
出版時間:2001-1  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:Roger S.Pressman  頁數(shù):860  


  When a computer software succeeds——when it meets the needs of the peoplewho use it, when it performs flawlessly over a long period of time, when it iseasy to modify and even easier to use——it can and does change things for the better.But when software fails——when its users are dissatisfied, when it is error prone, whenit is difficult to change and even harder to use——bad things can and do happen. Weall want to build software that makes things better, avoiding the bad things that lurkin the shadow of failed efforts. To succeed, we need discipline when software isdesigned and built. We need an engineering approach.  In the 20 years since the first edition of this book was written, software engineer-ing has evolved from an obscure idea practiced by a relatively small number of zealotsto a legitimate engineering discipline. Today, it is recognized as a subject worthy ofserious research, conscientious study, and tumultuous debate. Throughout the indus-try, software engineer has replaced programmer as the job title of preference. Softwareprocess models, software engineering methods, and software tools have been adoptedsuccessfully across a broad spectrum of industry applications.  Although managers and practitioners alike recognize the need for a more disci-plined approach to software, they continue to debate the manner in which disciplineis to be applied. Many individuals and companies still develop software haphazardly,even as they build systems to service the most advanced technologies of the day.Many professionals and students are unaware of modern methods. And as a result,the quality of the software that we produce suffers and bad things happen. In addi-tion, debate and controversy about the true nature of the software engineeringapproach continue. The status of software engineering is a study in contrasts. Atti-tudes have changed, progress has been made, but much remains to be done beforethe discipline reaches full maturity.  The fifth edition of Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach is intended toserve as a guide to a maturing engineering discipline. The fifth edition, like the foureditions that preceded it, is intended for both students and practitioners, retaining itsappeal as a guide to the industry professional and a comprehensive introduction tothe student at the upper level undergraduate or first year graduate level. The formatand style of the fifth edition have undergone significant change, making the presen-tation more reader-friendly and the content more easily accessible.


  《大學計算機教育國外著名教材系列·影印 軟件工程實踐者之路(第5版)》一書,20年來,受到了學習軟件工程的學生和該領域的專業(yè)人士的極大歡迎和推崇,在軟件工程教學中被奉為經典?!盾浖こ獭返?版在內容設計上做了較大的改變,更新了關鍵內容,篇幅擴充到32章,重點闡述了現(xiàn)在很多人稱之為“21世紀工程準則”中所包含的每項內容。《軟件工程》的版式和文字體例經過重新修訂,更易于課堂教學和自學指導。此外,設置了一個全新的網站,為軟件工程領域的學生、教師以及專業(yè)人士提供關于軟件工程資源的全面服務?!盾浖こ獭贩治宕蟛糠帧5谝徊糠忠胲浖a品、過程等基本概念;第二部分介紹軟件項目管理,包括管理概念、過程與項目度量、項目計劃、風險管理、項目進度與跟蹤、質量保證、配置管理;第三部分介紹傳統(tǒng)的軟件工程方法,包括系統(tǒng)工程、需求分析、分析建模、設計概念、體系結構設計、用戶界面設計、構件層設計、測試技術、測試策略、技術度量等;第四部分介紹面向對象軟件工程,包括概念、分析、設計、測試、技術度量等;第五部分是高級話題,包括形式化方法、凈室軟件工程,基于構件的開發(fā)、客戶機/服務器軟件工程、Web工程和CASE。


  Roger S.Pressman is an internationally recognized authority in software processimprovement and software engineering technologies.For over three decades,he hasworked as a software en~~neer.a manager,a professor,an author,and a consultant,focus.As an industry practitioner and manager,Dr.Pressman worked on the development ofCAD/CAM systems for advanced engineering and manufacturing applications.He has alsoheld positions with responsibility for scientific and systems programming.  After receiving a Ph.D.in engineering from the University ofConnecticut,Dr.Pressmanmoved to academia where he became Bullard Associate Professor OfComputer Engineeringat the University of Bridgeport and director of the university。ComputerAided Design andManufacturing Center.  Dr.Pressman is currently president of R.S.Pressman&Associates,lnca consultingfirm specializing in software engineering methods and training.He serves as principle consultant,helping companies establish effective software engineering practices.He also designed and evelopedthecompanyssoRwareengineeringtraining and process improve-mentproducts——EssentialSoftwareEngineenng,acompletevideo curriculumthatisamongthe industry。s most comprehensive treatments of the subject,and Process Advisor,a self-directed system for software engineering process improvement.Both produc~~are used by hundreds of companies worldwide.  Dr.Pressman has written many technical papers,is a regular contributor to industryperiodicals,andisauthorofsixbooks.InadditiontoSoftwareEngineenng:APractitioner Approach,he has written A Manager‘s Guide to Software Engineenng(McGraw-Hill),an award-winning book that uses a unique Q&A format to present management guidelines for instituting and understanding software engineering technology;Making Software Engi-neenngHappen(Prentice-Hall),the first book to address the critical management problems associated with software process improvement;and Software Shock(Dorset House),a treat-ment that focuses on software and its impact on business and society.Dr.Pressman is onthe Editorial Boards ofIEEESoftware and the CutterITJournal,and for many years,was  editorofthe“ManageV’columninIEEESoftware.  Dr.Pressman is a well-known speaker.keynoting a number of major industry confer-  ences.He has presented tutorials at the International Conference on Software Engineer-ing and at many other industry meetings.He is a member of the ACM.IEEE,and Tau Beta Pi,Phi Kappa Phi,Eta Kappa Nu,and Pi Tau Sigma.


PART ONE The Preduct and the ProcessCHAPTER 1 The ProducrCHAPTER 2 The ProcessPART TWO Maneging Software ProjectsCHAPTER 3 Project Management ConceptsCHAPTER 4 Software Process and Project MetricsCHAPTER 5 Software Project PlanningCHAPTER 6 Risk Analysis and ManagementCHAPTER 7 Project Scheduling and TrackingCHAPTER 8 Software Quality AssuranceCHAPTER 9 Software Configuration ManagementPART THREE Conventional Methods for Software EngineeringCHAPTER 1O System EngineeringCHAPTER 11 Analysis Concepts and PrinciplesCHAPTER 12 Analysis ModelingCHAPTER 13 Design Concep}s and PrinciplesCHAPTER 14 Architeclural DesignCHAPTER 15 User Interface DesignCHAPTER 16 ComponenHevel DesignCHAPTER 17 Software Tesling TechniquesCHAPTER 18 Software Testing StrategiesCHAPTER 19 Technical Metrics for SoftwarePART FOUR Object-Oriented Software EngineeringCHAPTER 20 Object-Oriented Concepts and PrinciplesCHAPTER 21 Object-Oriented AnalysisCHAPTER 22 Object-Oriented DesignCHAPTER 23 Object-Oriented TestingCHAPTER 24 Technical Metrics for Object-Oriented SyslemsPART FIVE Advanced Topits in Seftware EngineeringCHAPTER 25 Formal MethodsCHAPTER 26 Cleanroom Software EngineeringCHAPTER 27 Component-Based Software EngineeringCHAPTER 28 Client/Server Software EngineeringCHAPTER 29 Web EngineeringCHAPTER 30 ReengineeringCHAPTER 3l Computer-Aided Software EngineeringCHAPTER 32 The Road Ahead


  15.1.2 ReducetheUsersMemory  Load The more a user has to remember,the more error-prone will be the interaction wil the system.It is for this reason that a well-designed user interface does not tax tl user,s memory.Whenever possible,the system should“remember pertinent info mation and assist the user with an interaction scenario that assists recall.Mand IMAN97defines design principles that enable an interface to reduce the user’s mer oryload:Reduce demand on short-term memory.When users are lnvolved in corn-plex tasks,the demand on short-term memory can be significant.The interface should be designed to reduce the requirement to remember past actions and results.This can be accomplished by providing visual cues that enable a user to recognize past actions,rather than having to recall hem.Establish meaIlinI口叫defaults.The initial set of defaults should make sense for the average user,but a user should be able to specify individual preferences.However.a“reset”option should be available,enabling the redefinition of orig-inal default values.Define shortcuts that are intuitive.Whan mnemonics are used to ccomplish a system function(e.g.,alt-P to invoke the print function),the mnemonic should be tied to the action in a way that is easy to remember(e.g.,first letter ofthe task to be invoked).The visual layout of the interface should be based on a real world metaphor.For example,a bill payment system should use a check book and check register metaphor to guide the user through the bill paying process.This enables the user to rely on well-understood visual cues.rather than memoriz sequence.Discloseinfornmtioninapro~~essivefashion.  Theinterfaceshouldbeorga-nized hierarchically.That is,information about a task,an object.or some behav‘ior should be presented first at a high level of abstraction.More detail should be presented after the user indicates interest with a mouse pick.An example,corn-mon to many word-processing applica.



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