出版時間:2009-2 出版社:北京大學出版社 作者:J.B.伯里 頁數(shù):899 譯者:晏紹祥
THE excavations of Sir Arthur Evans at Cnossus began in theyear in which the first edition of this History of Greece appeared(I9oo). His amazing discoveries there, followed and supple-mented by the work of other explorers on many other prehistoricsites in Crete, have transformed our knowledge of the Aegeancivilisation of the second millennium, and placed in a new focusthe problems of early Greece. In consequence of these dis-coveries, and of other researchs (among which I may mentionespecially Professor Ridgeway's Early Age of Greece and Mr.Leaf's Troy), it has been necessary to rewrite the greater part ofChapter I. An account of Cretan civilisation is included; theview that the pre-Achaean inhabitants of Greece were not Greeks,which it seems to me no longer possible to maintain, is aban-doned; and the Trojan War is recognised to be an historicalevent.Outside Chapter I, a few minor changes have been made. Ineed only mention that the accounts of the battles of Salamisand Plataea have been-partly rewritten.
自1900年初版以來,本書以平實流暢的語言、均衡合理的框架和扎實全面的史料,成為西方世界最受歡迎的希臘史通史教材和入門讀物,并暢銷不衰,至今仍是歐美各大學歷史課堂上的必讀經(jīng)典。 本書以伯里生前親自修訂過的1913年版為底本影印。首都師范大學歷史系教授、希臘史專家晏紹祥為本書撰寫導讀,并補充提供了數(shù)十年來新的研究成果和重要著作,方便讀者在本書的基礎上,對希臘史做進一步的了解。
J.B.伯里(John Bagnell Bury,1861—1927),英國著名歷史學家、古典學家和文獻學家,1902年獲任劍橋大學欽定近代史講座教授。曾涉足多個領域的研究,包括古代希臘、古代羅馬、19世紀教皇史、西方思想史等,而尤以晚期羅馬帝國史和拜占庭史見長。其代表作有《晚期羅馬帝國:從阿卡狄烏斯到愛里尼》(1889年)、《東羅馬帝國史:從愛里尼垮臺到巴塞爾一世登基》(1912年)、《希臘歷史學家》(1909年)、《思想自由史》(1914年)、《進步的觀念》(1920年)、《晚期羅馬帝國史:從提奧多西一世之死到查士丁尼之死》(1923年)、《19世紀教皇史,1864—1878》(1930年)等,并曾為吉本《羅馬帝國衰亡史》做??焙妥⑨?。
導讀作者簡介1913年版序言第一版序言引言 希臘與愛琴海第一章 希臘的開端與英雄時代 希臘人的起源 愛琴文明克里特 邁錫尼文明(公元前1600一前1100年) 阿該亞人與特洛伊戰(zhàn)爭 荷馬史詩 政治與社會組織 多里安人的征服 希臘人向東愛琴海的擴張 希臘君主制的衰落與共和制的興起 腓尼基人與希臘人的往來 希臘人對早期希臘史的重建第二章 希臘的擴張 希臘殖民的起因與特征 黑海、馬爾馬拉海和北愛琴海海岸的殖民地 西部地中海的殖民地 貿易與海上冒險的興起 呂底亞對希臘的影響 埃及的開放 昔蘭尼第三章 斯巴達的崛起 斯巴達及其政體 斯巴達征服美塞尼亞 斯巴達的內部發(fā)展及其制度 克里特的政體 阿爾戈斯的霸權與衰落 奧林匹亞賽會 民主運動立法者與僭主 中希臘的僭主政治 神圣戰(zhàn)爭泛希臘賽會第四章 阿提卡的統(tǒng)一與雅典民主制的奠基 阿提卡的統(tǒng)一 雅典共同體的建立 公元前7世紀的寡頭統(tǒng)治 梭倫立法與民主制的奠基第五章 雅典的崛起 對薩拉米斯和尼薩亞的征服 庇西特拉圖治下的雅典 斯巴達的崛起以及伯羅奔尼撒同盟 庇西特拉圖家族的倒臺與斯巴達的干預 國王克列歐美涅斯與斯巴達的第二次干預 克里斯梯尼改革 民主制的第一次勝利第六章 波斯向愛琴海的推進第七章 希臘的危機 波斯與迦太基入侵第八章 雅典帝國的建立第九章 伯里克利領導下的雅典帝國第十章 雅典人與伯羅奔尼撒人的戰(zhàn)爭(公元前431—前421年)第十一章 雅典帝國的衰亡第十二章 斯巴達霸權及其對波斯的戰(zhàn)爭第十三章 雅典的復興及其第二次結盟第十四章 忒拜霸權第十五章 敘拉古帝國及其與迦太基的爭奪第十六章 馬其頓的崛起第十七章 征服波斯第十八章 征服遠東年表注釋和參考文獻索引進一步閱讀書目
插圖:In Attica there are many relics. On the Athenian Acropolis thereare a few stones supposed to belong to a palace of great antiquity,but we can look with more certainty on some of the ancient foun-dations of the fortress wall. This wall was called Pelargic or Pelas-gic by the Athenians; and it seems likely that the word preservesthe name of the ancient inhabitants of the place, the Pelasgoi31But the Pelasgians of Athens were not the only people of the Athe-nian plain. Towards the northern end of this plain, a vaulted tombseems to record ancient princes of Acharnae. The lords of Thoricushad tombs of the same fashion; and at Eleusis there is similar evi-dence. In many other places in Attica graves of this period havebeen found; at Prasiae a number of remarkable rock-tombs re-sembling those in the lower town of Mycenae. In Boeotia there are some striking memorials. Remains of a pal-ace, with some traces of wall paintings, have been found on Cad-meia, the citadel of historic Thebes. On the western shores of thegreat Copaic marsh a people dwelled, whose wealth was proverb-ial; and their city Orchomenus shared with Mycenae the attributeof "golden" in the Homeric poems. Paintings on the walls of theirpalace represented scenes from the sports of the bull-ring, and pil-lar shrines, which must have been executed by artists of the sameschool as those who wrought at Cnossus. One of their kings built agreat sepulchral vault under the hill of the citadel, and later gen-erations took it for a treasury. It approached, though it did notquite attain to, the size of the Treasure-house of Atreus itself; andit had a second chamber covered by a stone ceiling which wasadorned with a curious design in low relief, an arrangement ofmeandering spirals and fan-shaped leaves bordered by rosettes,producing the effect of a carpet. The same design which deckedthe burying-place of Orchomenus in stone was used by the paintersof some lord of Tiryns to adorn the walls of his palace; and one istempted to see both in the ceiling and in the sepulchre the work ofcraftsmen from Crete.
1920年我上學的時候就使用了這本書,它注重政治史和軍事史,在大量使用可靠的文獻和考古材料的同時,對史料價值偏低的神話傳說也有謹慎的引用。毫無疑問,它具有最高的品質。 ——N.G.L.Hammond,布里斯托大學希臘史教授伯里教授的《希臘史》是大學教材與專業(yè)學者撰寫的歷史普及讀物兩方面嘗試的完美結合。 ——Ronald Burrows,倫敦大學國王學院前院長