
出版時(shí)間:2012-8  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:劉世鑄,程幼強(qiáng) 主編  頁數(shù):206  字?jǐn)?shù):365000  




Unit  1  Fairy Tale
Text A Beauty and the Beast
Text B Beauty and the Beast
Unit 2 Friendship
TextA The Value of Friendship
Text B All Un-Alone in the City
Unit 3 Money and Happiness
Text A The Real Truth of Money
TextB Happiness
Unit 4 Education
Text A National Wealth Tax toFund Education?
Text B Are Single-Sex Classrooms Legal?
Unit 5 Biography
Text A Ernest Hemingway
TextB JosephHeller
Unit 6 Reflectio on Life
TextA Think iide the Square to Keep Those Love Fires Burning
Text B Learn How to Face Difficulty
Unit 7 Renowned Univeities
Text A Oxford Univeity
Text B What Is the Wiscoin Idea?
Unit 8 Poverty
TextA Child Labour Rooted inAfrica's Poverty
Text B Undetanding Poverty
Unit 9 Tragedy
Text A Sophocles and Oedipus Rex
TextB Oedipus Rex
Unit 10 Reflectio on Wa
Text A The Terrorist in the Mirror
Text B I Express My Shame
Unit 11 Honesty
Text A Honesty Is the Best Policy
Text B To Lie or Not to Lie?
Unit 12 Ambition
Text A Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely to Succeed
Text B The Roots of My Ambition



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