
出版時(shí)間:2008-9  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:貝利(Edward P.Bailey) 等著  頁(yè)數(shù):419  


  When we were working hard on the first edition of this book, back in.lets just say it was some time ago, we felt we had a fresh way to approach the traditional way of teaching writing. That is, we would use a friendly, spoken style of writing and lots of straightforward examples——the kind students might actually write. And we would teach a way for students to bring structure to their writing that would work not just in school but beyond.  Different approaches to writing have come and gone, havent they? And today, with the wonderful technology everywhere, a spoken style of writing and a clear structure are much in demand. Think about the Web. Most usability experts say good writing for the Web should be skimmable and whats more skimmable than having the main point up front for a paper? And then the main point at the beginning of each paragraph?  And in school, teachers are suffering from information overload as much as anyone. Of course most of them appreciate a clear, straightforward approach to writing. So we believe The Practical Writer is right on target for todays students!


《實(shí)用寫(xiě)作》已再版9次,得到各國(guó)寫(xiě)作方面專家的普遍認(rèn)可。本書(shū)面向?qū)懽鞯某鯇W(xué)者,從一段式短文到五段式短文,再到學(xué)術(shù)論文,循序漸進(jìn)地講授如何寫(xiě)作。本書(shū)內(nèi)容豐富,簡(jiǎn)單易懂,所介紹的寫(xiě)作策略可以被應(yīng)用在多種文體中,具有極強(qiáng)的實(shí)用性。此外,標(biāo)點(diǎn)和表達(dá)部分更是學(xué)生必備的英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)作知識(shí)。同時(shí),根據(jù)當(dāng)代大學(xué)生的需求,書(shū)中還加入了邊注、練習(xí)和例文。    本書(shū)突破了傳統(tǒng)的寫(xiě)作教學(xué)方式,突出口語(yǔ)化寫(xiě)作,讓學(xué)生掌握清晰的寫(xiě)作結(jié)構(gòu),并練習(xí)寫(xiě)作個(gè)人的經(jīng)歷和熟知的人或物,目的是為了讓寫(xiě)作豐富多彩,充滿樂(lè)趣,更重要的是讓學(xué)生用獨(dú)特的視角來(lái)學(xué)習(xí)寫(xiě)作。作者文筆流暢,避免使用大量的學(xué)術(shù)化語(yǔ)言,如同在課堂上與學(xué)生親切交談,大大拉近了與讀者之間的距離。引用作者的話說(shuō):“我們所講的寫(xiě)作模式,不是寫(xiě)作的目的,而是對(duì)寫(xiě)作的指導(dǎo)?!?/pre>


  Edward R Bailey,是美國(guó)商務(wù)溝通專業(yè)的退休教授,也是商務(wù)和政務(wù)方面的資深顧問(wèn)。他在美國(guó)空軍學(xué)院獲得學(xué)士學(xué)位,在佛羅里達(dá)大學(xué)獲得碩士學(xué)位,并在愛(ài)阿華大學(xué)獲得博士學(xué)位。他有豐富的教學(xué)經(jīng)驗(yàn),除《實(shí)用寫(xiě)作》外,在口語(yǔ)和寫(xiě)作方面,還著有其他7本頗有影響的著作:"Writing andSpeaking at Work","Plain English at Work","A Practical Guidefor Business Speaking","Plain English Approach to Business Writing","Writing Clearly"。"Writing Research Papers",以及"The Practical Writer with Readings"。


PREFACEACKNOWLEDGMENTSSECTION ONE  A Model for Writing PART 1 The One-Paragraph Essay (Stage Ⅰ)  1  Overview of the One-Paragraph Essay (Stage Ⅰ)  2  Support: Examples, Statistics, Statements by Authorities  3  Topic Sentence  4  Unity  5  Coherence  6 Tips on the Writing Process PART 2 The One-Paragraph Essay (Stage Ⅱ)  7 Overview of the One-Paragraph Essay (Stage Ⅱ)  8  Support: Subtopic Sentences   Checklist for the One-Paragraph Essay PART 3 The Five-Paragraph Essay  9  Overview of the Five-Paragraph Essay  10  Alternative Techniques of Layout  11  Thesis Statement with Blueprint  12  Central Paragraphs  13  Introduction  14  Conclusion   Checklist for the Five-Paragraph EssaySECTI0 N TWO  Beyond the Model Essay  PART 4 More Patterns of Development  15 Comparison and Contrast  16  Cause and Effect  17  Classification  18  Process PART 5  The Research Paper  19  Overview of the Research Paper  20  Finding Support  21  Taking and Organizing Notes  22  Organizing Your Thoughts and Support  23  Using Borrowed Material in Your Paper  24  Parenthetical Documentation  25  Works CitedSECTION  THREEImproving Your Punctuation and Expression  PART 6  Punctuation  26  Definitions  27  Sentence Fragment  28  Comma Splice and Fused Sentence  29  Comma  30  Semicolon  …… PART 7  ExpressionAPPENDIXESINDEX


  The one-paragraph essay is an essay in miniature. Its a little piece of writing,  but it contains many of the fundamentals of much larger pieces of writing.  For example:  The one-paragraph essay has a clear, unmistakable structure. If thats good for something as small as a one-paragraph essay, think of how good that is for someone reading a 20-page paper! Or a book!  The one-paragraph essay has good support. That is, the middle sentences help persuade the reader. Think of how important good support is for longer pieces of writing.  The parts of the one-paragraph essay all have to go together well.We call that "unity." Again, thats also important for everything from a paragraph to a book.  And readers should know clearly at all times where they are in your paragraph. For example, are they still reading the first part of your support or have they moved to the second part? You should use signals to let them know. Those signals (and other devices well show you) help produce "coherence." That,too, is extremely important not just in a paragraph but especially in larger pieces of writing.





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用戶評(píng)論 (總計(jì)31條)


  •   與這套書(shū)的成功寫(xiě)作入門(mén)一起看書(shū)的內(nèi)容很多老師都會(huì)在寫(xiě)作課里講到大量的練習(xí)和反問(wèn)讓你學(xué)起來(lái)更容易很可惜非英語(yǔ)專業(yè)很少有開(kāi)英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)作課,寫(xiě)作才是最有用的,我們的目標(biāo)不應(yīng)該是四六級(jí)
  •   書(shū)如其名,真的很實(shí)用,全書(shū)從文章結(jié)構(gòu)的布局,中心思想與論據(jù)支持,到寫(xiě)作手法,用語(yǔ)的斟酌以及文章的連貫性與新意都有很好的闡述,條例明確,容易理解,而且配有不少例文,加深理解??赐甏藭?shū),慢慢擺脫了從前學(xué)雅思作文就知道抄模板的狹隘寫(xiě)作階段。
  •   全英文版的書(shū)籍,需要耐心讀下去,內(nèi)容很豐富,教你學(xué)會(huì)英語(yǔ)邏輯思維寫(xiě)作,但是不會(huì)教你遣詞造句,適合中上級(jí)水平者用,推薦哈,北大引進(jìn)的書(shū)還是不錯(cuò)的
  •   書(shū)是適合具有一定基礎(chǔ)的同學(xué),如果你的水平還停留在遣詞造句都有問(wèn)題的層面上這并不是你寫(xiě)作書(shū)的首選,而是因該加強(qiáng)語(yǔ)法,慣用法和詞匯運(yùn)用的能力,本書(shū)更多的是講述如何用歐美人士的thinking來(lái)進(jìn)行寫(xiě)作
  •   感覺(jué)還不錯(cuò)。留著慢慢提高英文寫(xiě)作能力
  •   內(nèi)容好,雖然只是影印版的。就是發(fā)貨太慢太慢了!居然要4天
  •   值得一讀的一本書(shū),對(duì)英語(yǔ)有幫助
  •   寫(xiě)文章就改這個(gè)樣子才對(duì)嘛,本書(shū)可以教你如何去組織文章,但是如果你是一個(gè)初學(xué)者,組織文章之前你需要先會(huì)寫(xiě)英文句子——這些句子,本書(shū)是不討論的!
  •   原版,很給力。紙質(zhì)薄而耐用,實(shí)屬難得。
  •   淺顯易懂.適合剛?cè)腴T(mén),要寫(xiě)正常文章的人,而非應(yīng)試文章的人。
  •   這套書(shū)比較好,收獲頗多!值得收藏。只是紙張差了點(diǎn),但內(nèi)容絕對(duì)經(jīng)典。
  •   適合詞匯量較大的讀者閱讀
  •   書(shū)質(zhì)量沒(méi)的說(shuō),但是得花力氣讀啊。
  •   書(shū)的質(zhì)量很不錯(cuò)拿在手里很有感覺(jué)
  •   投國(guó)外期刊,學(xué)習(xí)一下這個(gè)應(yīng)該是有幫助的。
  •   挺好的。價(jià)格合算,內(nèi)容當(dāng)然很好
  •   就是印刷質(zhì)量差d
  •   還沒(méi)看,聽(tīng)老師推薦的,應(yīng)該不錯(cuò)
  •   大家推薦的,應(yīng)該很不錯(cuò)!
  •   課堂上好好的運(yùn)用~~寫(xiě)出地道的文章 學(xué)英語(yǔ)是一個(gè)無(wú)止境的事 英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)作就更是啦
  •   對(duì)英語(yǔ)論文寫(xiě)作的人有提高作用
  •   書(shū)不錯(cuò),但愿能發(fā)揮作用提高英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)作能力
  •   沒(méi)細(xì)看,覺(jué)得對(duì)英文寫(xiě)作提高肯定有幫助。
  •   書(shū)不錯(cuò),除了字略感稍小外,印刷質(zhì)量不錯(cuò),大量的閱讀原文是提高英語(yǔ)讀寫(xiě)能力的主要途徑,謝謝北京大學(xué)引進(jìn)的這些影印版英文書(shū)籍!
  •   現(xiàn)在快遞也慢了,書(shū)也是有點(diǎn)缺損的。。。心痛
  •   剛買(mǎi)完就降價(jià)了,真的是氣人啊,真是虧啊******
  •   大概翻了一下,紙張不是太好
  •   主要是從結(jié)構(gòu)上來(lái)講解寫(xiě)作的要領(lǐng),如果句子基礎(chǔ)比較差的同學(xué)不太建議買(mǎi)啦
  •   very very fine books
  •   學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)的好書(shū)!寫(xiě)論文的好書(shū)!
  •   紙質(zhì)薄了些

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