
出版時(shí)間:2011-5  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:張桂珍  頁(yè)數(shù):316  




volume one english novels and films
unit 1 jane austen and pride and prejudice
 1.1 jane austen: life and works
  1.1.1 about the author
  1.1.2 jane austen's novels
 1.2 pride and prejudice
  1.2.1 about the novel
  1.2.2 characters
  1.2.3 selected readings from the novel
  1.2.4 exercises
unit 2 charles dickens and oliver twist
 2.1 charles dickens: life and works
  2.1.1 about the author
  2.1.2 charles dickens' major novels
 2.2 oliver twist
  2.2.1 about the novel
  2.2.2 characters
  2.2.3 selected readings from the novel
  2.2.4 exercises
unit 3 charlotte brontie and jane eyre
 3.1 charlotte bronte: life and works
  3.1.1 about the author
  3.1.2 charlotte bronte's novels
 3.2 dane eyre
  3.2.1 about the novel
  3.2.2 characters
  3.2.3 selected readings from the novel
  3.2.4 exercises
unit 4 thomas hardy and tess of the d'urbervilles
 4.1 thomas hardy: life and works
  4.1.1 about the author
  4.1.2 thomas hardy's major novels
 4.2 tess of the d'urbervilles
  4.2.1 about the novel
  4.2.2 characters
  4.2.3 selected readings from the novel
  4.2.4 exercises
 volume two american novels and films
unit 5 nathaniel hawthorne and the scarlet letter
 5.1 nathanie] hawthorne: life and works
  5.1.1 about the author
  5.1.2 nathaniel hawthorne's major works
 5.2 the scar/et letter
  5.2.1 about the novel
  5.2.2 characters
  5.2.3 selected readings from the novel
  5.2.4 exercises
unit 6 mark twain and adventures of huckleberry finn
 6.1 mark twain: life and works
  6.1.1 about the author
  6.1.2 mark twain's major works
 6.2 adventures of huckleberry finn
  6.2.1 about the novel
  6.2.2 characters
  6.2.3 selected readings from the novel
  6.2.4 exercises
unit 7 edith wharton and the age oflnnocence
 7.1 edith wharton: life and works
  7.1.1 about the author
  7.1.2 edith wharton's major works
 7.2 the age of lnnocence
  7.2.1 about the novel
  7.2.2 characters
  7.2.3 selected readings from the novel
  7.2.4 exercises
unit 8 f. scott fitzgerald and the great gatsby
 8.1 f. scott fitzgerald: life and works
  8.1.1 about the author
  8.1.2 scott fitzgerald' s major works
 8.2 the great gatsby
  8.2.1 about the novel
  8.2.2 characters
  8.2.3 selected readings from the novel
  8.2.4 exercises


版權(quán)頁(yè):Sikes turned round to where Noah was sleeping, as if he had notpreviously observed him. Well! he said, resuming his former position.Suppose that lad, pursued Fagin, was to peach-to blow upon usall-first seeking out the right folks for the purpose, and then having ameeting with 'em in the street to paint our likenesses, describe every markthat they might know us by, and the crib where we might be most easilytaken. Suppose he was to do all this, and besides to blow upon a plant we'veall been in, more or less-of his own fancy; not grabbed, trapped, tried,earwigged by the parson, and brought to it on bread and water-but of hisown fancy, to please his own taste, stealing out at nights to find those mostinterested against us, and peaching to them. Do you hear me? cried the Jew,his eyes flashing with rage. Suppose he did all this, what then?What then! replied Sikes; with a tremendous oath. If he was left alivetill I came, I'd grind his skull under the iron heel of my boot into as manygrains as there are hairs upon his head.What if I did it! cried Fagin almost in a yell. I, that know so much,and could hang so many besides myselflI don't know, replied Sikes, clenching his teeth and turning white atthe mere suggestion. I'd do something in the jail that 'ud get me put in irons;and if I was tried along with you, I'd fall upon you with them in the opencourt, and beat your brains out afore the people. I should have such strength,muttered the robber, poising his brawny arm, that I could smash your headas ifa loaded wagon had gone over it.







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