
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:北京大學  作者:??≤S//夏洋//趙永青  頁數(shù):235  


  《英國歷史文化》是在內(nèi)容依托教學理念指導下,依托國家哲學社會科學項目“英語專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)階段內(nèi)容依托式教學改革研究”推出的系列英語內(nèi)容依托教材之一,是大連外國語學院優(yōu)秀教學成果一等獎、遼寧省優(yōu)秀教學成果一等獎、第六屆國家級優(yōu)秀教學成果獎獲獎成果的重要組成部分。這套系列教材的推出具有重要的理論意義和現(xiàn)實意義。  隨著我國英語教育的快速發(fā)展,英語專業(yè)長期貫徹的“以技能為導向”的課程建設(shè)理念及教學理念已經(jīng)難以滿足社會的需要。專家教師們密切關(guān)注的現(xiàn)行英語專業(yè)教育大、中、小學英語教學脫節(jié),語言、內(nèi)容教學割裂,單純語言技能訓練過多,專業(yè)內(nèi)容課程不足,學科內(nèi)容課程系統(tǒng)性差,高低年級內(nèi)容課程安排失衡及其導致的學生知識面偏窄、知識結(jié)構(gòu)欠缺、思辨能力偏弱、綜合素質(zhì)發(fā)展不充分等問題日益凸顯。  針對上述問題,國家哲學社會科學項目“英語專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)階段內(nèi)容依托式教學改革研究”以內(nèi)容依托教學(CBI)理論為指導,確定了如下改革思路: ?。ㄒ唬└抡Z言教學理念,改革英語專業(yè)教學的課程結(jié)構(gòu)。在不改變專業(yè)總體培養(yǎng)目標和教學時限的前提下,對課程結(jié)構(gòu)進行革命性的變革,改變傳統(tǒng)單一的語言技能課程模式,實現(xiàn)內(nèi)容課程——語言課程的融合,擴展學生的知識面,提高學生的語言技能?! 。ǘ╅_發(fā)課程自身潛力,同步提高專業(yè)知識和語言技能。內(nèi)容依托課程本身也同時關(guān)注內(nèi)容和語言,把內(nèi)容教學和語言教學有機結(jié)合。以英語為媒介,系統(tǒng)教授專業(yè)內(nèi)容;以專業(yè)內(nèi)容為依托,在使用語言過程中提高語言技能,擴展學生的知識面?! 。ㄈ└母锝虒W方法手段,全面提高語言技能和綜合素質(zhì)。依靠內(nèi)容依托教學在方法上的靈活性,通過問題驅(qū)動、輸出驅(qū)動等方法調(diào)動學生主動學習,把啟發(fā)式、任務(wù)式、討論式、結(jié)對子、小組活動、課堂展示、多媒體手段等行之有效的活動與學科內(nèi)容教學有機結(jié)合,提高學生的語言技能,激發(fā)學生的興趣,培養(yǎng)學生的自主性和創(chuàng)造性,提升思辨能力和綜合素質(zhì)?! ”卷椄母锿黄屏宋覈⒄Z專業(yè)英語教學大綱規(guī)定的課程結(jié)構(gòu),改變了英語專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)階段通過開設(shè)單純的聽、說、讀、寫四種語言技能課提高學生語言技能的傳統(tǒng)課程建設(shè)理念,對英語課程及教學方法進行了創(chuàng)新性的改革。首創(chuàng)了有英語專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)階段具有我國特色的內(nèi)容——語言融合的課程體系;率先開發(fā)了適合英語專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)階段的內(nèi)容依托課程;系統(tǒng)開發(fā)了英語國家史、地、社會文化、歐洲文化、中國文化、跨文化交際、《圣經(jīng)》與文化等教材;以英語為媒介,系統(tǒng)教授專業(yè)內(nèi)容;以內(nèi)容為依托,全面發(fā)展學生的語言技能;擴展學生的知識面,提高學生的綜合素質(zhì),以嶄新的途徑實現(xiàn)英語專業(yè)教育的總體培養(yǎng)目標。


《英國歷史文化》是在內(nèi)容依托教學理念指導下,基于國家哲學社會科學項目“英語專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)階段內(nèi)容依托式教學改革研究”推出的系列英語教材之一?!队鴼v史文化》適用于英語專業(yè)一、二年級學生,也適用于具有中學英語基礎(chǔ)的非英語專業(yè)學生和英語愛好者學習。本教材具備以下主要特色:    ·遵循了全新的教學理念    以英國歷史文化發(fā)展為線索,展現(xiàn)英國各段歷史進程中的國家概況,既訓練語言技能,也豐富相關(guān)知識。    ·涉及了系統(tǒng)的歷史內(nèi)容    幫助讀者了解英國各段歷史時期的重大事件,系統(tǒng)介紹英國歷史文化發(fā)展背景。    ·引進了真實的教學材料    真實、地道的語言材料,穿插圖表、照片等真實的視覺材料,表現(xiàn)手法活潑,效果生動直觀。    ·設(shè)計了新穎的教材板塊    每·單元均包括課前熱身、課文正文、課后練習、輔助閱讀、專有名詞列表、娛樂園地等。結(jié)構(gòu)安排系統(tǒng)合理,突出學生的主體地位。    ·提供了多樣的訓練活動    培養(yǎng)學生綜合運用語言和知識進行溝通的能力、邏輯思維能力和探索求知的能力。    ·推薦了經(jīng)典的學習材料    在每個章節(jié)的最后部分向?qū)W生推薦經(jīng)典的書目、影視作品、名詩欣賞以及英文歌曲等學習資料,延伸課堂教學,激發(fā)學生的學習熱情。


Unit 1 The Birth ofaNation   Text A The Ancient Briton and Invasions   Text B Anglo-Saxon England   Text C King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table   Text D The Venerable Bede (673-735)   Text E William and the Conquest Unit 2 The Normans   Text A The Norman Monarchs   Text B William the Conqueror   Text C Feudalism after the Norman Conquest   Text D The Doomsday Book Unit 3 The Early Plantagenet   Text A The Rule of Law   Text B The Feudal Way of Life  Text C The Canterbury Tales   Text D The CrusadesUnit 4 The House of Plantagenet  Text A The Birth of Parliament  Text B The Magna Carta  Text C King John Unit 5 The 14th-century England   Text A The Hundred Years' War   Text B The Black Death and Wat Tyler Uprising   Text C A Horrible Disease-The Black Death  Text D War Tyler and His Revolting Peasants  Text E Joan of Arc——Maid of OrleansUnit 6 The House of Lancaster and York  Text A The Wars of the Roses   Text B The Mystery of the Princes in the Tower   Text C The Middle AgesUnit 7 The Tudor Age   Text A The Tudor Monarchy   Text B The Reformation in England (1517-1563)  Text C King Henry VII  Text D Henry VIII and His Marriage  Text E Thomas More and the UtopiaUnit 8 The Elizabethan Age  Text A The Reign of Elizabeth I   Text B Queen Elizabeth I   Text C Entertainment in Elizabethan Age   Text D Defeat of the Spanish ArmadaUnit 9 The House of Stuart  Text A The Age of Revolution   Text B King JamesVIandI  Text C The English Civil War   Text D Oliver Cromwell Unit 10 The House of Hanover   Text A The Hanoverian Monarchs   Text B Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)   Text C King George III Unit 11 The Industrial Revolution   Text A The British Industrial Revolution   Text B Machines for the Industrial Revolution   Text C The Consequences of the Industrial Revolution Unit 12 The Victorian Age (1837-1901)  Text A Queen Victoria and Her Reign   Text B Everyday Life in Victorian England  Text C Charles Dickens (1812-1870)   Text D Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) Unit 13 The World at War   Text A The Great Britain in the World Wars   Text B Causes of World War I  Text C Winston ChurchillUnit 14 Towards the New Millennium   Text A House of Windsor   Text B Long Live the Queen!   Text C Margaret Thatcher   Text D The Growth of Great Britain in Americans' EyesUnit 15 Wales, Scotland and Ireland   Text A The English Conquest of Wales   Text B The Story of Scotland   Text C The Ties between Ireland and the Great Britain   Text D History of Wales   Text E Duncan and Macbeth Appendixes  Appendix 1 : Kings and Queens of England and Britain   Appendix 2 : Genealogy of the Monarchs of England   Appendix 3. Keys to the Exercises 主要參考文獻和網(wǎng)站


  From the middle of the 5th century, three Germanic (Teutonic) tribes, namely Jutes, Angles and Saxons, began to migrate from the region of Denmark and settled in Britain. The Christian Celts, in spite of their brave leaders like King Arthur, were wholly defeated. Those who escaped the sword were pushed back into the mountains of Wales and Scotland and across to Ireland.  The Angles and Saxons from northern Germany spoke a language which we now call Old English. The Angles gave rise to the word "England" because "England" in Old English meant "the land of the Angles". The Angles and Saxons took possession of all the land as far as the mountains in the north and west, and divided it into a handful of small kingdoms. Essex and Sussex, the kingdoms of the east and south Saxons, are still the names of English counties. Then they settled down to work their farms. But their separate kingdoms could make no organized resistance to the next wave of northern fighters, the Vikings. Some of these came from Norway and attacked the rocky coasts of Scotland and northern England: but the main body came from Denmark, sailed up the rivers of the east and south, and seized one little Saxon kingdom after another. At the last moment, the Saxons were saved by the courage of King Alfred of Wessex, who defeated the Danes and forced their army to accept the Christian faith. Then he allowed them to settle in eastern and central England.  Both the Saxons and the Danes had been accustomed to northern gods like Woden and Thor, whose names have given us Wednesday and Thursday. They believed that courage, loyalty and rough honesty are the greatest virtues. How did the Saxons become Christian? The question is answered by Bede, whose History of the English Church was written in Latin while these events were still within living memory. Bede was a Saxon but he used Latin because it was the international language of the Church. Pope Gregory, he said, was attracted by some fair-haired young slaves on sale in Rome. The Pope, who was head of the Roman Church, heard that these slaves came from England, and he decided to send a party of his priests to help the English people.




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  •   很好哦,書本全新。內(nèi)容詳實,是英語專業(yè)學生必備教材,配合英語國家概況課程使用。
  •   集內(nèi)容與語言技巧于一身,可以當精讀來看,看完之后整個文化歷史領(lǐng)域基本就不會有生單詞了!
  •   本書介紹酒店英語得很全面,包括了酒店的所有物品都一清二楚的。包括酒店的走火通過都有介紹,酒店里的餐廳都很全面,是知識面與實踐面都很好的書。
  •   我是英文老師,我推薦他
  •   非常喜歡,要是再有中文翻譯就好了
  •   上課要用的書,質(zhì)量不錯,賞心悅目,送貨也很快。
  •   我很喜歡 我覺得對我有用 掌握了知識
  •   挺好的,很值得一看。
  •   恩 發(fā)貨很快啊 而且優(yōu)惠時買的,還便宜了~
  •   文字簡單, 結(jié)構(gòu)清晰, 適合了解下英國簡史
  •   我以為里面是文配圖的樣子呢,后來發(fā)現(xiàn)真是教材啊。。。。有習題。。。。
  •   該書內(nèi)容還是滿豐富的,但練習設(shè)計太多,跟我預想的不一樣。當然,這是教材么,應該是有些練習的。印刷是彩印的,但不喜歡其黃色調(diào)。包括圖片、練習的diections,推薦的網(wǎng)站等都處理成了黃色,倒是顯得古舊,估計編輯是想突出這本教材的歷史厚重感,不過,實在是瞅著眼暈不舒服
  •   內(nèi)容挺豐富的 還有練習題

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