
出版時間:2006-1  出版社:北京大學(xué)  作者:桑德拉  頁數(shù):467  


本書是《英語語境語法》系列之一,該套書通過語境學(xué)習(xí)英語的好教材。使用這套教材,學(xué)習(xí)者不僅可以熟練掌握英語語法,運用英語語言;而且還可以學(xué)習(xí)美國文化背景知識,在語境中學(xué)習(xí)英語,在語境中使用英語。幫助學(xué)習(xí)者學(xué)得更多,記住更多,更加有效地運用語言。    這套英語教材是教給學(xué)生通過語境學(xué)習(xí)英語語言。全書按照循序漸進原則安排語法點,講解后面的語法內(nèi)容都聯(lián)系和復(fù)習(xí)前面的語法內(nèi)容,使整個語法系統(tǒng)構(gòu)成一個有機的整體,讓學(xué)習(xí)者在語境中學(xué)習(xí)語法,以便學(xué)到更多東西,記住更多東西,更加有效地運用語言。全書教給學(xué)生進行口頭交流和書面交流所必需的語法知識。    本套書是由美國語言教學(xué)研究專家特為非英語母語的英語學(xué)習(xí)者編寫的“英語情景語法系列”(分為1、2、3級,共6冊)。最重要的特色是: 語法點融入有趣的閱讀材料,通過對情境主題的不斷練習(xí)講授語法,以促進學(xué)生的英語學(xué)習(xí)和認知發(fā)展。包含大量全新的閱讀材料,有關(guān)美國日常生活的實例,如簡歷寫作、處理遠程交易等,有利于學(xué)生獲得及擴展對美國文化和歷史的了解;涵蓋所有語法點的清晰的語法圖,便于學(xué)生快速查閱和掌握語法知識;大量更新的活動設(shè)計,討論、閱讀、作文以及創(chuàng)造性思維技巧訓(xùn)練,幫助全面提高學(xué)生的語言和交流技能。我們還提供注解版的教師用書,包含詳細的教學(xué)要點和建議;教師同時可獲贈含大量題庫的CD-ROM和教學(xué)指導(dǎo)錄像,更加方便教師組織測驗和教學(xué)。


Lesson 1  GRAMMAR The Present Perfect; The Present Perfect Continuous  CONTEXT Jobs    1.1 An Overview  READING Job Resume and Cover Letter    1.2 The Present Perfect Tense--Forms    1.3 The Past Participle    1.4 The Present Perfect--Contractions    1.5 The Present Perfect--Question Formation    1.6 Uses of the Present Perfect Tense--An Overview    1.7 The Present Perfect with Continuation from Past to Present    1.8 Negative Statements with Since, For, and In    1.9 The Present Perfect vs. the Simple Present  READING Where Have All the Jobs Gone?    1.10 The Present Perfect Continuous    1.11 The Present Perfect vs. the Simple Past    1.12 The Present Perfect with Repetition from Past to Present    1.13 The Present Perfect vs. the Simple Past with Repetition  READING The Occupational Outlook Handbook    1.14 The Present Perfect with Indefinite Past Time--An Overview    1.15 Questions with Ever    1.16 Yet, Already    1.17 Questions with Lately and Recently    1.18 The Present Perfect Continuous with Ongoing Activities    1.19 The Present Perfect with No Time Mentioned    1.20 The Present Perfect vs. the Present Perfect Continuous with No Time Mentioned  Summary of Lesson 1  Editing Advice  Lesson 1 Test/Review  Expansion ActivitiesLesson 2  GRAMMAR Passive Voice; Participles Used as Adjectives; Get + Participles and Adjectives  CONTEXT Hollywood    2.1 Passive Voice--An Overview READING The Oscars    2.2 The Passive Voice--Form    2.3 The Passive and Active Voice--Uses    2.4 The Passive Voice without an Agent    2.5 The Passive Voice with an Agent    2.6 Verbs with Two Objects READING The History of Animation    2.7 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs    2.8 The Passive with Get 2.9 Participles Used as Adjectives  READING Charlie Chaplin    2.10 Participles Used as Adjectives to Show Feelings    2.11 Other Past Participles Used as Adjectives READING Being Famous    2.12 Past Participles and Other Adjectives with Get  Summary of  Lesson 2Editing Advice  Lesson 2 Test/Review  Expansion Activities Lesson 3   GRAMMAR The Past Continuous; The Past Perfect; The Past Perfect Continuous; Comparison of Past Tenses  CONTEXT Disasters and Tragedies    3.1 Overview of Past Tenses  READING The Columbia Tragedy    3.2 The Past Continuous--Forms    3.3 The Past Continuous Tense--Uses    3.4 The Past Continuous or the Simple Past  READING The Titanic    3.5 The Past Perfect Tense--Forms    3.6 The Past Perfect--Use    3.7 When with the Simple Past or the Past Perfect    ……Lesson 4Lesson 5Lesson 6Lesson 7Lesson 8Lesson 9Lesson 10AppendicesIndexPhoto Gedits




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用戶評論 (總計2條)


  •   地道的英語對語法進行講解、剖析,比整天聽著中文的什麼“時態(tài)”、“從句”好多了!且配有有趣的文章
  •   這本書是和3A配成一套的,上面的字很大,感覺內(nèi)容還可以!??!

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