出版時間:2006-11 出版社:北京大學 作者:克帕瑞克 頁數:136
《說得地道社交英語2(附光盤)》是一部關于英語會話學習的實用教材,全書從簡單而最為常見的社交活動開始,逐漸加大難度和范圍,涉及如何待人接物,如何與人溝通和商談,以及如何按照規(guī)范的禮儀處理迎來送往等事宜?!墩f得地道社交英語2(附光盤)》適合英語學習者參考學習?! 墩f得地道社交英語》就是一套專門為培養(yǎng)英語社交能力而設計的口語教材,編寫意圖與目的都是為了協(xié)助英語學習者培養(yǎng)在社交場合用英語進行交際的能力與技巧。目前,形形色色的英語教材汗牛充棟,各有千秋,《說得地道社交英語》的特色在于改變傳統(tǒng)的學習觀念,不再將英語視為概念化的文化符號來學習、理解與欣賞,而是著力培養(yǎng)學習者個人的實際英語社交能力。
IntroductionUNIT 1 I wouldnt...if I were you (Warnings)UNIT 2 In my view...(Expressing an opinion)UNIT 3 I couldnt agree more (Agreeing)UNIT 4 Dont be ridiculous! (Disagreeing)UNIT 5 Its my intention...(intentions)UNIT 6 Im not sure (Undecided)UNIT 7 I d like you to...(Orders)UNIT 8 You must...(Instructions)UNIT 9 Could you possibly ... (Requests I)UNIT I0 Could I have ...? (Requests 2)UNIT 11 Likes and dislikes (Likes and dislikes)UNIT 12 I d prefer to...(Expressing a preference)UNIT 13 How old are you? (Age)UNIT 14 What s the weather like? (Talking about the weather)UNIT 15 What time is it? (Telling the time)UNIT 16 What s the date? (Days and dates)TestsAnswers