
出版時(shí)間:2009-10  出版社:北京大學(xué)  作者:李娜//李克安  頁(yè)數(shù):308  


This text brings together the individuals and the desire to develop a text forundergraduate students who have English as a second language. Our initial focus wasundergraduate students with chemistry major in the College of Chemistry and MolecularEngineering, Peking University, Beijing, China, but now we hope and expect that otherundergraduate students may be able to learn more easily with this text as they cope withthe English language and the essentials of analytical chemistry.Lecture Series Leading to Text:The one semester course in analytical chemistry in English for undergraduatestudents was initiated by Professor Li Ke'an in February 2005 with Dr. Li Na as thepresenter of one 2 hour lecture each week for 15 weeks. The size of the lecture roomlimited the number of students to 50.Each year the students prepare presentations of their science project reports.The audience of their peers grades the oral presentations of those students whovolunteered and were selected to give oral presentations.  Competition for beingincluded among the oral presenters has been impressive. Student discussion, gradingof the presenters and the presentations bring forth a profound bonding. Each of us inthe lecture room feels the shoes worn by another.As we introduced different examples and illustrations to the lecture series, thesequickly became ideas for the coming analytical chemistry text.  In Chapter 1," theHuman Genome Project was used to show the power and success possible whenanalytical chemists join forces to bring the minds and resources of the academiccommunity to focus on a goal. The project is indeed a road map of problem solvingusing new and different technologies plus automation to resolve analytical roadblocks to meet the time constraints of the Genome Project thus opening researchopportunities for decades.  A global environmental need brought together anothergroup of scientists in the concluding Chapter 10 to address the ever present need tomonitor drinking water contamination throughout the world. We selected arsenic asone example of the world-wide need for simple, sensitive, cost effective analyticalmethods to monitor drinking water.




作者:LiNa (美國(guó))Jpohn J.Hefferren   LiKe'an


CHAPTER 1  INTRODUCTION OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY  1.1  What is Analytical Chemistry      1.2  Steps in the Development of an Analytical Method       1.3  Classification of Quantitative Analytical Methods        1.3.1  Chemical Analysis         1.3.2  Instrumental Analysis       1.4  Principles of Volumetric Titration        1.4.1  Basic Terms         1.4.2  Requirements of Titration Reactions         1.4.3  Classification of Titration Processes         1.4.4  Primary Standards and Standard Solutions         1.4.5  Basic Apparatus in Chemical Analyses       1.5  Calculations in Volumetric Titration         1.5.1  Preparation of Standard Solutions         1.5.2  Titration Results     CHAPTER 2  DATA ANALYSIS      2.1  Error and Classification        2.1.1  Accuracy and Precision          2.1.2  Errors and Deviation         2.1.3  Systematic and Random Errors       2.2  Distribution of Random Errors        2.2.1  Frequency Distribution         2.2.2  Normal Distribution         2.2.3  Predicting the Probability of Random Errors--Area under Gaussian Curve       2.3  Statistical Data Treatment         2.3.1  Estimation of Population Mean (μ) and Population Standard Deviation (α)         2.3.2  Confidence Interval for Population Mean         2.3.3  Statistical Aids to Hypothesis Testing         2.3.4  Detection of Gross Errors       2.4  Propagation of Error        2.4.1  Systematic Errors         2.4.2  Random Errors (Standard Deviation)          2.4.3  Maximum Errors (ER)         2.4.4  Distribution of Errors       2.5  Significant Figure Convention        2.5.1  Significant Figures         2.5.2  Numerical Rounding in Calculations     CHAPTER 3  ACID-BASE EQUILIBRIUM      3.1  Equilibrium Constants and Effect of Electrolytes      3.2  Acid-base Reactions and Equilibria         3.2.1  Acid and Base--Bronsted Concept         3.2.2  Dissociation of Acid or Base and Acid-base Equilibria         3.2.3  Magnitude of Dissociating Species at a Given pH: x-values        3.3  Solving Equilibrium Calculations Using pH Calculations as an Example         3.3.1  General Approaches (Systematic Approaches)         3.3.2  pH Calculations       3.4  Buffer Solutions        3.4.1  pH Calculations of Buffer Solutions         3.4.2  Buffer Capacity         3.4.3  Preparation of Buffers      CHAPTER 4  ACID-BASE TITRATION      4.1  Acid/Base Indicators        4.1.1  Principle          4.1.2  Examples         4.1.3  Titration Errors         4. 1.4  Factors Influencing Performance       4.2  Titration Curves and Selection of Indicators         4.2.1  Strong Acids (Bases)         4.2.2  Monoprotic Acids (Bases)         4.2.3  Strong and Weak Acids (Bases)          4.2.4  Polyfunctional Weak Acids (Bases)          4.2.5  Mixture of Weak Acids (Bases)       4.3  Titration Error Calculations         4.3.1  Strong Acids (Bases)         4.3.2  Monoprotic Weak Acids (Bases)          4.3.3  Polyfunctional Acids (Bases)        4.4  Preparation of Standard Solutions        4.4.1  Standard Acid Solutions         4.4.2  Standard Base Solutions         4.4.3  The Carbonate Error       4.5  Examples of Acid-base Titrations         4.5.1  Determination of Total Alkalinity          4.5.2  Determination of Nitrogen         4.5.3  Determination of Boric Acid       4.6  Acid-base Titrations in Non-aqueous Solvents         4.6.1  Non-aqueous Solvents         4.6.2  Examples of Non-aqueous Titrations     CHAPTER 5  COMPLEXATION REACTION AND COMPLEXOMETRIC TITRATIONCHAPTER 6  REDOX EQUILIBRIUM AND TITRATION     CHAPTER 7  PRECIPITATION EQUILIBRIUM, TITRATION, AND GRAVIMETRY CHAPTER 8  SPECTROPHOTOMETRY   CHAPTER 9  INTRODUCTION TO ANALYTICAL SEPARATION CHAPTER 10  SOLVING A REAL ANALYTICAL PROBLEM APPENDICES    ANSWERS   INDEX    PERIODIC TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS


插圖:Gravimetry, based on mass measurement, includes precipitation gravimetry, volatilizationgravimetry, and electrogravimetry. In precipitation gravimetric analysis, the mass ofthe product of the chemical reaction related to the analyte, which is the sparinglysoluble and pure precipitate, is measured with an analytical balance. For example, abarium sulfate gravimetric method for determining sulfur content in iron ores isrecommended by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 4689.1986,Iron ores——determination of sulfur content——barium sulfate gravimetric method).After sample preparation, the sulfur in the sample is converted to sulfate, an excessof barium chloride (BaCl) is added to an aqueous solution of the sample to cause theprecipitation of the sulfate as barium sulfate (BaSo). The precipitate (BaSo) isthen filtered, washed to remove impurities, heated, and weighed to obtain the finalmass of BaSO4. Precipitation gravimetry is usually suitable for samples with an analytegreater than 1%.Volumetric analysis (also volumetric titration) is a quantitative chemical analysisthat is used to determine the unknown concentration of a known reactant.  Astandard solution is added from a buret to react with the analyte until the titration iscomplete, i. e. , the endpoint is reached as determined by an indicator. In volumetricanalysis, the volume measured is used to calculate the concentration of the analyte.For example, a hydrochloric acid (HC1) standard solution added from a buret can beused to determine the concentration of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in a solution usingmethyl orange (MO) as the indicator. After the neutralization reaction reaches apoint when all the NaOH has just reacted with HC1, an additional very small amount(about one half drop) of HC1 changes the final solution from basic to acidic and themethyl orange indicator changes its color from yellow to orange.Volumetric analysis are classified by the type of reactions occurring, e.g., acid-base titration (neutralization titration), complexometric titration, redox titrationand precipitation titration.







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