
出版時(shí)間:2000-4  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:[美] 內(nèi)弗斯(Nevers  頁(yè)數(shù):586  


  本書(shū)內(nèi)容涉及大氣污染的各個(gè)方面,包括空氣污染的危害、空氣污染控制的法規(guī)和哲學(xué)、空氣污染指標(biāo)的測(cè)量、污染氣象學(xué)、顆粒物性質(zhì)及一次顆粒物控制技術(shù)、氣態(tài)污染物控制技術(shù)、機(jī)動(dòng)車(chē)污染控制、全球氣候變化、室內(nèi)污染等,并突出介紹了大氣污染控制的設(shè)備和工藝。本書(shū)中的許多內(nèi)容是以往的大氣污染控制教科書(shū)中找不到的,學(xué)生不僅可以學(xué)到大氣污染控制技術(shù)和工程方面的知識(shí),也有機(jī)會(huì)學(xué)習(xí)一部分環(huán)境工作者應(yīng)當(dāng)掌握的科學(xué)知識(shí),提高在“環(huán)境科學(xué)”方面的素養(yǎng)。  本書(shū)可作為環(huán)境專(zhuān)業(yè)大氣污染控制工程課程的教材,也可供從事環(huán)境工程和化學(xué)工程的研究人員和工程技術(shù)人員參考。


PrefaceNotation1 Introduction to Air Pollution control1.1 Some of the History of Air Pollution Control in the United States of America1.2 Why the Sudden Rise in Interest in 1969-1970?1.3 Dirty Air Removal or Emission Control?1.4 One Problem or a Family of Problems?1.5 Emissions, Transport, Receptors1.6 Units Plan of This Book1.7 Summary2 Air Pollution Effects2.1 Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health2.2 Air Pollution Effects on Property2.3 Air Pollution Effects on Visibility2.4 Summary3 Air Polluti0n control Laws and Regulations, Air Pollution Control Philosophies3.1 U.S. Air Pollution Laws and Regulations3.2 Air Pollution Control Philosophies3.3 The Four Philosophies3.4 Market Control and Emission Rights3.5 Principal U.S. Air Pollution Laws3.6 Summary4 Air Pollution Measurements, Emission Estimates4.1 A Representative Sample4.2 Getting the Representative Sample to the Detector4.3 Concentration Determination4.4 Averaging4.5 St5andard Analytical Methods4.6 Determining Pollutant Flow Rates4.7 Isokinetic Sampling4.8 Emission Fact6ors4.9 Visible Emissions4.10 Summary5 Meteorology for Air Pollution Control Engineers6 Air Pollutant Concentration Models7 General Ideas in Air Pollution Control8 The Nature of Particulate Pollutants9 Control of Primary Particulates10 Control of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)11 Control of Sulfur Oxides12 Control of Nitrogen Oxides13 The Motor vehicle Problem14 Air Pollutants and Global Climate15 Other TopicsAppendixesIndex





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