出版時間:2012-12 出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社 作者:弗雷里克斯 頁數(shù):327
為有力推動我國物理學(xué)研究、加快相關(guān)學(xué)科的建設(shè)與發(fā)展,特別是展現(xiàn)近年來中國物理學(xué)者的研究水平和成果,北京大學(xué)出版社在國家出版基金的支持下推出了《中外物理學(xué)精品書系》,試圖對以上難題進行大膽的嘗試和探索?!吨型馕锢韺W(xué)精品書系·引進系列(3)·多層納米結(jié)構(gòu)中的輸運:動力學(xué)平均場方法(影印版)》編委會集結(jié)了數(shù)十位來自內(nèi)地和香港頂尖高校及科研院所的知名專家學(xué)者。他們都是目前該領(lǐng)域十分活躍的專家,確保了整套叢書的權(quán)威性和前瞻性?! 吨型馕锢韺W(xué)精品書系·引進系列(3)·多層納米結(jié)構(gòu)中的輸運:動力學(xué)平均場方法(影印版)》內(nèi)容豐富,涵蓋面廣,可讀性強,其中既有對我國傳統(tǒng)物理學(xué)發(fā)展的梳理和總結(jié),也有對正在蓬勃發(fā)展的物理學(xué)前沿的全面展示;既引進和介紹了世界物理學(xué)研究的發(fā)展動態(tài),也面向國際主流領(lǐng)域傳播中國物理的優(yōu)秀專著。可以說,《中外物理學(xué)精品書系》力圖完整呈現(xiàn)近現(xiàn)代世界和中國物理科學(xué)發(fā)展的全貌,是一部目前國內(nèi)為數(shù)不多的兼具學(xué)術(shù)價值和閱讀樂趣的經(jīng)典物理叢書?! 吨型馕锢韺W(xué)精品書系》另一個突出特點是,在把西方物理的精華要義“請進來”的同時,也將我國近現(xiàn)代物理的優(yōu)秀成果“送出去”。物理學(xué)科在世界范圍內(nèi)的重要性不言而喻,引進和翻譯世界物理的經(jīng)典著作和前沿動態(tài),可以滿足當(dāng)前國內(nèi)物理教學(xué)和科研工作的迫切需求。另一方面,改革開放幾十年來,我國的物理學(xué)研究取得了長足發(fā)展,一大批具有較高學(xué)術(shù)價值的著作相繼問世。這套叢書首次將一些中國物理學(xué)者的優(yōu)秀論著以英文版的形式直接推向國際相關(guān)研究的主流領(lǐng)域,使世界對中國物理學(xué)的過去和現(xiàn)狀有更多的深人了解,不僅充分展示出中國物理學(xué)研究和積累的“硬實力”,也向世界主動傳播我國科技文化領(lǐng)域不斷創(chuàng)新的“軟實力”,對全面提升中國科學(xué)、教育和文化領(lǐng)域的國際形象起到重要的促進作用。
作者:(美國)弗雷里克斯(Freericks J.K.)
Preface Acknowledgments 1. Introduction to Multilayered Nanostructures 1.1 Thin Film Growth and Multilayered Nanostructures 1.2 Strongly Correlated Materials 1.3 The Proximity Effect 1.4 Electronic Charge Reconstruction at an Interface 1.5 Roadmap to Real-Materials Calculations 2. Dynamical Mean-Field Theory in the Bulk 2.1 Models of Strongly Correlated Electrons 2.2 Second Quantization 2.3 Imaginary Time Green's Functions 2.4 Real Time Green's Functions 2.5 The Limit d →∞ and the Mapping onto a Time-Dependent Impurity Problem 2.6 Impurity Problem Solvers 2.7 Computational Algorithms 2.8 Linear-Response dc-Transport in the Bulk 2.9 Metal-Insulator Transitions within DMFT 2.10 Bulk Charge and Thermal Transport 3. Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of a Multilayered Nanostructure 3.1 Potthoff-Nolting Approach to Multilayered Nanostructures 3.2 Quantum Zipper Algorithm (Renormalized Perturbation Expansion) 3.3 Computational Methods 3.4 Density of States for a Nanostructure 3.5 Longitudinal Charge Transport Through a Nanostructure 3.6 Charge Reconstruction (Schottky Barriers) 3.7 Longitudinal Heat Transport Through a Nanostructure 3.8 Superconducting Leads and Josephson Junctions 3.9 Finite Dimensions and Vertex Corrections 4. Thouless Energy and Normal-State Transport 4.1 Heuristic Derivation of the Generalized Thouless Energy 4.2 Thouless Energy in Metals 4.3 Thouless Energy in Insulators 4.4 Crossover from Tunneling to Incoherent Transport in Devices 5. Josephson Junctions and Superconducting Transport 5.1 Introduction to Superconducting Electronics Devices 5.2 Superconducting Proximity Effect 5.3 Josephson Current 5.4 Figure-of-Merit for a Josephson Junction 5.5 Effects of Temperature 5.6 Density of States and Andreev Bound States 6. Thermal Transport 6.1 Electronic Charge Reconstruction Near a Metal-Insulator Transition 6.2 Thermal Transport Through a Barrier Near the Metal-Insulator Transition 7. Future Directions 7.1 Spintronics Devices 7.2 Multiband Models for Real Materials 7.3 Nonequilibrium Properties 7.4 Summary Appendix A Problems A.1 Jellium model A.2 Density of states for the hypercubic lattice in 1, 2, 3,and ∞ dimensions A.3 Noninteracting electron in a time-dependent potential A.4 Relation between imaginary-time summations and real-axis integrals A.5 The Green's functions of a local Fermi liquid A.6 Rigid-band approximation to the Falicov-Kimball model A.7 Comparing the spectral formula to the Hilbert transform A.8 Imaginary-time Green's functions A.9 Partition function for a spinless electron in a general time-dependent field A.10 Mapping the impurity in a field to an impurity coupled to a chain in the NRG approach A.11 Impurity Green's function for the chain Hamiltonian in the NRG approach A.12 Solving the NRG many-body Hamiltonian for the chain A.13 Metal-insulator transition in the half-filled Falicov-Kimball model A.14 Kramers-Kronig analysis for the Green's function, and the effect of the pole in the Mott insulator A.15 Metal-insulator transition on a simple cubic lattice A.16 DC conductivity for the simple cubic lattice A.17 Jonson-Mahan theorem A.18 Charge and thermal conductivity for the Falicov- Kimball model A.19 The particle-hole asymmetric metal-insulator transition A.20 Non Fermi-liquid behavior of the Falicov-Kimball model A.21 Thermopower of the Falicov-Kimball model and the figure-of-merit A.22 U →∞ Green's functions A.23 Determining Gαβ from the quantum zipper algorithm A.24 The stability of the left and right recursion relations of the quantum zipper algorithm A.25 Efficient numerical evaluation of integrals via changes of variables A.26 Equilibrium solutions with charge reconstruction A.27 Local charge and heat current operators for a nanostructure A.28 Operator identity for the Jonson-Mahan theorem A.29 BCS gap equation A.30 Equations of motion needed for the Nambu-Gor'kov formalism A.31 Spin one-half atom in a time-dependent normal and anomalous dynamical mean field A.32 Hilbert transformation in the Nambu-Gor'kov formalism A.33 Evaluating Hilbert transformation-like integrals needed for determining the bulk critical current on a simple-cubic lattice A.34 The single-plane Mott-insulating barrier A.35 Green's functions of the particle-hole symmetric Falicov-Kimball model nanostructure A.36 Parallel implementation for the resistance calculation of a nanostructure A.37 Resistance and Thouless energy of a nanostructure Bibliography Index
版權(quán)頁: 插圖: superconducting pair of electrons is incident from the left. This pair of electrons meets a hole in the normal-metal barrier, leaving an electron behindthat moves to the right. That electron travels to the barrier-superconductorinterface on the right, and a superconducting pair and a retroreflected holeemerge; the hole travels to the left in the metal, and the superconductingpair travels to the right in the right superconducting lead. The net effectis that a superconducting pair has been carried across the barrier from theleft to the right, and there is a localized electron-hole state that remainsin the barrier. A similar process can carry current in the opposite direction, and one can view the lack of supercurrent when there is no phasedifference across the junction as corresponding to an equal occupation ofthe left and right current-carrying states. In a one-dimensional system, theAndreev bound state has a well-defined energy, but in a three-dimensionalsystem, because of the possible nonzero value for the transverse (kx andkv) momenta, these Andreev bound states appear as finite-width peaks inthe DOS. Because the electrons involved in the Andreev bound states have energies close to the chemical potential, we expect these states to be locatedat an energy below the bulk superconducting gap. When scattering is added to the barrier, we can characterize the level ofscattering with the Thouless energy for the diffusive metal barrier (plus thecontribution from the contact resistance, of course). When such scatteringis included, quasiclassical calculations say there will be a so-called "hard"minigap in the DOS, where the DOS vanishes over a region proportionalto ETa about the chemical potential [Golubov and Kupriyanov (1989);Golubov, Wilhelm and Zaikin (1997); Zhou, et al. (1998); Pilgram, Belzig,and Bruder (2000)]. Since there is no gap when there is no scattering,and the Thouless energy decreases as the thickness of the barrier increases,the gap region is expected to first grow, and then decrease as scattering isturned on. Since a ballistic-metal-barrier junction has a nonzero Thoulessenergy, this analysis cannot be consistent with the Thouless energy solely determining the minigap, but most quasiclassical approaches ignore thecontact resistance contribution to the Thouless energy, so from their perspective, the Thouless energy vanishes for a ballistic-metal-barrier junction,and the analysis is consistent.