出版時間:2010-4 出版社:北京大學出版社 作者:譯者:辜正坤 頁數(shù):305 譯者:辜正坤 注釋
The poet whom we are to read occupies a curious but assured position in the history of 20th century Chinese literature: curious,because he was one who theoretically advocated with all his heart the development of modern poetry——the free verse written in the vernacular——and even hopefully asserted that the bright future ofChinese poetry lay right in the development of folk-songs, yet inpractice, he himself almost never wrote poetry in plain Chinese but in acompletely traditional and classical style; assured, because he composedthe poetry so well that, at his best, few modern Chinese poets can rival him. To Western minds, he is a political giant who, though shaking oldChina to its foundation, remains a debatable figure as to his contribution to the creation of a better world. But what captures our attention here is Mao the poet, not Mao the statesman; still politically a subject of controversy at home and abroad, he is, however, almost universally acknowledged as a successful poet of rare talent, even, to a moderatedegree, by his sworn enemies.
前言 正編 賀新郎 贈楊開慧 沁園春 長沙 菩薩蠻 黃鶴樓 西江月 井岡山 清平樂 蔣桂戰(zhàn)爭 釆桑子 重陽 如夢令 元旦 減字木蘭花 廣昌路上 蝶戀花 從汀州向長沙 漁家傲 反第一次大“圍剿” 漁家傲 反第二次大“同剿” 菩薩蠻 大柏地 清平樂 會昌 十六字今三首 憶秦娥 婁山關 七律 長征 念奴嬌 昆侖 清平樂 六盤山 沁園春 雪 七律 人民解放軍占領南京 七律 和柳亞子先生 浣溪沙 和柳亞子先生 浪淘沙 北戴河 水調(diào)歌頭 游泳 蝶戀花 答李淑一 七律 送瘟神二首 七律 到韶山 七律 登廬山 七絕 為女民兵題照 七律 答友人 七絕 為李進同志題所攝廬山仙人洞照 七律 和郭沫若同志 卜算子 詠梅 七律 冬云 滿江紅 和郭沫若同志 七律 吊羅榮桓同志 賀新郎 瀆史 水凋歌頭 重上井岡山 念奴嬌 鳥兒問答 副編 七古 送縱字一郎東行 西江月 秋收起義 六言詩 給彭德懷同志 臨江仙 給丁玲同志 浣溪沙 和柳【亞子】先生 七律 和周世釗同志 念奴嬌 井岡山 虞美人 枕上 附錄 關于詩的一封信 給胡喬木同志的信 給陳毅同志談詩的一封信 索引
插圖:1.The People's Liberation Army Captures Nanking:Soon after the Anti-Japanese War in 1946 there broke out the Civil War between the armies under Kuomintang and those under the Chinese Communist Party. From September 1 948 to January 1 949,the People'S Liberation Army won three smashing victories respectively in Liaoshen Battle,Huaihai Battle,and Pingjin Battle.The greater part of the land beyond the north of the Yangzi River Was under the control of the People's Liberation Army.At this critical hour, peace talks were tried but in vain.On April 21,1949,the People's Liberation Army launched a general attack upon the line of defense 011 the part of the Kuomintang Armies.On April 23,Nanking,the political centre of the Kuomintang government,Was captured by the People's Liberation Army.At the news of the victory, Mao Zedong,wild with joy, rushed off the poem and sent it immediately to the front by telegramme in order to encourage the soldiers and civilians on the front.This poem Was first published in the 1963 edition of Poems of Chairman Mao(People's Literature Press,Peking,1963).2.the Bell Mountain:a mountain located in the eastern suburb of Nanking,7 kilometres in length,3 kilometres in breadth,with the main peak of 1,257 feet above the sea level.The mountain in the sunlight looks purple, thus it is also called Purple Gold Mountain(Zijinshan).3.Once a den of tigers and dragons:a metaphor used by Zhuge Liang ra famous statesman and military strategist in the Shu State of the Three Kingdoms)to describe the meandering Bell Mountain in Nanking and the steepy Stone City in Nanking respectively as a dragon and a tiger.