
出版時(shí)間:2011-8  出版社:北京大學(xué)  作者:常俊躍//霍躍紅//姚璐//趙永青  頁數(shù):196  


*打破了傳統(tǒng)的教學(xué)理念 教材圍繞能充分代表中國文化的主題組織素材,擺脫傳統(tǒng)的機(jī)械性詞匯以及語法教學(xué),給學(xué)習(xí)者提


Unit 1 Chinese Mythology
TextA Chinese Mythology
Text B Jingwei Determines to Fill Up the Sea
Text C Animals in Mythology
Unit 2 Chinese Food and Tea Culture
Text A Chinese Dietary Culture
Text B Chinese Tea Culture
Text C The Elegance of Tea-Drinking
Text D Chinese Drinking Game
Unit 3 Chinese Clothing Culture
TextA Chinese Clothing
Text B The Silk Kingdom
Text C Dress Code in China
Unit 4 Chinese Architecture and Gardening
Text A Ancient Chinese Architecture
Text B Number "9" and the Imperial Buildings
Text C Chinese Stone Lions
Unit 5 World Natural Heritage in China
Text A World Natural Heritage in China
Text B Guilin ~
Text C World Heritage Preservation in China
Unit 6 World Cultural Heritage in China
Text A World Cultural Heritage in China
Text B The Temple of Heaven
Text C The Benefits of Ratification
Unit 7 Chinese Festivals and Folk Customs
Text A Chinese Festivals
Text B Chinese Folklore
Text C Exchange of Gifts
Unit 8 Arts and Crafts
Text A Chinese Arts and Crafts
Text B Paper Cutting
Text C A Carpenter Consecrated by Artisans of All Crafts
Text D National Treasure' s Name Amended
Unit 9 Painting and Calligraphy
Text A Traditional Chinese Painting
Text B Calligraphy
Text C Four Treasures of the Study
Unit 10 Chinese Operas
Text A Beijing Opera
Text B Characteristics of Beijing Opera Costumes
Text C Kunqu: Humankind's Common Cultural Heritage
Unit 11 Traditional Chinese Medicine
Text A Traditional Chinese Medicine: Basic Principles
Text B Methods of Treatment in Chinese Medicine
Text C Yangsheng
Text D Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine
Unit 12 Chinese Philosophy and Religion (1)
TextA Chinese Mythology
Text B Taoism
Text C Zhuang Zi
Unit 13 Chinese Philosophy and Religion (2)
Text A Chinese Religion
Text B Mo Zi and His Philosophy
Text CHan Fei, a Legalist
Unit 14 The Chinese Language
Text A The Chinese Language
Text B Some Distinctive Features of the Chinese Language
Text C The National Language
Text D Complex Chinese Characters and Simplified Ones
Unit 15 Chinese Literature
Text A Chinese Literature
Text B Lu Xun' s Works
Text C Guo Moruo


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:   The Concept of a Scenic Area A scenic area refers to a state-named area with beautiful environment, spots of interest, and conditions for tourism development, for sightseeing, relaxation or scientific and cultural activities. It corresponds to national parks in some other countries. The sign of the scenic area is composed of images and words. The images include the Great Wall, mountains and rivers, which symbolize the long history and natural landscape, gingkgo leaves and tea leaves, which symbolize the beautiful andecological environment and plants. Words on the sign read "NATIONAL PARK OF CHINA". To ensure a scientific administration of various kinds of scenic spots and avoid the destruction of tourist resources, the governments at different levels put them under their unified management. The State Council of China identified six lists of national scenic areas respectively in 1982, 1988, 1994, 2002, 2004 and 2005. Up to December 2009, China has identified 208 national scenic areas. Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area Situated in the northwest of Sichuan Province, the Huanglong valley is made up of snow-capped peaks and the easternmost of all the Chinese glaciers. In addition to its mountain landscape, diverse forest ecosystems can be found, as well as spectacular limestone formations, waterfalls and hot springs. The area also has a population of endangered animals, including the giant panda and the Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey. Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area Located in the northwest of Hunan Province, it was listed as a World Natural Heritage in 1992 by UNESCO. The area is a natural zoological and botanical garden as well as a geological park. These scenic sites all feature strange peaks, secluded caves, limpid streams and thick forests. Zhangjiajie Scenic Site, located in the center of Wulingyuan Natural Resort, is the first national forest park in China, where are strange peaks, bizarre boulders, springs and flying cataracts, thick woods with old, precious trees, and rare birds and beasts.





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用戶評(píng)論 (總計(jì)28條)


  •   作為宣傳中國文化的一本英文書,很不錯(cuò),是本好教材。
  •   講解中國文化 很細(xì)致
  •   這本書的中國文化講的非常到位!而且又能鍛煉英文,非常好~
  •   官方指定教材.考對(duì)外漢語證書時(shí)買的.還不錯(cuò)
  •   不錯(cuò),知識(shí)比較全面,都涉及到了??梢陨蟽蓚€(gè)學(xué)期。
  •   經(jīng)常和外國人交流,用的很好
  •   the book is ok, is for people who study english... so is not to interesting
  •   這本書不錯(cuò)~ detailed description! more pics would be better
  •   這本書無論從質(zhì)量上還是內(nèi)容上幾乎都很讓人滿意,書的內(nèi)容從古代到現(xiàn)代,很大的時(shí)間跨度,但涵蓋的內(nèi)容絕不讓人失望。通過一本書,即了解了中國的文化又可以學(xué)習(xí)到那些中國特有的東西該怎樣用英文表達(dá),一箭雙雕!!
  •   一開始以為是給外國人看的,里面有習(xí)題還。這套書的編輯主題不錯(cuò),內(nèi)容上比較大眾化,配的相關(guān)電影、書籍推薦不錯(cuò)
  •   書內(nèi)容好,就是和當(dāng)前社會(huì)銜接不咋緊密,生詞太多
  •   內(nèi)容還可以,紙張不太好。。。
  •   內(nèi)容不錯(cuò),印刷有點(diǎn)粗糙
  •   送貨快啊,謝謝
  •   本來我想買本讀物式的書,結(jié)果買到了課本,還有課后練習(xí)。有些意外。其他的都挺好的。
  •   作者通過相關(guān)的篇章和練習(xí),讓讀者掌握中國文化的英文知識(shí)
  •   這套書都很不錯(cuò),這本中國文化介紹了很多中國的傳統(tǒng)文化,習(xí)俗等知識(shí)英語的表達(dá)方法,很地道,也很實(shí)用
  •   全黑白的,紙比較薄,字印刷得不是很清晰。
  •   很好的一本中國文化英文教材!
  •   對(duì)中國文化的英文說法很有幫助,適合寬泛的了解和學(xué)習(xí)
  •   很喜歡,為了英語買的,不錯(cuò)不錯(cuò)。
  •   幫國外朋友代買的書,挺好
  •   用英文介紹中國文化,有助于提高跨文化交際能力。
  •   從衣食住行等解說博大精深的中國文化,很有趣!
  •   用英語介紹中國的文化,很喜歡,很實(shí)用。
  •   老師推薦使用的教材,依托式教學(xué)方法,還不錯(cuò)
  •   目前市面上的書大多是向中國介紹國外文化,將中國文化介紹出去的書是在太少,這本書是很好的一次嘗試
  •   老師讓我們?nèi)ベI的,自己覺得也很好。

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