
出版時間:2012-9  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:封一函,姜亞軍 主編  頁數(shù):200  字數(shù):410000  




Unit One
Text A Essay on America
Text B Western Civilization, Our Tradition
Unit Two
Text A French and English
Text B The American Character
Unit Three
Text A Professions for Women
Text B The Beauty Industry
Unit Four
Text A The Road to Happiness
Text B Entropy
Unit Five
Text A Philistines and Philistinism
Text B The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life
Unit Six
Text A Expressing One's Individuality
Text B Defining the Authentic Self
Unit Seven
Text A The Worker as Creator or Machine
Text B Where I Lived, and What I Lived for
Unit Eight
Text A On the Sense of Humor
Text B On Human Nature and Politics
Unit Nine
Text A Creativity Will Dominate Our Life
Text B Unlock Your Own Creativity
Unit Ten
Text A The Long-Haul Degree
Text B Graduate Degrees, Are They Worth It?
Unit Eleven
Text A Global Warming & Climate Change
Text B They Cheat,I Tell You
Unit Twelve
Text A The Trouble with Television
Text B Dolly's False Legacy



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