
出版時間:2009-9  出版社:北京大學出版社  作者:林娜,(美)本茲 主編  頁數(shù):262  


  歷史跨入21世紀之后,伴隨著中華民族的發(fā)展和崛起,更好地培養(yǎng)具有高水平的英語應用能力的新世紀人才便成為我國大學英語教學所肩負的重要任務,也是時代所賦予的使命。如果說,在人類開始步人現(xiàn)代社會的19世紀,馬克思說“外國語是人生奮斗的一種武器”,歌德說“只通曉一種語言的人無法真正理解他的母語”,主要是著眼于掌握和使用一門外語對作為個體的人的作用和意義,那么在當今社會各個領(lǐng)域都日益全球化、多元的民族文化融合交織的復雜背景下,無論是個人還是國家和民族,掌握并運用一門作為國際通用語言的外語,對其存在與發(fā)展的重要性都是不言而喻的。  在教育領(lǐng)域,教材歷來是教學的重要基礎(chǔ),教材的質(zhì)量與特征也在很大程度上決定教學效果。就大學英語教學而言,教材的不斷更新和建設(shè)歷來是促進教學改革、提高教學質(zhì)量的重要基礎(chǔ)和先行任務。在國家的宏觀政策方面,國家教育部和全國高校外語教學指導委員會長期以來一直堅定推行大學英語教學改革,制定并頒布了新時期的《大學英語課程教學要求》,為大學英語教材的編寫及其教學工作提供了指導與依據(jù)。在上述背景下,北京大學教材建設(shè)委員會重點立項“大學英語”教材建設(shè),北京大學出版社具體組織、策劃了本套《大學英語立體化網(wǎng)絡(luò)化系列教材》的編寫和出版工作,并被教育部批準為普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規(guī)劃教材。


English for Academic Success Series  What is the purpose of this series?  What is the purpose of the Reading strand?  What is the organization of College Reading 1?  What student competencies Are covered in College Reading 1 ?  What Are the Features of the Reading Books?CHAPTER 1 Intelligence   ACADEMIC FOCUS: PSYCHOLOGY  Reading Assignment 1: Intelligence  Reading Assignment 2: Research on Intelligence  Reading Assignment 3: Approaches to Understanding IntelligenceCHAPTER 2 Thinking Critically about the Internet  ACADEMIC FOCUS: COMPUTERS/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY  Reading Assignment 1: Thinking Critically about the Internetr  Reading Assignment 2: Technology Changes People's Lives  Reading Assignment 3: Practice "Netiquette": Be Kind While You're OnlineCHAPTER 3 Norms and Values: The Glue of Society  ACADEMIC FOCUS: SOCIOLOGY  Reading Assignment 1: Sociology: Studying Society and Group Influences  Reading Assignment 2: Values Americans Live By  Reading Assignment 3: American ValuesCHAPTER 4 The Attraction of Diamonds  ACADEMIC FOCUS: GEOLOGY  Reading Assignment 1: The Curse of the Hope Diamond  Reading Assignment 2: The Curse of the Hope Diamond?  Reading Assignment 3: How Gemstones are FormedCHAPTER 5 Art and Society  ACADEMIC FOCUS: HUMANITIES  Reading Assignment 1: Michelangelo's David  Reading Assignment 2: Maya Lin's Vietnam Memorial  Reading Assignment 3: Pablo Picasso's GuemicaCHAPTER 6 Science and Society: The Ethics of Research  ACADEMIC FOCUS: SCIENCE  Reading Assignment 1: Science and Technology  Reading Assignment 2: Scientific Research  Reading Assignment 3: Ethical Issues in Scientific Research


  2 The Hope Diamond is a remnant of a 112-carat Indian diamond stolen from a statue of the Hindu goddess Sita.The angry goddess cast a spell of misfortune on anyone who acquired the gem.The spell began to work when the stone arrived in France. It was sold to the French King, Louis XIV. Louis had the gem cut into a 67-carat jewel. After wearing it once, he became sick and died of smallpox. Next, the stone passed down to Louis XVI and his wife,Marie Antoinette.Their bad misfortune was to lose their heads in the French Revolution.  3The gem was stolen again at the end of the French Revolution.It reappeared in London 38 years later.It was recut and bought by a British banker and gem collector,Henry Thomas Hope.We do not know about any misfortune Henry Hope suffered. However, in 1890 Lord Francis Hope inherited the Hope Diamond.His wife soon ran off with another man. Lord Hope was later forced to sell the diamond to avoid bankruptcy.His unfaithful wife died in poverty.  4 The ongoing woeful story of the diamondsowners continued for decades.An Eastern European prince gave it to an exotic dancer.But later he be- came jealous and shot her to death.Another owner had a car accident and died with his wife and chil- dren. Finally, in 1911, Evalyn Walsh McLean pur- chased the Hope Diamond.She was a wealthy American socialite.She was some- times unc0nventional. For example, she had her Great Dane wear the diamond to greet party guests.She said she did not believe in the diamonds curse.However, she suffered several personal tragedies while she owned the gem.Her son died in a car accident. Her daughter died from an overdose of sleeping pills, and her husband went insane.  5 The diamonds final owner,Harry Winston,bought the stone after Dame McLean died in 1947.He donated it to the Smithsonian 11 years later.



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