
出版時間:2007-5  出版社:北京大學出版社  作者:夏爾馬  頁數(shù):194  字數(shù):385000  


《新聞英語閱讀》(Reading the News)精選全球頗具影響力的報紙《國際先驅論壇報》(International Herald Tribune)中原汁原味的真實新聞報道作為課文,每篇課文都配有大量閱讀練習及輔助理解材料?! ∵x材24篇,根據主題分為六大單元:新聞與特寫、言論、商業(yè)、生活、藝術與娛樂、科技與健康?! ∵x材長度、難度適中,語言準確地道,旨在幫助學生提高閱讀英文報刊的理解能力,掌握一些新聞專業(yè)詞匯和語言技巧。  介紹和分析英語新聞文體特色等有關英文報刊的一些專業(yè)知識,培養(yǎng)學生對時事新聞閱讀和寫作的興趣?! 閰⒓油懈?、托業(yè)及雅思考試(TOEFL/TOElC/IELTS)的學生提供了標準化樣式的練習。  全書共分為學生用書、教師用書和詞匯表三個部分。  本教程可供英語專業(yè)二、三年級學生作為英語報刊閱讀教程或泛讀輔助教程,也可供新聞傳媒專業(yè)的學生作為專業(yè)英語教程及其他完成基礎階段學習的非英語學生作為提高閱讀水平的教程。參加TOEFL,TOEIC和IELTS等各類考試的考生也可選用。


SECTION 1>NEWS AND FEATURES 1.A hunger for English lessons 2.Have foreign MBA,will travel in Chinese business 3.As smoke clears,tobacco maker opens lounge 4.Secret wealth vs.'for richer,for poorer' .SECTION 2>OPINION 5.Nuclear power industry feels the wind at its back 6.Women's work/The wages of equality:A world of unfinished business… 7.Managing globalization:If it's here to stay,what do we do now? 8.Chances a low-fat diet will help?Slim and noneSECTION 3>BUSINESS 9.Music business finds little to sing about 10.Spotlight:A wedding planner for a new Japan 11.Cross-cultural training:How much difference does it really make? 12.The beauty premium:Why good looks paySECTION 4>LIFESTYLE 13.Retiring to cheaper climes?Caveat emptor 14.Cityscape:Street chef in a city that loves its food  15.The name game:Can anyone famous be a designer? 16.Stressed executives flee the pressureSECTION 5>ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT 17.Portrait:A rising star in Chinese cinema 18.Swedes step ahead on ethnic harmony 19.Film:The audience speaks Spanish but not at the multiplex 20.A British invasion for the digital ageSECTION 6>TECHNOLOGY,SClEN(:E,AND HEALTH . 21.Is Internet auctioneer an arena for criminals? 22.Global warming:Adapting to a new reality 23.Fake malaria pills haunt Asians 24.Keeping in touch the blogger wayINSTRUCTOR'S MANUALGLOSSARY



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