
出版時間:2003-12-1  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:Donald A.Neamen  頁數(shù):746  




Preface CHAPTER I  The Crystal Structure of Solids  Preview  1.1 Semiconductor Materials  1.2 Types of Solids  1.3 Space Lattices   1.3.1 Primitive and Unit Cell   1.3.2 Basic Crystal Structures   1.3.3 Crystal Planes and Miller Indices   1.3.4 The Diamond Structure  1.4 Atomic Bonding  1.5 Imperfections and Impurities in Solids   1.5.1 Imperfections in Solids   1.5.2 Impurities in Solids  1.6 Growth of Semiconductor Materials   1.6.1 Growth from a Melt   1.6.2 Epitaxial Growth  1.7 Summary  ProblemsCHAPTER 2  Introduction to Quantum Mechanics  Preview  2.1 Principles of Quantum Mechanics   2.1.1 Energy Quanta   2.1.2 Wave-Particle Duality   2.1.3 The Uncertainty Principle  2.2 Schrodinger's Wave Equation   2.2.1 The Wave Equation   2.2.2 Physical Meaning of the Wave Function   2.2.3 Boundary Conditions  2.3 Applications of Schrodinger's Wave Equation   2.3.1 Electron in Free Space   2.3.2 The Infinite Potential Well   2.3.3 The Step Potential Function   2.3.4 The Potential Barrier  2.4 Extensions of the Wave Theory to Atoms   2.4.1 The One-Electron Atom   2.4.2 The Periodic Table  2.5 Summary  ProblemsCHAPTER 3  Introduction to the Quantum Theory of Solids  Preview  3.1 Allowed and Forbidden Energy Bands   3.1.1 Fromation of Energy Bands   3.1.2 The Kronig-Penney Model   3.1.3 The k-Space Diagram  3.2 Electrical Conduction in Solids   3.2.1 The Energy Band and the Bond Model   3.2.2 Drift Current   3.2.3 Electron Effective Mass   3.2.4 Concept of the Hole   3.2.5 Metals,Insulators,and Semiconductors  3.3 Extension to Three Dimensions   3.3.1 The k-Space Diagrams of Si and GaAs   3.3.2 Additional Effective Mass Concepts  3.4 Density of States Function   3.4.1 Mathematical Derivation   3.4.2 Extension to Semiconductors  3.5 Statistical Mechanics   3.5.1 Statistical Laws   3.5.2 The Fermi-Dirac Probability Function   3.5.3 The Distribution Function and the Fermi Energy  3.6 Summary  ProblemsCHAPTER 4  The Semiconductor in Equilibrium  Preview  4.1 Charge Carriers in Semiconductors   4.1.1 Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes   4.1.2 The no and po Equations   4.1.3 The Intrinsic Carrier Concentration   4.1.4 The Intrinsic Fermi-Level  Position  4.2 Dopant Atoms and Energy Levels   4.2.1 Qualitative Description   4.2.2 Ionization Energy   4.2.3 Group III-V Semiconductors  4.3 The Extrinsic Semiconductor   4.3.1 Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes   4.3.2 The nopo Product   4.3.3 The Fermi-Dirac Integral   4.3.4 Degenerate and Nondegenerate Semiconducors  4.4 Statistics of Donors and Acceptors   4.4.1 Probability Function   4.4.2 Complete Ionization and Acceptors  4.5 Charge Neutrality   4.5.1 Compenated Semiconductors   4.5.2 Equilibrium Electron and Hole Concentrations  4.6 Position of Fermi Energy Level   4.6.1 Mathematical Derivation   4.6.2 Variation of Ep with Doping Concentration and Temperature   4.6.3 Relevance of the Fermi Energy  4.7 Summary  ProblemsCHAPTER 5 Carrier Transport PhenomenaPreview  5.1 Carrier Drift   5.1.1 Drift Current Density   5.1.2 Mobility Effects   5.1.3 Conductivity   5.1.4 Velocity Saturation  5.2 Carrier Diffusion   5.2.1 Diffusion Curent Density   5.2.2 Total Current Density  5.3 Graged Impurity Distribution   5.3.1 Induced Electric Fild   5.3.2 The Einstein Relation  5.4 The Hall Effect  5.5 Summary  ProblemsCHAPTER 6 Nonequilibrium Excess Carriers in SemiconductorsPreview  6.1 Carrier Generation and Recombination   6.1.1 The Semiconductor in Equilibrium    6.1.2 Excess Carrier Generation and Recombination  6.2 Characteristics of Excess Carriers   6.2.1 Comtinuity Equations   6.2.2 Time-Dependent Diffusion Equations  6.3 Ambipolar Transport   6.3.1 Derivation of the Ambipolar Transport Equation   6.3.2 Limits of Extrinsic Doping and Low Injection   6.3.3 Applications of the Ambipolar Transport Equation   6.3.4 Dielectric Relaxation Time Constant   6.3.5 Haymes-Shockley Experiment  6.4 Quasi-Fermi Energy Levels  6.5 Excess-Carrier Lifetime   6.5.1 Shockley-Read-Hall Theory of Recombination   6.5.2 Limits of Extrinsic Doping and Low Injection  6.6 Surface Effects   6.6.1 Surface States   6.6.2 Surface Recombination Velocity  6.7 Summary  ProblemsCHAPTER 7   The pn JunctionCHAPTER 8   The pn Junction DiodeCHAPTER 9   Metal-Semiconductor and Semiconductor HeterojunctionsCHAPTER 10   The Bipolar TransistorCHAPTER 11   Fundamentals of the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect TransistorCHAPTER 12   Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor :Additional ConceptsCHAPTER 13  The Junction Field-Effect TransistorCHAPTER 14   Optical DeviceCHAPTER 15  Semiconductor Power DevicesAPPENDIXIdex




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