
出版時間:2007-1  出版社:北京大學(xué)出版社  作者:丘吉爾,  頁數(shù):697  


Marketing research is complicated—it requires answers to many questions and tough decisions are made at each step in the process, for example, techniques to be used to solve the research problem. In Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations, we provide an overarching framework so that students won't become overwhelmed by the bits and pieces, but instead will be able to see the interrelationships of the parts to the whole. This appreciation is important because decisions made at one stage in the marketing research process have consequences at other stages. Managers must be aware of the subtle and pervasive interactions among the parts of the research process in order to be appropriately confident about a particular research result.Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations attempts to serve both the marketing manager and marketing researchers by its basic organization through the stages of the research process. These stages form the structure of the book:1.  Formulate the problem.2.  Determine the research design.3.  Design the data-collection methods and forms.4.  Design the sample and collect the data.5.  Analyze and interpret the data.6.  Prepare the research report.Breaking down the steps allows students to see the forest from the trees, and also provides instructors a great deal of latitude in what is covered. An instructor's decision about what to cover will depend, of course, on the background, interests, and preparation of the students, and on the time provided in the curriculum for marketing research. Given the flexibility in the structure of this book, Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations can be used in a variety of marketing research course sequences: one- or two-quarter sequences, semester courses, and so on. The first eight editions of the book have been used at all levels: undergraduate, graduate, and executive courses.


本書是市場營銷研究最的教材之一,作者在市場營銷研究方法方面造詣頗深。全書按照營銷研究的過程進(jìn)行組織,從問題定義開始,經(jīng)過研究設(shè)計,決定數(shù)據(jù)收集方法,然后進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)收集、分析與解釋,最后提交研究報告。本書還介紹了各種研究方法的優(yōu)點(diǎn)和缺點(diǎn),以使學(xué)生能更深刻地理解并能正確地運(yùn)用各種研究方法。    本教材適用于市場營銷專業(yè)本科生、研究生以及從事營銷調(diào)研的專業(yè)人士。    本書特別設(shè)計了許多欄目來鍛煉學(xué)生的營銷調(diào)研技巧:案例、問題、倫理兩難、研究現(xiàn)狀等。    第9版在必要的章節(jié)精簡了相關(guān)內(nèi)容,使之更容易為學(xué)生理解。    第9版在每章的前面增加了學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo),讓學(xué)生更清楚他們所要學(xué)習(xí)的內(nèi)容。    第9版增設(shè)了邊框,對重要內(nèi)容進(jìn)行總結(jié)。    第9版對25%的案例進(jìn)行了更新。




Part 1: Marketing Research, the Research Process, and Problem Definition  Chapter 1: Marketing Research: It's Everywhere!  Chapter 2: Alternative Approaches to Marketing Intelligence  Chapter 3: The Research Process and Problem Formulation  Cases for Part 1Part 2: Determine Research Design  Chapter 4 Research Design, Exploratory Research, and Qualitative Data  Chapter 5: Descri Research  Chapter 6: Causal Designs  Cases for Part 2Part 3: Design Data-Collection Methods and Forms  Chapter 7: Data Collection: Scondary Data  Chapter 8: Data Collection: Primary Data  Chapter 9: Questionnaires and Data-Collection Forms  Chapter 10: Attitude Measurement    Appendix 10: Psychological Measurement  Cases for Part 3Part 4: Sample Design for Data Collection and Sample Size  Chapter 11: Sampling Procedures  Chapter 12: Determining Sample Size  Chapter 13: Collection the Data: Field Procedures and Nosampling Errors  Cases for part 4Part 5: Data Analysis and interpretationb  Chapter 14: Preprocessing the Data, and Doing Cross-Tabs    Appendix 14: Chi-Square and Related Indices for Cross-Tabs  Chapter 15: Data Analysis-Basic Questions    Appendix 15: Quick Stats Review  Chapter 16: Are My Groups the Same ofr Different?    Appendix 16: Analysis of Variance  Chapter 17: Are These Variables Related?    Appendix 17: Conjoint Analysis  Chapter 18 Multivariate Data Analysis    Appendix 18: More Multivariate Statistical Techniques  Cases for Part 5Part 6: The Research Report  Chapter 19 The Research Report  Epilogue    Appendix A: Cumulative Probabilities for the Standard Normal Distribution    Appendix B: Critical Values of X2    Appendix C: Critical Values of t    Appendix D: Percentage Points for the F Distribution a=0.5GlossarySubject IndexAuthor Index






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用戶評論 (總計7條)


  •   調(diào)研是重要的工具和方法課程,不學(xué)習(xí)該課程就等同于沒入市場營銷的門。該書的邏輯清晰,英文簡潔流暢,語言通俗易懂,值得所以企業(yè)管理和做市場的人士研讀。
  •   內(nèi)容都是純英文的,書不錯
  •   可以,不過是全英文的
  •   好書,老師選用的教材應(yīng)該還是不錯的吧~~
  •   雖然英文原版讀起來比較累,但是方法敘述比較詳盡,案例也很多
  •   今天剛剛收到包裹,因為叫爸媽從國內(nèi)寄過來,花了差不多兩周時間。圖書 還是一貫的高質(zhì)量。不知道從卓越直接寄到比利時會不會快一點(diǎn)?
  •   以后可能會用到的重磅級教材,內(nèi)容沒得說,許多國外大學(xué)marketing專業(yè)都把這本書做為指定教材。只不過卓越給我寄的這本邊角處都有破損!

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