
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:北京大學出版社  作者:魏汝堯,董益坤 主編  頁數(shù):134  


  我國高職高專教育的春天來到了。隨著國家對高職高專教育重視程度的加深,職業(yè)技能教材體系的建設(shè)成為了當務(wù)之急。高職高專過去沿用和壓縮大學本科教材的時代一去不復(fù)返了?! ≌Z言學家Harmer指出:“如果我們希望學生學到的語言是在真實生活中能夠使用的語言,那么在教材編寫中接受技能和產(chǎn)出技能的培養(yǎng)也應(yīng)該像在生活中那樣有機地結(jié)合在一起。”  教改的關(guān)鍵在教師,教師的關(guān)鍵在教材,教材的關(guān)鍵在理念。我們依據(jù)《高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求》的精神和編者做了大量調(diào)查,秉承“實用為主,夠用為度,學以致用,觸類旁通”的原則,歷經(jīng)兩年艱辛,為高職高專學生編寫了這套專業(yè)技能課和實訓課的英語教材?! ”咎捉滩牡膬?nèi)容貼近工作崗位,突出崗位情景英語,是一套職場英語教材,具有很強的實用性、仿真性、職業(yè)性,其特色體現(xiàn)在以下幾個方面:  1.開放性  本套教材在堅持編寫理念、原則及體例的前提下,不斷增加新的行業(yè)或崗位技能英語分冊作為教材的延續(xù)?! ?.國際性  本套教材以國內(nèi)自編為主,以國外引進為輔,取長補短,渾然一體。目前已從德國引進了某些行業(yè)的技能英語教材。還將從德國或他國引進優(yōu)秀教材經(jīng)過本土化后奉獻給廣大師生。  3.職業(yè)性  本套教材是由高職院校教師與行業(yè)專家針對具體工作崗位、情景過程共同設(shè)計編寫的.同時注重與行業(yè)資格證書相結(jié)合。  4.任務(wù)性  基于完成某崗位工作任務(wù)而需要的英語知識和技能是本套教材的由來與初衷。因此,各分冊均以任務(wù)型練習為主。


本教材緊扣《高職高專英語課程教學基本要求》提出的教學目的,內(nèi)容涵蓋能源、計算機、建筑、氣候、生物、物理、化學、地理等領(lǐng)域。全書系統(tǒng)明晰地講述了如何用英文表達科學研究的方法與步驟。每個單元又以所選文本為依托,深入貫徹任務(wù)型教學理念,力求以循序漸進、重點突出的練習題使學生獲得語言技能與特定領(lǐng)域職業(yè)技能的雙豐收?;顫姷木幣朋w例與豐富的圖片等創(chuàng)造出了實用性與趣味性相結(jié)合的效果。參考文獻部分為學生指出了進一步自主學習的方向。 本教材適合高職高專理工類學生使用,也可供電大、各類成人院校及相關(guān)專業(yè)的人員學習與參考,或作為中等職業(yè)學校的公共英語課教材。


Unit 1 Energy Comes in Many Forms  1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Defining 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 2 Classification of Computers 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Classifying 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 3 Ancient Chinese Architecture 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Exemplifying 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 4 Global Warming 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Cause and Effect 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 5 The Papermaking Process 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Comparing 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 6 Internal Body Clock 1. Warm-up activity 2. Leading to Scientific English: Give Evidence 3. Oral practice 4. Writing practice 5. Translate the following passage into Chinese 6. Guided-reading 7. Answer the following questions according to the reading 8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading 9. Self-readingUnit 7 Some Notions about MotionUnit 8 Penny ChemistryUnit 9 EarthUnit 10 Alcohol And Health參考答案



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