出版時間:2012-4 出版社:北京大學出版社 作者:(澳)戈頓(Tim Gourdon),(澳)周曉康 著 頁數(shù):128
丁丁和迪米的童年友情 電瓶牟風波 羅賓在威更斯果園 和迪米的爺爺去釣魚 星期天騎游記
版權頁: 插圖: Dingding and Damien are great Friendsand live near each other in the samestreet.Their parents are close Friends too.Dincjding and Damien have played togethersince birth.They were both born in thesame month and same year,and are bothtwelve years old now. Dincjding's birth name is Lanlan,buteveryone cal led her Di ncjdi ncj thanks toDamien.As babieS in their cribs,theybecame attached to each other.The cribswere often placed side by side while theirmothers relaxed and discussed ways ofovercoming the various problems thatarise when raising children. Dingding's crib had a string stretchedacross above her head with two bells onit.Dingding could reach them with hertiny hands.Damien in the next crib couldhear them often.Dingding's mother wouldraffle them and say "Dingding,Dingding!"Whenever Oamien's mother put him in thecrib,he would say "Dingding"thinking thatthey were going to visit her.So eventually,Dingding became the name everyone calledher.As she grew older she was happy andcamfortable with it too.