出版時間:2006-9 出版社:北京大學出版社 作者:戴維·羅森布魯姆 頁數(shù):590
本書系美國公共行政學經(jīng)典教材,第六版雖經(jīng)更新修訂,但仍然保留了以前各版本采用的傳統(tǒng)分析方法,即從三種公認的視角——管理的、政治的和法律的視角出發(fā)去解釋和分析公共行政。 第六版的特色是:1.經(jīng)過補充修訂,以反映最近的研究成果和行政改革活動。各個主題的材料都有所增加和補充。2.每一章的前面都新增了“學習目標”。3.對三種公共行政學視角——管理的(包括新公共管理或政府再造)、政治的和法律的——加以了平行的解釋。4.在討論美國公共行政的各個方面時均融入了對憲法和行政法的討論。5.用一整章(第10章)的篇幅來闡述“公共行政與公眾”。6.本書的第2.5.6章從歷史的角度討論了公共行政運行體系的歷史發(fā)展。
戴維·羅森爾魯姆(David H.Rosenbloom),美國大學公共事務(wù)學院公共行政學資深教授。
Part I. Introduction: Definitions, Concepts, and Setting Chapter 1: The Practice and Discipline of Public Administration: Competing Concerns Chapter 2: The American Administrative State: Development and Political Environment Chapter 3: Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations: The Structure of the American Administrative State Part 2. Core Functions Chapter 4: Organization: Structure and Process Chapter 5: Public Personnel Administration and Collective Bargaining Chapter 6: Budgeting and Finance Chapter 7: Decision Making Part 3. The Convergence of Management, Politics and Law in the Public Sector Chapter 8: Policy Analysis and Implementation Evaluation Chapter 9: Regulatory Administration: An Illustration of Management, Politics and Law in the Public Sector Part 4. Public Administration and the Public Chapter 10: Public Administration and the Public Chapter 11: Public Administration and Democratic Constitutionalism Chapter 12: Accountability and Ethics Chapter 13: The Future Glossary Credits Index
第六版的特色是:1.經(jīng)過補充修訂,以反映最近的研究成果和行政改革活動。各個主題的材料都有所增加和補充。2.每一章的前面都新增了"學習目標"。3.對三種公共行政學視角——管理的(包括新公共管理或政府再造)、政治的和法律的——加以了平行的解釋。4.在討論美國公共行政的各個方面時均融入了對憲法和行政法的討論。5.用一整章(第10章)的篇幅來闡述"公共行政與公眾"。6.《公共行政學:管理、政治和法律的途徑》(第6版)的第2.5.6章從歷史的角度討論了公共行政運行體系的歷史發(fā)展。? The text has been updated to reflect the latest research. Material on various topics has been added or expanded, such as the Bush administration and the Department of Homeland Security, the effect of public employee unions and contractors as interest groups, Senior Executive Service Executive Core Qualifications, government contractors, the 2003 University of Michigan affirmative action cases, and the attacks of 9/11.? A brief list of Key Learning Objectives now begins each chapter.? The text explains and juxtaposes three perspectives of Public Administration: managerial (including New Public Management or Reinventing Government), political, and legal.? Constitutional and administrative law is integrated into the discussion of all aspects of U.S. Public Administration.? A complete chapter (10) addresses Public Administration and the public.? Historical treatment of the development of the operational systems of Public Administration is included in Chapters 2, 5, and 6.