
出版時(shí)間:1998-11  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:Michael R.Sneyd  頁(yè)數(shù):143  字?jǐn)?shù):208000  譯者:楊志強(qiáng)  




Unit 1 The basis of insurance       Text 1.1 A financial definintion of insurance       Text 1.2 Legal principles of insuranceUint 2 Life and health in surance       Text 2.1 Some unique characteristics of life insurance       Text 2.2 Health care insurance outstrips inflationUint 3 Pensions and pension funds       Text 3.1 How pensions work in the United StatesUint 4 Property insurance       Text 4.1 Insuring a home and its contents       Text 4.2 Five-tier rate system controversialUint 5 Credit insurance       Text 5.1 Different types of credit cover       Text 5.2 Five-tire rate system controversialUint 6 Inusurance Policies       Text 6.1 Property insurance       Text 6.2 Settlement of claimsand liability damage       Text 6.3 Conditions which aply to the whole policycUint 7 Reinsurance:insuring the insurers       Text 7.1 Reinsurance in property and liability insurance       Text 7.2 Insurers get that sinking feeligUint 8 Risk management and insruance       Text 8.1 A risk Management program       Text 8.2 The insurance mechanismUint 9 Insurance orgnisations       Text 9.1 All aboard for AllfinanzUint 10 Insurance marketing       Text 10.1 United Group:how am insruance agency generates sales leads       Text 10.2 USbands stake out insurance battlefieldAnswer key參考譯文第一單元 保險(xiǎn)的基礎(chǔ) 課文1.1 保險(xiǎn)的財(cái)務(wù)學(xué)定義 課文1.2 保險(xiǎn)的法律原則第二單元 壽險(xiǎn)與健康保險(xiǎn) 課文2.1 壽險(xiǎn)的特點(diǎn) 課文2.2 健康醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)的上漲超過(guò)了通貨膨脹第三單元 養(yǎng)老金與養(yǎng)老基金 課文3.1 美國(guó)的養(yǎng)老金制度 課文3.2 養(yǎng)老基金投資的控制第四單元 財(cái)產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn) 課文4.1 為家和家產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn) 課文4.2 選購(gòu)最好的汽車保險(xiǎn)第五單元 信用保險(xiǎn) 課文5.1 不同種類的依和保護(hù) 課文5.2 關(guān)于五級(jí)費(fèi)率制度的爭(zhēng)議第六單元 保險(xiǎn)單 課文6.1 財(cái)產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn) 課文6.2 理賠及處理責(zé)任損害 課文6.3 適用于整個(gè)保險(xiǎn)單的條件第七單元 再保險(xiǎn):為保險(xiǎn)商保險(xiǎn) 課文7.1 財(cái)產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn)與責(zé)任保險(xiǎn)的再保險(xiǎn) 課文7.2 保險(xiǎn)商有一種大廈將傾的感覺第八單元 風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理與保險(xiǎn) 課文8.1 風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理程序 課文8.2 保險(xiǎn)原理第九單元 保險(xiǎn)組織 課文9.1 涌入金融一體化 課文9.2 接口處的滲漏第十單元 保險(xiǎn)的營(yíng)銷 課文10.1 聯(lián)合集團(tuán):保險(xiǎn)代理是怎樣做買賣的 課文10.2 美國(guó)銀行與保險(xiǎn)業(yè)開戰(zhàn)生詞表



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