
出版時間:2010-5  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:端木義萬 編  頁數(shù):145  


  本書每課共分四個部分:  Part A Additional Background Information  這部分是相關(guān)的語言文化背景知識,內(nèi)容豐富,選材考究,可讀性強,便于加深對教材原文的理解,具有較高的參考價值?! art B Additional Notes to the Text  本部分針對課文中結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜、容易產(chǎn)生歧義的句子進行分析和注釋,以幫助讀者更透徹地把握原文的含義。  Part C Outline Of the Article  本部分對文章的篇章結(jié)構(gòu)進行綜合分析,給出段落大意,使讀者高屋建瓴,全文概要一目了然,  更好地把握文章的中心主題?! art D Answers to the Questions  本部分針對原教材課后練習(xí)給出簡潔、明確的答案,幫助讀者更好地學(xué)習(xí)教材文章。


第一單元 社會群體  Lesson 1 Good News about Racial Progress  Lesson 2 Who Are America's Hispanics?  Lesson 3 Women Leap Off Corporate Ladder  Lesson 4 Boomers Won't Go Quietly 第二單元 衣食住行  Lesson 5 Food and Obesity  Lesson 6 The Roof That Costs Too Much  Lesson 7 Cities and Suburbs Are Trading Places  Lesson 8 Our Love Affair with Cars 第三單元 家庭婚姻  Lesson 9 No One Way to Keep Love in Bloom, Experts Say  Lesson 10 The New Mommy Track  Lesson 11 Why Every Married Couple Should Sign a Contract  Lesson 12 Another Thirty Years War in the Making? 第四單元 行為風(fēng)尚  Lesson 13 NYC Ban Sparks Smoking War  Lesson 14 Take Your Planet to Work  Lesson 15 More Businesses Cater to Canines  Lesson 16 The Price of Beauty 第五單元 心理觀念  Lesson 17 Days of Danger and Duct Tape  Lesson 18 Those Rugged Individuals  Lesson 19 It's a Glad, Sad, Mad World  Lesson 20 Abortion Wars, Once Again 第六單元 文教體育  Lesson 21 Reining In the Test of Tests  Lesson 22 E-Learning Today  Lesson 23 Time to Get Moving  Lesson 24 The NBA's Global Game Plan 第七單元 企業(yè)經(jīng)濟  Lesson 25 The Success of Wal-Mart  Lesson 26 How to Invest in Fastgrowing Companies  Lesson 27 U.S. Workers Feel Burn of Long Hours, Less Leisure  Lesson 28 Death of a Pushy Salesman 第八單元 社會問題  Lesson 29 Gambling and Its Abuses Invade the Youth Culture  Lesson 30 Business Affairs, Bedroom Affairs  Lesson 31 In the University of Death  Lesson 32 Rags to Rags, Riches to Riches 第九單元 科技軍事  Lesson 33 Power Revolution  Lesson 34 Out of the Blue  Lesson 35 Spamming the World  Lesson 36 The Dark Side of Recruiting 第十單元 世界風(fēng)云  Lesson 37 We Need More Babies!  Lesson 38 Tough Terrain Ahead on Road Map  Lesson 39 Will There Be War?  Lesson 40 Lethal Blast Hits Jakarta Hotel


  Lesson 1  Good News about Racial Progress  Part A Additional Background Information  Racial Discrepancies in Incomes  Today in the U.S.,personal incomes vary significantly with racial discre pancies.Over-all Asian Americans enjoy higher median personal incomes than any other racial demograph-ic.The only exception is among the holders of graduate degrees who constitute 899/6 of thepopulation.Among those with a Professional or Doctorate degree,Whites have the highestmedian individual income.While Asian Americans have a median income roughly ten percenthigher than that of Whites,this racial income gap is relatively small.The largest racial gapis between Whites and African Americans with the former earning roughly 22%more than the latter.  Thus one can observe a significant discrepancy between the median income of Asians andWhites and that of African Americans and Hispanics.Those identified as Hispanics or Lati-nos have the lowest overall median personal income,earning 28.5 1%1ess than Whires and3 5%less than Asian Amerieans.0verall the race gap between African Americans andWhites has remained roughly the largest over the past decade.In 1996 the median income forWhites was$5,957(319/6)higher than Blacks.In 2006 the gap in median incomes wasnearly identical with the median in come for Whites being$5,929(22%)higher than thatfor African Americans.  ……



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  •   這本書是《美英報刊閱讀教程(中級精選本)的配套書籍,里面提供了每一課的 Additional Background Information , 課本的Additional Notes ,還有習(xí)題的答案,做的很專業(yè),也很詳盡。未能讀完,但是感覺不錯。
  •   尼日融很全,有課文的outline、分析等~很喜歡,很好。
  •   在書店買不到的書在當(dāng)當(dāng)上買到了,很開心。
  •   教參挺簡單的。但是配套的就順便買了



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