出版時間:2009-1 出版社:王鑫、霍伊爾 (Joe B.Hoyle)、謝弗 (Thomas F.Schaefer)、 多普尼克 (Timothy S.Doupnik) 北京大學(xué)出版社 (2009-01出版) 作者:(美)霍伊爾(Joe?B.Hoyle) 等 著 頁數(shù):490
作者:(美國)霍伊爾 (Joe B.Hoyle) (美國)謝弗 (Thomas F.Schaefer) (美國)多普尼克 (Timothy S.Doupnik) 改編:王鑫Joe B.Hoyle, Richmond大學(xué)Robins商學(xué)院會計學(xué)副教授,主要講授中級會計和高級會計課程。他于2007年被卡內(nèi)基基金會授予該年度的弗吉尼亞教授。 Thomas F.Schaefer, Notre Dame大學(xué)KPMG會計學(xué)教授。他的教學(xué)和研究興趣主要集中于財務(wù)會計與報告。他是美國會計學(xué)會會計領(lǐng)袖項目的前任主席,并于2007年被會計學(xué)院聯(lián)盟授予Joseph A.Silvoso獎。 Timothy S.Doupnik, 南卡羅來納大學(xué)會計學(xué)教授。他的教學(xué)與研究興趣主要集中于財務(wù)會計與國際會計。他積極參與美國會計學(xué)會國際分部的活動,并且為該分部的前任主席。
第1章 投資的權(quán)益法會計處理第2章 合并財務(wù)信息第3章 購并日之后的合并第4章 合并財務(wù)報表與外部所有權(quán)第5章 合并財務(wù)報表——公司間資產(chǎn)交易第6章 變動利益實體、公司間債務(wù)、合并現(xiàn)金流量表和其他問題第7章 合并財務(wù)報表——所有權(quán)形式與所得稅第8章 分部報告與中期報告第9章 外匯交易與外匯交易風(fēng)險套期保值第10章 外幣財務(wù)報表折算
The first several chapters of this text present the accounting and reporting for in vestment activities of businesses. The focus is on investments when one firm possesses either significant influence or control over another through ownership of voting shares. When one firm owns enough voting shares to be able to affect the decisions of another, accounting for the investment becomes challenging and often complex. The source of such complexities typically stems from the fact that transactions among the firms affiliated through ownership cannot be considered independent, arm's-length transactions. As in all matters relating to financial reporting, we look to transactions with outside parties to provide a basis for accounting valuation. When firms are affiliated through a common set of owners, objectivity in accounting calls for measurements that recognize the relationships among the firms.Why do corporations invest in other corporations?One corporation buys equity shares of another company. What methods are available to account for this investment and the income it generates? When is each method appropriate?In recognizing income from investments on the accrual basis, how is the cost of the investment matched against the revenue from the investment?At what point should profits be recognized on inventory that is transferred between related parties?What financial reporting incentives could exist for managers to maintain a firm's equity investments at 50 percent of an investee's voting stock or less?What is the FASB's fair-value option in accounting for equity investments?What incentives will firms have to use the fair-value option instead of the equity method?In a recent annual report,JB Hunt Transport Services describes the creation of Transplace, Inc. (TPI), an lnternet-based global transportation logistics company. JB Hunt contributed all of its logistics segment business and all related intangible assets plus $5 million of cash in exchange for an approximate 27 percent initial interest in TPI, which subsequently has been increased to 37 percent. The company accounts for its interest in TPI utilizing the equity method of accounting and stated, "The financial results of TPI are included on a one-line, nonoperating item included on the Consolidated Statements of Earnings entitled 'equity in earnings ofassociated companies.'"
《高級會計學(xué)》:會計學(xué)精選教材·英文改編版叢書?!騼?nèi)容緊跟國際前沿 《高級會計學(xué)》作者第一時間將美國企業(yè)合并的最新進展融入到合并報表內(nèi)容的講解當中,使讀者在掌握美國最新合并準則的同時,能夠把握我國會計準則中有關(guān)企業(yè)合并等準則的未來發(fā)展方向。此外,《高級會計學(xué)》內(nèi)容自始至終緊扣美國財務(wù)會計準則公告,使讀者能夠依據(jù)準則規(guī)定來理解相應(yīng)知識?!蝮w例新穎 《高級會計學(xué)》的體例安排充分體現(xiàn)了作者的獨具匠心。在每一章的開始,作者都是以案例形式引入本章所介紹的主題,容易激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣。同時,每章章后都附有一道完整的綜合練習(xí)題。該綜合練習(xí)題體現(xiàn)了學(xué)生在這一章所需掌握的重點知識,并且進一步深化和拓展了教材內(nèi)容,極大地加深了學(xué)生對教材內(nèi)容的理解?!蚰MCPA考試 由Kaplan公司提供技術(shù)支持的CPA模擬練習(xí)位于《高級會計學(xué)》第3章、第5章和第10章章后的資料案例之后,但需在線來完成。它與真實的CPA考試的形式相同,這使學(xué)生能夠基于網(wǎng)站的交互界面來掌握高級會計的相關(guān)概念。