
出版時(shí)間:2011-2  出版社:北京大學(xué)  作者:肖肅 編  


·text one為示范性話語材料,供教師學(xué)生課堂分析討論。text
two為學(xué)生獨(dú)立學(xué)習(xí)之用。題材、體裁、難易程度與text one基本一致,便于學(xué)生模仿學(xué)習(xí),建構(gòu)相應(yīng)話語,形成相應(yīng)圖式。


unit one language
section a text one you are what you say
text two the story of human language
section b text one the world of doublespeak
text two sexism and language
unit two society
section a text one the cost of starting families first
text two balding, wrinkled, and stoned
section b text one what makes new yorkers tick
text two looking for a few good snitches
unit three economy
section a text one unretired: retirees are back, looking for
text two tex-mix
section b text one all change, no change
text two dahn yoga: body, brain and wallet
unit four philosophy
section a text one a definition of philosophy
text two against happiness
section b text one in praise of idleness
text two an apology for idlers
unit five chinese culture
section a text one a chinese philosopher
text two the spirit of the chinese people
section b text one confucianism in china
text two ancestor worship
unit six politics and military affairs
section a text one the other side of the coin: reading the
politics of the 2008 financial tsunami
text two the third race
section b text one conflict without victory: the iran-iraq
text two henry kissinger' s jewish immigrant experience in
the cold war
unit seven international relations
section a text one the psychology of power and
text two us primacy in the international system
section b text one intemational relations after the cold
text two east asia: a region of focus and



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