出版時(shí)間:2007-4 出版社:北京大學(xué) 作者:佛里德里克·雷恩 頁(yè)數(shù):431
弗里德里克·雷恩,美國(guó)紐約市立大學(xué)巴魯克學(xué)院(Banlch College)公共管理系教授,普林斯頓大學(xué)伍德羅·威爾遜學(xué)院、佛蒙特大學(xué)訪問教授。長(zhǎng)期從事政治科學(xué)、公共管理方面的研究,尤其在戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃與組織發(fā)展領(lǐng)域負(fù)有盛名。他為非營(yíng)利組織、大學(xué)和政府機(jī)構(gòu)提供管理咨詢。
PrefaceIntroductionPART ONE:WHAT IS PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION? Chapter1:Introduction to Public Administration Why Study Bureaucracy? Pubic and Private Management:Are They Fundamentally Alike in AU Unimportant Respects? Working for the Government Is CoolPART TWO:BUREAUCRACY,POLITICS,AND PUBLIC POLICY Chapter2:The Political Setting of Public Administration The Rise of the Bureaucratic State American Breaucracy in a Changing Political Setting Chapter3:Public Policy and Administration in a Federal System The Evolution of American Federalism Fine Print:The Contract with America Devolution and the Administratie Realities of American Federalism Chapter4:Public Administration in a Democratic Society Two Roads to Serfdom:Liberalism Comsevo\atism and Administrative Power Accountabiliry Blattles in Stcte Admintstration Public Administration and EthiesPART THREE:THE MANAGEMENT OF GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Chapter5:Understanding Public Organizations The Evobutin of Work in Public and Private Bureaucracies Refturring Organisatimal Leadership The Im plicatims of Changing Technology Chaper6:Hurnan Resources Managernetn The state of Merit in the Federal Govermnent Realizing the Pronise of Diversity Chapter7:Public Budgeting Mapping the Federal Budget Prscess Sense and Nomsense abour Budget Defvcis Chapter6:Policy Analysis Implementation and Evaluation Policy Analysis Two Decades of Implementation Retearch:From Cuidance and Learning Performance Mecasuremaent in Lncal GovernmerntPART FOUR:PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND CHANGE Chapter9:Public Administration in a Three-Sector Society:Relationships among Governmental Business and Nonprofit Organizations Chatper10:Public Administration in the Twenty-First CenturyAPPENDIXAbout the Authors