及SNMPv3等;(3)系統(tǒng)安全,介紹了一些系統(tǒng)級的安全問題,如網(wǎng)絡入侵與病毒的危害及對策,防火墻和托管系統(tǒng)的應用等。此外,每章后面都提供了一定的練習和復習題,以便于讀者對所學知識的鞏固。第2版新增高級加密標準的討論,對病毒、蠕蟲及非法入侵的論述也進行了擴充。而且,教師和學習還可以通過訪問www.WilliamStallings.com/NetSec2e.html來獲取補充材料。    本書可作為計算機科學、計算機工程、電子工程等相關(guān)專業(yè)本科生的網(wǎng)絡安全課程教材,也是網(wǎng)絡安全從業(yè)人員的自學用書。


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION  1.1 The OSI Security Architecture  1.2 Security Attacks  1.3 Security Services  1.4 Security mechanisms  1.5 A Model for Network Security  1.6 Internet Standards and the Internet Society  1.7 Outline of This Book  1.8 Recommended Reading  1.9 Internet and Web ResourcesPART ONE CRYPTOGRAPHY  CHAPTER 2 SYMMETRIC ENCRYPTION AND MESSAGE CONFIDENTIALITY    2.1 Symmetric Encryption Principles    2.2 Symmetric Encryption Algorithms    2.3 Cipher Block Modes of Operation    2.4 Location of Encryption Devices    2.5 Key Distribution    2.6 Recommended Reading and Web Sites    2.7 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems  CHAPTER 3 PUBLIC-KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY AND MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION    3.1 Approaches to Message Authentication    3.2 Secure Hash Functions and HMAC    3.3 Public-Key Cryptography Principles    3.4 Public-Key Cryptography Algorithms    3.5 Digital Signatures    3.6 Key Management    3.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites    3.8 Key Terms,Review Questions,and ProblemsPART TWO NETWORK SECURITY APPLICATIONS  CHAPTER 4 AUTHENTICATION APPLICATIONS    4.1 Kerberos    4.2 X.509 Authentication Service    4.3 Recommended Reading and Web Sites    4.4 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems    Appendix 4A Kerberos Encryption Techniques  CHAPTER 5 ELECTRONIC MAIL SECURITY    5.1 Pretty Good Privacy    5.2 S/MIME    5.3 Recommended Web Sites    5.4 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems    Appendix 5A Data Compression Using Zip    Appendix 5B RADIX-64 Conversion    Appendix 5C PGP Random Number Generation  CHAPTER 6 IP SECURITY    6.1 IP Security Overview    6.2 IP Security Architecture    6.3 Authenticastion Header    6.4 Encapsulating Security Payload    6.5 Combining Security Associations    6.6 Key Management    6.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites    6.8 Key Terms,Review Ouestions,and Problems    Appendix 6A Internetworking and Internet Protocols  CHAPTER 7 WEB SECURITY    7.1 Web Security Considerations    7.2 Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security    7.3 Secure Electronic Transaction    7.4 Recommended Reading and Web Sites    7.5 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems  CHAPTER 8 NETWORK MANAGEMENT SECURITY    8.1 Basic Concepts of SNMP    8.2 SNMPv1 Community Facility    8.3 SNMPv3    8.4 Recommended Reading and Web Sites    8.5 Key Terms,Review Questions,and ProblemsPART THREE SYSTEM SECURITY  CHAPTER 9 INTRUDERS    9.1 Intruders    9.2 Intrusion Detection    9.3 Password Management    9.4 Recommended Reading and Web Sites    9.5 Key Terms,Review Questions,and Problems    Appendix 9A The Base-Rate Fallacy  CHAPTER 10 MALICIOUS SOFTWARE    10.1 Viruses and Related Threats    10.2 Virus Countermeasures    10.3 Recommended Reading and Web Site    10.4 Key Terms,Review Questions,and ProblemsAPPENDICES  APPENDIX A STANDARDS CITED IN THIS BOOK    A.1 ANSI Standards    A.2 Internet RFGs    A.3 ITU-T Recommendations    A.4 NIST Federal Information Processing Standards  APPENDIX B SOME ASPECTS OF NUMBER THEORY    B.1 Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers    B.2 Modular ArithmeticGLOSSARYREFERENCESINDEX




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