
出版時間:2007-8  出版社:北京大學(xué)  作者:本社  頁數(shù):316  




Unit  I'm Dreaming of…Leisure,Travel,Dating and Describing Emotions Lesson 1  What Sports Do You Do? Lesson 2  Two Students Ta king about Their Professor Lesson 3  Two Friends Talk ng about Their Holidays Lesson 4  A Conversation Between Two Girls about Their DatesUnit 2  Big,Small,Beautiful or Ugly?Des Lesson 5  A Typical Family Lesson 6  Obesity Lesson 7  Talking about Movies Lesson 8  Architecture and Kinds of Houses and Buildings Lesson 9  Multiculturalism Lesson 9  A Police Report Lesson 10  Differences in American and Australian English Lesson 11  Differences in American and Australian EnglishUnit 3  All Creatures Great and Small:Animals,Plants and the Living Environment Lesson 12  Drought and Water Restrictions in Australia Lesson 13  Animals, Plants.rand Other Living Things Lesson 14  A FableUnit 4  Say the Words:Arguing,Persuading,Chatting and Apologising to Others Lesson 15  Making Telephone Calls Lesson 16  Ladies First Lesson 17  An Apology Notice Lesson 18  Maintaining a Conversation Lesson 19  A Son's Request Lesson 20  Talking to a Salesperson Lesson 21  Asking a Workmate for HelpUnit 5  Time to Celebrate!Celebrations,Festivals and Parties Lesson 22  Preparing for a Graduation Ball Lesson 23  Say ng Goodbye after a PartyUnit 6  Planes,Trains and Automobiles:Transport,Locations and Directions Lesson 25  Movement, Transport and Location Lesson 26  Car Industry in the West Lesson 27  Train Station Lesson 28  A Letter Complaining about a Rude Taxi DriverUnit 7  Back to the Grindstone!Studying and Working  at School or at Work Lesson 29  What Are Schools like in Australia? Lesson 30  A Meeting Agenda Lesson 31  A Job Application Cover Letter Lesson 32  A Campus TourUnit 8  Nerdy or Interesting?Money, Technology, Maths and Science Lesson 33  Different Accounts Lesson 34  From Couch Potato to Mouse Potato Lesson 35  A Small Scientific Experiment Lesson 36  A Hoax Email Aler



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