
出版時間:1998-08  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:Keown,Petty,Scott,Martin  




Chapter 1
An Introduction to the. Foundations of
Financial Management-The Ties That Bind
Goal of the Firm
Legal Forms of Business Organization
Federal Income Taxation
Ten Axioms That Form fhe Foundations of Financial Management
Axiom 1: The Risk-Return Trade-off-We Won't Take On
Additional Risk Unless We Expect to Be Compensated with
Additional Return
Axiom 2: The Time Value of Money--A Dollar Received Today
Is Worth More Than a Dollar Received in the Future
Axiom 3: Cash-Not Profits-Is King
Axiom 4: Incremental Cash Flows--It's Only What Changes
That Counts
Axiom 5: The Curse of Competitive Markets-Why It's Hard to Find
Exceptionaliy Profitable Projects
Axiom 6: Efficient Capital Markets-The Markets Are Quick and the
Prices Are Right
Axiom 7: The Agency Problem--Managers Won't Work for the
Owners Unless It's in Their Best Interest
Axiom 8: Taxes Bias Business Decisions
Axiom 9: All Risk Is Not Equal--Some Risk Can Be Diversified Away,
and Some Cannot
Axiom 10: Ethical Behavior Is Doing the Right Thing, and Ethical
Dilemmas Are Everywhere in Finance
Overview of the Text
Chapter 2
The Financial Markets and Interest Rates
The Mix of Corporate Securities Sold m the Capital Market
Why Financial Markets Exist
Financmg of Business: The Movement of Funds through the
Components of the U.S. Financial Market System
The Investment Banker
Private Placements
Flotation Costs
More Recent Regulatory Developments
Rates of Retum in the Financial Markets
Interest Rate Determinants in a Nutshell
The Term Structure of Interest Rates
Chapter 3
Evaluating a Firm's Financial Performance
and Measuring Cash Flow
Basic Financial Statements
Financial Ratio Analysis
The DuPont Analysis: An Integrative Approach to Ratio Analysis
Chapter 4:
Financial Forecasting, Planning, and Budgeting
Financial Forecasting
Fmancial Planning and Budgeting
Computerized Financial Planning
Chapter 5
The Time Value of Money
Compound Interest
Present Value
Annuities Due
Compound Interest with Nonannual Periods
Present Value of an Uneven Stream
Chapter 6
Valuation and Characteristics of Bonds
Types of Bonds
Terminology and Characteristics of Bonds
Definitions of Value
Valuation: An Overview
Valuation: The Basic Process
Bond Valuation
The Bondholder's Expected Rate of Retum (Yield to Maturity)
Bond Valuation: Three Important Relationships
Chapter 7
Valuation and Characteristics of Stock
Preferred Stock
Common Stock
The Stockholder's Expected Rate of Retum
Chapter 8
The Meaning and Measurement
of Risk and Return
Expected Retum Defmed and Measured
Risk Defined and Measured
Rates of Retum: The Investor's Experience
Risk and Diversification
The Investor's Required Rate of Retum
The Fama and French Attack on the CAPM
Chapter 9
Capital-Budgeting Technlques and Practice
Finding Profitable Projects
Capital-Budgeting Decision Criteria
Capital Rationing
Problems in Project Ranking-Capital Rationing, Mutually
Exclusive Projects, and Problems with the IRR
Ethics in Capital Budgeting
A Glance at Actual Capital-Budgetmg Practices
Chapter 10
Cash Flows and Other Topics in Capital Budge
Guidelines for Capital Budgeting
Measuring a Project's Benefits and Costs
Risk and the Investment Decision
Incorporating Risk into Capital Budgeting
Exammmg a Project's Risk through Simulation
Chapter 11
Cost of Capital
The Cost of Capital: Key Definitions and Concepts
Detennining Individual Costs of Capital
The Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Calculating Divisional Costs of Capital: PepsiCo, Inc.
Using a Firm's Cost of Capital to Evaluate
New Capital Investments
Chapter 12
Determining the Financing Mix
Business and Financial Risk
Breakeven Analysis
Operating Leverage
Financial Leverage
Combination of Operating and Financial Leverage
Planning the Financing Mix
A Quick Look at Capital Structure Theory
Basic Tools of Capital Structure Management
A Glance at Actual Capital Structure Management
Chapter 13
Dividend Policy and Internal Financing
Key Terms
Does Dividend Policy Affect Stock Price?
The Dividend Decision in Practice
Dividend Payment Procedures
Stock Dividends and Stock Splits
Stock Repurchases
Chapter 14
Introduction to Working-Capital Management
Managing Current Assets and Liabilities
Appropriate Level of Working Capital
Estimation of the Cost of Short-Term Credit
Sources of Short-Term Credit
Chapter 15
Liquid Asset Management
Why a Company Holds Cash
Cash Management Objectives and Decisions
Collection and Disbursement Procedures
Evaluation of Costs of Cash Management Services
Composition of Marketable-Securities Portfolio
Accounts-Receivable Management
Inventory Management
Chaprter 16
Internatlonal Business Finance
The Globalization of Product and Financial Markets
Exchange Rates
Interest-Rate Parity Theory
Purchasing-Power Parity Theory
Exposure to Exchange Rate Risk
Multinational Working-Capital Management
Intemational Financing and Capital Structure Decisions
Direct Foreign Investment
Chapter 17
Changes and Challenges in Finance
Recent Innovations in Risk Management
Finance m the '90s: The Consequences of Financial Innovation
in Corporate Restructuring
Recent Innovations in Raising Capital: Hybrid Securities
The Agency Problem: Changes and Challenges
The CAPM and Market Efficiency: The Challenges from
Appendix A: Using a Calculator
Appendix B: Compound Sum of $1
Appendix C: Present Value of $1
Appendix D: Sum of an Annuity of $1 for n Periods
Appendix E: Present Value of an Annuity of $1 for n periods
Appendix F: Check Figures for Selected
End-of-Chapter Study Problems




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