
出版時間:2006-1  出版社:北京大學出版社  作者:查爾斯·狄更斯  頁數(shù):112  


一位志向遠大的青年,因為其父親去世而一貧如洗。他的放高利貸的叔叔不但不肯伸手援助,反而趁人之危讓他到外地幫工,并利用他妹妹的美貌為自己牟利。他秉性正直,品格善良,為了幫助受虐待的學童又逃回倫敦。他幾經(jīng)磨難,與壞人斗爭,戳穿他叔叔的陰謀,終于獲得了成功,并與心愛的姑娘結(jié)婚。     世界名著,英語縮寫本。生詞有漢語注釋,句式變化也較少。但也反映了當代英語的語言特點,是在歐洲學多國家甚至英語國家暢銷的英語讀物。適合閱讀理解能力不是很強的中學生以及剛進大學的學生閱讀。


Charles Dickens was born in England in 1812.He was the second of eight sons in a poor family .Much of what he writes is a poor family .Much of what he writes is based on personal experience.When Dickens’father could not pay his bills,he was sent to p


1. Introduces the Nicklebys2. How Mr. Ralph Nickleby Likes Young Nicholas 3. Nicholas Meets the Yorkshire Schoolmaster4. Nicholas Travels to Dotheboys Hall5. Mr. and Mrs. Squeers at Home6. About the Squeers Family7. How Mr. Ralph Nickleby Takes Care of His Family8. Newman Noggs Shows Mrs. and Miss Nickleby Their New Home9. Someone Is Missing10. Nicholas Makes a Move11. Newman Noggs Meets Nicholas Again12. Follows the Fortunes of Miss Nickleby13. Nicholas Meets His Uncle Again14. Nicholas Seeks His Fortune15. Miss Nickleby Loses Her Job16. The Company of Mr. Vincent Crummles17. Miss Nickleby Becomes Desperate18. Nicholas Is Called Away from the Theater19. Relating to a Remarkable Conversation20. Nicholas Helps Kate21. Brighter Days Seem to Dawn on the Family22. Nicholas Falls in Love23. Mr. Ralph Nickleby and Nicholas Meet with Friends24. The Dangers Thicken and the Worst Is Told25. The End at Last




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  •   看過《讀者》介紹狄更斯,忽然很想再次閱讀一下他的作品。記起在中央6看過的一個電影,就決定買一本原著看看。沒想到是英文原版啊。好在孩子看到非常喜歡,還說英文不是很難。值得了!

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